24 January 2008


Make that Lisa's Amended Complaint. The investigator handling the case required Lisa to amend her complaint, in order to “correct inaccuracies”. So, Lisa “corrected” her previous inaccuracies as follows:

Dan Gardner, Commissioner
Civil Rights Division Complaint of Unlawful Practice


COMPLAINANT: Case #: PTHOSO070702-10998

Lee/Lisa Iacuzzi
631 S.E. Taylor
Portland, OR 97214
Phone #: 503-756-9734

Attorney: David Lawrence
Phone #: 503-577-7260

[NOTE: Lisa lined out the attorney name
and phone number, and replaced them
with “Pro Se”]

Reach CDDC
1136 S.E. Salmon St.
Portland, OR 97214
Phone #: 503-455-4304

County: MLT # of Employees: 50+ Phone #:

Attorney: Mark McGranaghan

Portland Ordinances 23.01.060(B), 23.01.070 (B) and Multnomah County Ordinances 15.344(B), 15.345 (B)

I, Lee/Lisa Iacuzzi, being first duly sworn, do depose and say as follows:

1. Respondent is a Non-Profit organization which runs a housing complex called “The Rose” which is an apartment complex that provides homes to female victims of domestic violence.


The Rose is an apartment building for low income women, some of whom pay rent, others who pay partial rent, and others, like Lisa Iacuzzi, who are provided with free housing paid for through HAP. Some, but not all, residents have been victims of domestic violence. At least one, Lisa Iacuzzi, is on record as a perpetrator of domestic violence.

2. I am transgendered in that I am a biological female with a male gender identity. I identify as bi-gendered.


The definition of “bigendered” is bogus. There is no current accepted definition. Nearly everyone who met Lisa at The Rose were subjected almost immediately to her opinion of herself as “a man in a woman's body”, and, further, how the “heterosexocracy” dominates America and discriminates against men in women's bodies.

A former resident also identified herself as male. That resident is taking the necessary steps to change into a biological male. Moreover, another residents is a close relative of an actual “transgendered” person – one whom Lisa pretends she knows, but does not. – Neither were subjected by Rose residents to the “gender discrimination” and “hostile environment” which Lisa claims affected her.

3. In/about August, 2006 I applied for and was accepted as a tenant at The Rose. Respondent advised me that I was number 13 on its waiting list.
4. On November 29, 2006 I visited The Rose to inquire about the status of my place on the waiting list. The resident manager, Jamie Barton, told me that I was still number 13. Ms. Barton also told me Respondent did not accept men as tenants in the building and asked me why I had bothered to even apply. Ms. Barton then slammed her door in my face.
5. When I reported this incident to Respondent director Rachel Huber I was told that I had moved up to number 5 on the waiting list.
6. On/about March 20, 2007, I signed the rental contract in Ms. Barton's office. When I inquired about their nondiscriminatory policies, Ms. Barton responded, “We do not accept men in the building.”


Lisa has given several differing versions of the foregoing, adding mysterious claims of “paper trails” and phone calls to the YWCA and other agencies. The statement of Jamie Barton, The Rose's former manager, whom Lisa drove from her job, that “We do not accept men in the building,” is true. The Rose is a residence for women only. If Lisa, “a biological female”, was uncomfortable with this, she should have declined her free tenancy. The former mentioned above, who is in the process of effecting a real transgendering -- as opposed to an imaginary one – moved out of the building on her own volition. S/he remains friends with a number of tenants.

7. On March 20, 2007, I moved into The Rose apartments. My assigned room was filthy. The room had a wooden frame bed with a mattress that was not useable. Ms. Barton had just discussed with me how
my room had had a bed-bug outbreak and that bed-bugs live in wooden bed frames. All the other tenants are given a metal bed frame and a mattress with a plastic wrap.


According to Lisa's previous accounts, she signed the lease on 26th March and moved in subsequently thereto. Rooms are thoroughly cleaned prior to tenant occupancy, some of them recarpeted and repainted, as mandated by Oregon law. The “bed-bug outbreak” occurred on the other side of the building long before Lisa moved in. Lisa's statement that “all the other tenants” are given metal bed frames and plastic-wrapped mattresses is false.

