05 January 2008




After discovering and perusing the wonderful NOT A GOOD QUEER (OR ANYTHING ELSE) blog, one reviewer found herself so overcome by excitement, rapture, and supernal joy, that she could scarcely find language coherent enough to express her admiration and praise for NAGQ-OAE:

Direct Message to Residents at The Rose
Posted by Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi

Hello, lynching hate mob called http://notagoodqueer-oae.blogspot.com which is not to be confused with Notagoodqueer.blogspot.com.

Hoo there, in castle keep, you king singsong owls, who moonbeam the flickering runs and dive the dingle furred deer dead!

Huloo, on plumbed bryns, O my ruffled ring dove in the hooting, nearly dark, coo rooing the woods' praise, who moons her blue notes from her nest down to the curlew herd!

Ho, hullaballooing clan agape, with woe in your beaks, on the grabbing capes!
Heigh, on horseback hill, jack whisking hare

Ah, fewk it.

NAGQ wants to inform all of you who signed a document that was given to the police, that you soon will be charged with civil harassment and lying to the police.

OZ THE GWEAT AND TEWWIBLE has spoken. Brrrr – how scary! How exciting!

Well well folks you should be careful to what you sign. Since it was given to police, it is a felony to lie to the police. The authors of this document are Karen, Debra, Terry Sharpe, Bren, etc..

If, by “document”, Lisa means the letter to BOLI and REACH setting forth some of Ms. Iacuzzi's willful, malicious, and destructive antics, and signed by a majority of tenants, then the authors of that well-written missive were NOT Karen, Debra, Terry Sharpe, Bren, and Etc. If, by “document”, Lisa means the letter to the NAACP setting forth Lisa's hateful behaviour to African American residents, her use of racist epithets, her vandalisation of their personal property, such as that of an African American teacher and stroke victim who was a target of Lisa Iacuzzi's blatant racism, then the authors of that equally well-written missive weren't Karen, Debra, Terry Sharpe, Bren, or Etc, either.

You signers can say that you did not write this document

And it would be quite true, since ALL signatories naturally didn't write either letter. Whichever letter Lisa means. Whatever Lisa means. Given her impoverished English skills, it's usually hard to tell.

but you signed the document full of lies which makes you liable.

Pun not intended.

Now you have to prove to the police and the district attorney that you were forced to sign it.

Why one would have to – or even want to -- PROVE coercion in signing something one signed freely, willingly, and voluntarily, is a mystery which Lisa will probably not bother to clarify.

Believe me the tables are turning.

Believing Lisa Iacuzzi about anything requires too great a suspension of disbelief for most folks. But something's turning, all right, and it ain't no tables.

On the first page of the document, Glenda Meyers states, "that she went to Judge Kushman and asked for the stalking order trial to be moved up". This is the only statement in the whole document that has a paper trail. Well, it was NAGQ who went to Judge Kushman and asked for this request: not Glenda Meyers. This claim is easy to prove as a lie. So, you lied to the police: every single vowel and consonant, you are liable for.

Well, that's not in the letter to BOLI and REACH, which a majority of Rose residents signed, and it's not the letter to the NAACP either. If Lisa's alleged document has a paper trail, it's a pity she's so bad a writer she can't follow it as far as she can spit. Unless, of course, she's making it up, so that her threats won't sound like the hot air they really are.

Payback is a good thing!

Payback's a bitch, actually. The evil aliens of Independence Day knew it. Lisa should know it, too, especially after the recent 29-day vacation she earned herself in the Multnomah County jail – in the psychiatric ward, yet.

I do not want to hear your whining and suffering that you were lied to by Bren Athens or Jackie in room 208. Why did you not ask me if these allegations were true?

Asking Lisa Iacuzzi for truth is like asking Mamoud Abbas for a donation to the UJA. And who, except Lisa, is whining?

No you did Portland like behavior and behaved passive-aggressively and just believed lies. You own behavior is going to hurt you.

Nowhere near as much as Lisa's antics have hurt her. But maybe she's already forgotten how her deliberate, willful, and malicious antics earned her a 29-day sojourn in the jail's psycho ward.

It would be interesting to hear why, exactly, the shrinks didn't want to release Lisa, even after 29 days. It would be almost as interesting to learn the details of Lisa's “inappropriate behaviour” which caused her termination as a teacher's aide. Plying a minor with drugs and alcohol, as she did her underaged friend “Nicole” last April, can probably be ruled out here.

Isn't it odd how Lisa keeps spewing accusations of falsehood, yet never, EVER comes up with a few facts in opposition to those “lies” she keeps alleging?

Hey Reach CDC, this should put Glenda Meyers on an eviction path who was already given a cause of termination when she sicked her dogs after me named Terry Sharpe, Jackie, Bren Ahtnes, and Maria Leal.

Glenda's already been evicted, so to speak, from her former apartment next to her noisy, abusive, and inconsiderate neighbour NAGQ. And Glenda is enjoying it.

