05 January 2008

Dept. of Sears Energizer Pscyho Bunnies


Portland Police's "Good" and "Bad" Cop
Posted by Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi

The problem is, it only takes one bad cop to put you in jail. This photo was taken when tenant in room 207, Laura Fornillee called the police about and attempted assault of a women named Terry Elaine Sharpe, Glenda Meyers, and Theresa. Of course, the Rose tenants also called the police which is why things became so wrong so fast. Terry Sharpe and others were never charged on that September day.

Mainly because nothing of the sort ever happened.

It is no secret that Glenda Jean Meyers convicted drug dealer

That conviction certainly is secret. It's so secret that not even Glenda knows about it. In fact, so secret is this alleged drug deal conviction that there's no record of it anywhere – outside the fertilizer factory in Liza Iacuzzi's head. And that over-productive factory is, of course, one of the real problems.

who was able to sob on the shoulder of the "bad" cop above. He helped her with information about me so she could obtain a stalking order on me in which NAGQ lived only two feet from her door.

No cop helped Glenda obtain a stalking order. No cops helped the two men who previously filed for stalking orders against Lisa “Lee” Iacuzzi, or helped Iacuzzi's former partner obtain a restraining order against her, either.

Was Glenda's Friend!

Was Never Anyone's Friend!

NAGQ was very helpful to this women neighbor for months by taking care of her when she was sick and when she hurt her back.

This story might be nice, were it other than a story. How many “women neighbor” are there whom Lisa helped? Nowhere near as many as helped Lisa out, cooking meals for her when she whined of having no food, providing her with cigarettes and money when she went door to door, schnorring for both, sitting and listening to her long sad stories while she smoked all their cigarettes and never paid them back.

Also NAGQ listened to her whole life story including the impending death of her sister who had cancer.

Lisa never listened to ANYONE'S “whole life story”. As the object of her own life, she has never had as much interest in listening to anyone as she has in relating the saga of her life. One of the sagas of her life. She changes them frequently, depending on the listener.

NAGQ lived peacefully with this women

NAQG lived “peacefully” with very few women. Mostly she bullies women and harasses them, particularly gay women and African American women. In fact, her chief targets after African American women are gay women.

until she became the new drug dealer in the building. The old drug dealer named Kim Swegeringer,retired from the position, was in the hospital so Glenda took over her new job responsibilities which included taking Oregon food cards and turning them into cash for residents to buy drugs.

Whoa! Ole Lisa is confusing her stories again. As we know, it wasn't Kimberly whom Lisa accused of being the building's resident drug-dealer-in-chief; that honour went to – drum roll – African American women. As Lisa screamed in the face of one African American resident: “All you nigger bitches do drugs!” In front of the lady's nine-year old granddaughter, yet.

As for "taking Oregon food cards and turning them into cash for residents to buy drgus" -- we all know who it was whom Lisa previously crowned with that honour. Yup, a lady who was, and remains, a great friend to a number of Rose tenants, and who happens to be gay. In Lisa's previous redaction, the lady was aided, of course, by the bible-thumping drug-dealing (slightly over-the-hill) African American Gang

Lisa has a real thing against African Americans. From her behaviour toward gay women at The Rose, she seems to hate them almost as much.

Their is

SP - “There are”

about twenty-people involved in this fraud of food stamps who gave thier name

SP - “their names”

to me when they wrote a 8 page document full of false documentation to the police, Portland's Housing authority, Reach CDC, and child protective services.

Does Lisa EVER bother to read anything she pretends to rail against? Or does she just spew whatever happens to be churning in that fertilizer factory between her ears? It's clear she's taken to heart Hitler's maxim about repeating one's lies until they are believed. In Lisa's case, however, she can't seem to keep her lies straight.

What, exactly, is this “8 page document full of false documentation[sic] which Lisa is slavering over? Is it the letter (four and a half pages) to BOLI and REACH, which set forth a few of Lisa's outstandingly violent antics, and which was signed by over half the residents? That letter was copied to – among others – the two officers most nearly concerned with this building whenever Lisa's antics required police assistance. If Lisa believes it's “full of false documentation” -- whatever that means – she should provide some facts in opposition thereto. But of course, she can't do that, because she has no facts, and the lack shows.

But maybe Lisa means the letter to the local branch of the NAACP, setting forth her racist hate speech against African American residents?

Not to mention a website dedicated to hate of NAGQ which is filled with homophobia.