8. Shortly after I moved in, Respondent began treating me differently and subjecting me to a hostile environment based on my gender identity.


Immediately Lisa moved in, she demanded different treatment based upon her alleged “gender identity”. The “hostile environment” she created herself with her demands for special treatment, her self-aggrandizing falsehoods, and her hostile and aggressive behaviour. In fact, tenants were cooking meals for Lisa, and providing her with money and cigarettes whenever she came round begging for them.

The incidents included, but were not limited to:
a) On March 29, 2007, I received a “Notice for Cause of Termination” of my lease because I had a male friend stay beyond visiting hours in order to deliver a mattress, as the one provided for me was not useable. I noticed that other tenants had male guests stay beyond visiting hours, but they did not receive notices.


Tenants caught violating the rule against overnight guests, as Lisa did before her first week was out, all receive Notices for Cause of Termination. Because Lisa didn't notice tenants receiving such notices does not, of course, mean that they received no notices. When the violation occurs repeatedly, the tenant is evicted, as happened in the recent past.

b) On April 23, 2007, I drank alcohol with another tenant in the common kitchen area. I
received another Notice for Cause of Termination, but the tenant I drank with did not.


The above date was a Wednesday. Lisa's vodka drinking occurred the previous weekend. The tenant who was one of her drinking partners did, in fact, receive a Notice for Cause of Termination. Lisa's other drinking partner was her 17-year-old female friend, Nicole, whom Lisa allowed to stay over for several nights, in violation of the rule against overnight guests – as well as in violation of building rules against consuming alcohol on the premises, and of State and Federal laws against providing alcohol to minors. Lisa later dubbed her friend as her “mentorship student”. What mentorship program allows the provision of alcohol and controlled substances to minors is anyone's guess.

c) On April 30, 2007, I witnessed a tenant complain to Ms Barton that I identified as a male and Ms Barton responded that I was not allowed to do so.


If Lisa were honest, which she isn't, “I witnessed” would have read “I eavesdropped while a tenant complained”. Lisa omits the facts that several tenants complained to the manager about Lisa's incessant harping on her “gender identity” and the “heterosexocracy” running America and discriminating against her. It's doubtful that Jamie responded that Lisa “was not allowed to do so”. To tenants who mentioned Lisa's views as to her “gender”, Jamie responded that Lisa was perfectly free to express her opinions.

d) Respondent allowed the other tenants to subject me to a continuous pattern of name calling, threats of physical harm, intimidation and false accusations. Respondent failed to investigate my complaints or take effective action to stop the conduct. Presently, the conduct continues.


It was, in fact, Lisa Iacuzzi who subjected tenants to “name calling” -- particularly African American tenants – threats of physical harm, as well as physical assault, and false accusations. Over several months, Lisa repeatedly accused African American tenants of welfare fraud, aided and abetted by Lee Greer of Portland Impact. Ms. Greer was forced to resign her position, due to Lisa's ongoing harassment, as was Jamie Barton. Lisa further accused African American tenants of buying and selling illegal drugs – the purposes of the alleged welfare fraud -- including a handicapped African American teacher, who does not receive food stamps—as well as of receiving free cable TV. Lisa sabotaged the same African American teacher's cable, and later boasted of her sabotage. Lisa's stated reason was that the said tenant was receiving “free cable TV”, as was another African American tenant, who does not receive cable TV, free or otherwise. In fact, Ms. Iacuzzi's sabotage – which cost the tenant $60 to repair – was due to the fact that Ms. Iacuzzi appeared at her door one night and demanded to watch “The Sopranos.” The tenant, to whom Ms. Iacuzzi was a stranger, quite naturally refused to let her in. Ms. Iacuzzi subsequently banged on the tenant's door, called her racist epithets, then later sabotaged her cable TV, as well as her plants in the common garden area.

Lisa freely admitted her sabotage to other tenants, stating that she had “taken the panel off of the cable box while the security guard was downstairs in the lobby, and I cut their cable cords with a knife.” Lisa also bragged that she took the “cable and wore it around my neck like a necklace when I went into the computer room. I had fun taunting everyone with it, and I loved watching everyone’s reactions as they ran out of the computer room. I guess I scared them!”

