26 January 2008

Donate to Lisa/She's SOL/New "Legal" Address: Sisters of the Road Cafe

Lisa writes:

Donate to Not a Good Queer

You can donate to Not a Good Queer at the The Shop, located on 25th and Belmont in Portland, Oregon. You can also email, Lisaiacuzzi@yahoo.com. I did not receive a penny from REACH CDC who offered 15,000 for me to move out of their hate building. Instead, I was falsely arrested and had to tell the judge that I would move out of my apartment to get out of jail. I use to think that I did not have to fund other activists, that they should get a job, what I did not understand that activist are really working for me.

My legal address is:Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi,Not a Good Queer133 NW 6th Ave,Portland, Oregon 97209

One man, one voice, can make a difference to all!


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