Well, we all know what Lisa means by “website” here! (Elsewhere, she expresses her foaming admiration and praise for that “website” in the most fulsome terms.) But whatever Lisa means by “hate” and “homophobia”, it's pretty funny. After all, Lisa's chief targets for her bullying antics were, after African Americans, gay women, whom Lisa harassed, threatened with physical suffering, and on occasion physically assaulted.

If there's any homophobia on this blog, let Lisa point it out. Of course, if there were, the gay women who've read it would have pointed it out, by now, and requested its removal. But they find it amusing. Perhaps these gay women are rabidly homophobic?

So the bad cop made sure he arrested me eventhough NAGQ was able to get a contact order on Glenda Meyers.

more nuggets from the Iacuzzi fertilizer factory.

As a matter of fact, Lisa Iacuzzi obtained a temporary stalking order against Glenda Myers two days before she was required to appear in court on Glenda's original stalking order. At the same time, Lisa obtained a second temporary stalking order against Terry Sharp, based largely on imaginary – and quite laughable – incidents which happened only in the spaces between Lisa's ears.

One funny accusation was how one resident – in Lisa's later redaction, two – stood outside Lisa's second-storey window and watched while Lisa masturbated. In court, Lisa kept insisting to the judge that the window, and her apartment, were UNDER the table in the garden.

How the judge provided this contact order in the first place is another story

One can bet it's “another story”, and one should be grateful Lisa hasn't chosen to lob more nuggets from the factory. Although that may be due to appear shortly, given Lisa's love for conspiracy scenarios – with herself as the star, director, producer, crew, plus an imaginary cast of thousands.

and an example of misuse of the legal system that is suppose to protect people which was used to harass NAGQ.

Translation: If Lisa misuses the legal system to continue her willful, deliberate, and malicious harassment of others, it's GOOD. If Lisa misuses the legal system to file phony complaints whose sole purpose is to fill her personal exchequer, it's GOOD. If people turn to the legal system to defend themselves against Lisa's bullying, it's BAD.

Glenda called the police for violating the contact order at least 8 times which included passing me in the building while NAGQ was eating spaghetti. To say it was abusive would be an understatement.

So, passing somebody who's eating spaghetti is WORSE than abusive? Do tell. Is it as bad as knocking on an African American stroke victim's door, saying, "Nigger! Nigger! Nigger!" then running away? As bad as rampaging up and down halls screaming, "Niggers!" "Tweakers!" and "Fuck you all!"? or parading outside a building singing, "Come and get me, bitches! The roof's on fire! Come and get me, bitches! The roof's on fire!"? How about threatening to cut off people's legs for telling the truth? As bad as all that? Worse?

It's a shame Lisa's written English is so poor it renders her incapable of producing a coherent thought on paper (or in cyberspace). This leads one to wonder: with such poor English skills, written and spoken, however did Lisa manage to earn the MA she claims to have earned?

The good cop above was smart enough to know that even the lynch mob of a twenty was as he would say, "the majority is not always right".

Huh? Did somebody get paid twenty?

He understood what was happening but this message did not get to the whole department. NAGQ gave the southeast precinct a copy of a BOLI complaint that included a statement from the state of Oregon that NAGQ was living in a "hostile environment".

If Lisa actually received that alleged statement, what are the odds she would have given it a priority spot on her blog? It must be due to an extraordinary oversight on her part. Or maybe she was just so excited by seeing NAGQ-OAE that she was temporarily overwhelmed with admiration and joy.

NAGQ also provided two letters from other tenants citing a homophobic gang like of behavior of tenats that included them making up false incidents.

What a sad, sad statement. And not just because it's more of Lisa's incoherent English. It's sad. Out of all the tenants in the building, out of all the tenants who signed the letter setting forth the facts of Lisa's hateful antics, all the support Lisa could muster was two people. And probably the one doesn't know Lisa very well, and what are the odds that the other is one who spends an inordinate amount of time on the vilest of Jew-hating sites on the net? Dygystudd deurudd dagrau; wylaf wers, tawaf wedi. It's sad. Naturally, Lisa doesn't get the implications.

NAGQ also called Community Policing around 12 times but still could not get any help even though I was able to speak to officer Picket and had spoken to officer Fulitano.