Lisa also admitted to “messing with the lock on the community kitchen door.” She stated she did this because “several tenants in the building threatened to beat me up.” When pressed for the identities of those tenants, she failed to mention names. “I put some stuff in the lock because nobody would let me in the kitchen.” She then claimed that: “After I put the stuff in the lock, I took it back out afterwards.”

Lisa stated to tenants that someone at REACH “offered me $10,000 if I said I wouldn’t sue them.” She then laughed and said: “That isn’t enough for a European vacation. I want $1,000,000 from them.” This meshes with Ms. Iacuzzi's defacement of the front steps of The Rose, where she wrote: “$1,000,000 Reach CDC.” Ms Iacuzzi urged tenants to contact Kerry Johnson at BOLI and tell him they would back her complaint that she was “being harassed by and threatened” by “Reach employees and some of the tenants in the building due to being transgendered.” She stated “There would be more than enough money for a European vacation if we all sued and won.”

Around the same time in mid-October, Ms. Iacuzzi harassed and threatened a tenant and that tenant's guest, then physically assaulted the guest several times. Later, she threatened to push that guest down the staairs and “break his neck.” She also called the security guard, Roy of Metro Watch, several filthy names. Later she boasted of having gotten Roy fired.

Lisa's statement that REACH managed “failed to investigate my complaints or take effective action to stop the conduct”is patently false. Most of her “complaints” were based merely on her unique and extremely subjective perceptions, and eventually boiled down to Lisa's word against those of tenants and other witnesses.

Lisa's statement that “the conduct continues” is valid only when applied to her conduct. Two days after her release from jail, attempted to assault a tenant whom she believed a signatory to accounts detailing her actions. Lisa's attempted assault was forestalled due to the presence of that tenant's brother and former husband.

9. I believe that Respondent discriminated against me on the basis of my gender identity in that I am treated differently and subjected to a hostile environment.


If Lisa was, as she claims, “treated differently” and “subjected to a hostile environment,” it was not due to any “gender identity”claims, but rather that, from the inception of her tenancy, Lisa demanded to be treated differently, and in the course of her tenancy, she herself created that “hostile environment” from which she is now attempting to profit.

It's difficult to see why Lisa was never charged with for providing alcohol and marijuana to a minor – her so-called “mentorship student” -- or for her racist hate speech and attacks on African American and gay women. Lisa's violent behavior is attested by her record while incarcerated in the Multnomah County jail psychiatric ward.

I swear (or affirm) that I know and understand this complaint and that it is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
L Iacuzzi Not a Good Queer


Now there's a sig to inspire trust and confidence.

As many have been made aware, “the best” of Lisa's “knowledge and information” is woefully less than adequate. As for her beliefs, those are best left to the shrinks at the jail psycho ward where she spent the better part of a month for her violent behaviour toward jail personnel and inmates.

Lisa Iacuzzi pète toujours plus haut que sa cul.


Anonymous said...

Oh how I love this blog!

Why is Lee/Lisa not in jail yet? Why do her supporters ignore her rather colorful criminal record and many restraining orders? Why does bat shit crazy not speak for itself?

I write as a member of an entirely different group of people that Lee/Lisa has harassed, intimidated, and injured. This site is like a reunion! I love it! Perhaps when we gain the momentum that our “lynch mob” seems entirely capable of, we can swap stories and maybe put Lee/Lisa in the pokey long enough until he/she gets the help that he/she so desperately needs.

Another delicious tidbit you've yet to stumble upon...Lee/Lisa befriended a disabled person last year and "borrowed" that individual’s car. Unfortunately Lisa/Lee doesn't understand that the concept of "borrowing" includes returning the item in question. Lee/Lisa generally comports himself/herself as a raging a-hole, but this incidence was particularly egregious.

But isn’t it fun to learn more about Lee/Lisa? Your turn!

Anonymous said...

I just want to advise you of something. Before you go trying to tear someone's statement apart, you should know what you're talking about.

You're confusing "transgender" with "transexual." Transgender people do not "transgender" into another anatomical sex. The only thing that "transforms" is the display of their gender. They do not need to wish for a biological sex change to be transgender - that, in fact, is transexuality.