These tenants are threatening other tenants in the building not to help my wittiness's

Help Lisa's wittiness? How can one help wittiness in one who lacks it?

who need help with housework and g groceries and who are legally disabled are being threatened. Shame on you. These tasks NAGQ would do for them

Balgs-daddja. The tasks Lisa performed at The Rose were generally confined to eating meals cooked for her by tenants who felt sorry for her (until they wised up to her sob stories), smoking pot, and going door to door begging for cigarettes and money. Other Iacuzzi tasks involved making a monstrous nuisance of herself, and threatening tenants with physical harm.

and is no longer allowed in the building without police escort. My wittiness's have been physical threatened

Again, how can one threaten wittiness, physically or otherwise, where it is lacking?

and intimated

SP - “intimidated” is probably what Lisa means.

by Bren Athens and Jackie(room 208) who both have said to my witnesses, "you have to live in the building".

“My witnesses” -- the possessive sounds rather odd, but then, Lisa is VERY possessive, especially of the possessions of others. And "you have to live in the building" doesn't make it as a threat, when set beside Lisa's threats to cut off tenants' legs, and: “Join me or suffer!” and “Support me or suffer!” and “Join me and together we will rule the Galaxy!” Well, maybe Lisa didn't say that, but she wrote to Jill Riddle of HAP that “I am going to own 988 Reach units.”

This hate mob behaves like a gang which is not socially acceptable in a building that is suppose to deal with domestic violence victim's.

That's not what The Rose is about. And the above apostrophe is not necessary.

These domestic violence victims are still experiencing domestic violence by a few residents who call themselves an organized tenant association.

Oh, so now it's an “organized tenant association”? What happened to the “bible-thumping African American gang”? Considering Lisa's racist hate language to African American ladies, “hate mob” is pretty funny, coming as it does from a racist. Either way, the restraining order taken out by Lisa Iacuzzi's former partner shows that she is a perpetrator of domestic violence, not a victim of it, and her bullying behaviour made residents feel as if they were being subjected to more of the same, and triggered several episodes of post-traumatic stress disorder.

They are not a tenant organization because they do everything behind closed doors and decide who they will accept in the building or not. This includes staff people like Kim Matic, a former Transition Projects case manager, who was falsely accused or erroneous behavior by the lynching mob. Kim Matic was just trying to hold these people accountable and it cost her job.

“Trying to hold people accountable” does not normally cost a case manager her job; chronic tardiness, unexcused absences, and dismal job performance are causes for termination, and complaints of the same did not derive solely from Rose clients. Had Ms. Mattic actually attempted to “hold people responsible”, Lisa Iacuzzi would have screamed the loudest for her resignation. What probably has Lisa still disgruntled is the loss of a reliable source for her schnorring forays. Naturally, she puts it down to some sort of conspiracy. It will be recalled that prior to her latest redaction, Lisa blamed the conspiracy of a bible-thumping, drug dealing African American gang, led by a gay woman.

Lisa dwells richly on her imaginary conspiracies. If she weren't too lazy to write them down – or get somebody to write them, so they'd be intelligible -- she would have quite a compilation. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of The Rose, she could call it, or something like that. Mein Kampf, anyone?

You all that signed the document will be charged with civil harassment and lying to the police.

Gee, we're very frightened. After dinner, we may faint.

I do not feel sorry for a single one of you.

ESPECIALLY the African American and gay women who have been Lisa's favourite targets for her bullying. But of course, Lisa feels sorry for nobody but herself.

Still I Rise

[snip a Maya Angelou poem – most inappropriate in view of Lisa's hostile attitude and behaviour toward African Americans.]

Given Lisa's megalomania – which is not to be confused with her monomania – a more appropriate close would be:

I am exalted,
Great upon earth!
Let all praise me--
This hunt was mine!

That's more Lisa's speed. Of course, it's futile to expect her to heed the tag that:

The gods have many faces,
And many fates fulfill,
To work their will.
The end expected comes not;
God brings the unexpected to be.....

Like 29 days in the jail psycho ward. For Rose residents, a visit from St Nicholas, with a shawl of peace over this Christmas, and a wool-white bell-tongued ball of holidays resting at the rim of the carol-singing sea.

I do not apologize for anything!

Je péterai toujours plus haut que mon cul! ought to be Lisa's sig tag. Alas, Lisa somehow managed to evade that demonstrable fluency in a foreign language (not to mention standard English), which is sine qua non for the MA she claims to have earned, so scratch that.

Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi MA @ PSU Not a Good Queer

A better sig: La Duchesa, after Lisa's fellow fascistic megalomaniac, Il Duce Musso. La Povera Lisa works OK, too. So does Madam Poskudnika -- or M'sieur Poskudnyok, as Lisa prefers.

Je péterai toujours plus haut que mon cul!
La Povera Duchesa Lisa Poskudnika, M[ajor] A[sswipe]
Not a Good Queer (Or Anything Else)

It plays.

Finis, pro tem.

Now take your Haldol, Lisa, old gel.


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