If Lisa bothered to read the letter she's whinging about -- if that letter is what Lisa's whinging about -- she might have noted the name of one of the two officers to whom it was copied. But who knows what she's whinging about? Maybe she's sad because she knows that the only time she writes as well as the contributors to this blog is when she's copying the writings of someone else.

On Friday November 9at approximately at 9am, NAGQ called the police for Glenda Meyers bumping and telling me to fuck off. Dispatch said that it could not come out to help due to two residents having a stalking order in the same building was not enforceable.

Or else, by then, the police were as heartily sick of Lisa's antics as residents were. And, too, they may have sensed that this “incident” was another of those which are undetectable to any entity not residing within the narrow confines of Lisa's head.

I called the police again about tenant Bren Athens attempted assault.

Was this the “Bren Athens attempted assault” when Lisa struck Bren, as caught on the lobby security cams? Or when Lisa tried to hit Bren? Or when Lisa crammed her cell into Bren's face, and Bren pushed it aside?

The bad cop came out and even though he was showed a video of my attack, he still did not press charges.

Cops don't “press charges”; victims press charges. And Lisa's cell phone “videos” are as informative as an Andy Warhol epic showing a fly crawling across a man's nose.

On his way out of the building, I did see him talk to Glenda Meyers where he told her to call him personally to arrest NAGQ of violation of stalking order. I video taped him that has the date and the time on the camera, I knew that he, the bad cop, was after me and it was only a matter of time when this was going to happen.

Translation: Lisa reinvents the past, so that her self-destructive antics won't seem as stupid as they were.

After Glenda made over eight phone calls to the police and dealing with the police at least five times trying to arrest me over a one month period of time, I showed officer Lowry my camera which showed the harassment of Glenda. This still did not help.

Gee, imagine that.

I carried the camera to protect me from false accusations and video taped lots of harassment in which officer Lowry and his partner, the bad cop, would not charge any resident with harassment including the day of my arrest.

Lisa carries her cell for the express purpose of shoving it into people's faces, against their expressed wishes, in order to harass and provoke them. The reason her cell videos fall down as propaganda is the narration. The tale is in the telling. Lisa needs to study Goebbels' propaganda films, like the one showing a herd of rats; it's very simple. Here's a herd of rats. “Ah,” the audience thinks, “a herd of rats.” But nein! “This is what Jews are like,” the narrator says. “Ah,” the audience thinks, “Jews are rats.”

It's such simple propaganda, even Lisa Iacuzzi could do it.

Lisa's version would probably show a herd of rats. “Ah,” the audience thinks, “a herd of rats.” Nein! “This is the bible-thumping drug-dealing African American gang at The Rose who has fomented a conspiracy against me,” Lisa intones. “Ah,” the audience thinks. “Lisa Iacuzzi is a racist ass.”

On November 12th at approximately 9am, Glenda Meyers called the police again when I told her to walk in the opposite direction when she approached me.

As if.

When the police came,I told Lowry, please arrest me, I am tired of this whole thing, please.....

Yeah, right. Lisa is tired of the whole thing, so she resists arrest, to the point of forcing the arresting officers to shackle her, and gag her for spitting on them. Oh, pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

I tried to give my camera which had my evidence to another tenant. He would not allow this is when he threw my face against the wall and handcuffed.

Oh, my! He threw Lisa's face against the wall? Heavens to Mergatroid!

As he was handcuffing, another officer walked from behind and pulled my finger back as he was pressing my knuckle. I screamed that he was hurting me but he kept on squeezing.

That's usually what happens when one starts kicking and screaming and cussing and spitting on officers when one is being arrested.

I screamed about my dog being locked in my room to a Reach employee who witnessed the whole police attack on the front steps at the Rose.

More than one person witnessed Lisa's arrest. The manly Lisa was quite the hysterical girl.

When I was brought downtown after a hellish car ride where Lowry and the bad cop ensighted degrading marks in the car ride.

Huh? Somehow, ensighting degrading marks in the car ride sounds like they lit up some joysticks.

The boys said that I was just after money and that I made them sick because this was all about money. No sorry.

Yeah, well, we all know Lisa is “no sorry” for anything. But it's true that since she was fired for inappropriate behaviour from her job as a teacher's aide, Lisa has netted a series of tidy incomes by filing ridiculous charges, or threatening to file ridiculous charges, against organizations; schools, domestic violence shelters, shelters for the homeless, even against the dv shelter where she apparently lived after her partner got a restraining order against her. Evidently she finds it easier than working.

I Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi have proven through the law of Oregon that bigendered and transgendered people are allowed in male and female "only places.

Lisa has proven nothing beyond the fact that she is a mentally and emotionally disturbed woman, and that to know her very well is to want to avoid her in the future.

I was brought into checking. It is here where officer Tracey Owens grabbed my breast during the not so routine body search. I flinched and they lifted my body up on a table using my handcuffs behind my back.

That's what usually happens when one goes on resisting arrest, if it can be called “resisting arrest” after one has landed oneself in jail, and is stupid enough to continue trying to hit, kick, and spit on jail personnel, as Lisa apparently did.

Then another guard pulled my wrists and fingers until I squelled like a pig, "please stop, I will be good".

It's extraordinarily easy to imagine Lisa squealing like a pig. Squealing like a pig is one of the things cowardly bullies do when they find themselves on the receiving end of even a little of what they have inflicted on others.

Then the lifted my body and put me in a cell with my entire weight on my collar bone and crossing my legs in midair.

It's a miracle the collar bone with Lisa's entire weight on it. Getting a human body into the extraordinarily acrobatic position Lisa describes must have been another miracle.

Then officer Jameson, who was written about in a recent tribune article, refused my phone call for 6 hours. Of course my bruising earned me time in hole which could hide my facial and hand bruising from Police officer Lowry and collar bone injury from Deputy Tracy Owens. I was let out of my cell 15 minutes per day with no window.

You don't get thrown into solitary because you're bruised. Your violent behaviour is what lands you there, as Lisa's behaviour landed her in the jail's psychiatric ward for 29 days.

Guess, what, I am out.

Out of jail, perhaps. Out of the psycho ward in the jail, perhaps. But she's not out of her personal prison of virulent self-hatred where she buried herself deep and keeps herself shackled.

The guards asked me what I was going to do when I got out? I told them that I am going to sue the Sheriff, Police, and Reach CDC! Please keep laughing, I am enjoying being the underdog!

O wad some Power the giftie gie her,
to see hersel as ithers see her!
It wad frae mony a blunder free her,
an' foolish notion.

The state of Oregon with the Beaure of Labor, has found in favor of Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi, Not a good queer, that gender discrimination occurred and is still occurring at Reach CDC and that it is a hostile environment.

Load of balls. If that were true, Lisa would have trumpeted it on her silly blog. All she's posted is a copy of her complaint, and a letter from the investigator requesting her to amend her complaint, which means nothing.

Presumably, the $1,000,000 Lisa was drooling over extorting from REACH is not in her immediate future either.

I plan on filing a retaliation claim against Reach CDC, who provided false evidence for Glenda Meyers "stalking order" which resulted in 29 days in jail.

In this instance, the stalking order is immaterial. La Povera can't get it through her thick skull that it was her own demented behaviour, resisting arrest, spitting on the cops, attempting to assault jail personnel, shrieking and screaming and generally carrying on like the loon she is, which earned her 29 days in the jail psycho ward. No mere stalking order will do that. And the stalking order had nothing to do with the shrinks' reluctance to release Lisa from the psycho ward, either.

I am angry and I will hold all those accountable for my abuse

It's a given that Lisa will never look where she can find those most accountable for her “abuse” - her mirror. Certainly she will never take that person into account.

which includes my companion dog being in a locked room for 24 hours without food or water.

A friend's dog, actually. Whose fault was that? As it happened, however, the dog was NOT “without food or water” for 24 hours. Enough residents were concerned enough to ensure that the innocent animal did not suffer needlessly merely because it had the misfortune to be attached to a confirmed poskudnika.

I do not apologize for anything!

Je péterai toujours plus haut que mon cul! ought to be Lisa's sig tag. Alas, Lisa somehow managed to evade that demonstrable fluency in a foreign language (not to mention standard English) which is sine qua non for the MA she claims to have earned, scratch that.

Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi MA @ PSU Not a Good Queer

A better sig: La Duchesa, after Lisa's fellow fascistic megalomaniac, Il Duce Musso. La Povera Lisa works OK, too. So does Madam Poskudnika. Or M'sieur Poskudnyok, as Lisa prefers.

Je péterai toujours plus haut que mon cul!
La Povera Lisa Poskudnika, M[ajor] A[sswipe]
Not a Good Queer (Or Anything Else)

Finis, pro tem.

Now take your Haldol, Lisa, old gel.

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