24 January 2008

Lisa Pinballs on her 12th November Arrest (and other rants)

On Wednesday, January 9, Lisa wrote

Warning to NAGQ: Do not go back!
NAGQ is currently couch surfing. NAGQ had to say to the Judge, that NAGQ would move to get out of jail. Also, NAGQ is innocent of charges of violation of a stalking order.

In Lisa's unique version of events, anyway.

But, cannot get too detailed about the upcoming events where justice may be served.

Of course Lisa “cannot get too detailed”. Details, as we have seen, tend to get Lisa in a muddle, particularly when details are factual and accurate, as opposed to the sort Lisa deals out. Moreover, she may change her story down the road, as she invariably does, and the details of her various redactions may come back to haunt her at her trial next month. In that case, “justice”, as Lisa notes “may be served.”

The stalking order cost NAGQ 29 days in jail.

Another spew of muddled details – in a single sentence, yet.

The stalking order granted by the court against Lisa Iacuzzi cost her nothing. It was by her repeated violations of that order that she cost herself some jail time. Normally, such a violator would have been jailed, briefly, then released on his/her own recognition. In Lisa's case, however, it was her resisting arrest, hitting, kicking, and spitting on the arresting officers, her attempted assault of jail personnel and inmates, added to her usual mouthing off – in short, a repeat performance of her antics at The Rose – which, added together, “cost NAGQ 29 days in jail”.

Regarding those “29 days in jail,” Lisa writes elsewhere:

--“I was fighting with other inmates about my sexuality. I then heckled guards Maxwell.”

--Lisa told Maxwell “that he was fat all his life and the kids in the school yard must have really picked on him for him to be so mean".

--“I said fuck you to Guardsmen Maxewell .”

--Most of Lisa's jail time was spent in the psycho ward, following a faked suicide attempt with a plastic shampoo bottle: “I bite off my shampoo bottle and started to cut my wrists North to South. I took a chance that my life would not end. I cut from 10pm until 9am.”

--Lisa also notes “My lawyer did not take collect calls.” This is not normal procedure for criminal lawyers; if he refused her collect calls, she gave him very good reason. Lisa's family may have entertained similar reasons, as Lisa wrote:

--“I asked Lefty to call my family and demand that they make a 50,000 dollar bail to get me out of this hell. Lefty told me that my family said that I was guilty and that I had to do my time.”

--“The nurses asked me what was the first thing I was going to do out of jail, I told them that I was going to sue them.”

--“The guards asked me what I was going to do when I got out? I told them that I am going to sue the Sheriff, Police, and Reach CDC! Please keep laughing, I am enjoying being the underdog!”

--“I plan on filing a retaliation claim against Reach CDC, who provided false evidence for Glenda Meyers "stalking order" which resulted in 29 days in jail.”

We return now to the currently-scheduled Iacuzzi rant.

The stalking order was assisted by Reach CDC former manager Jamie Barton.

Jamie, whom NAGQ's harassment forced out of a job, wrote a two sentence verification the victim's statement of NAGQ's unlovely habit of lurking outside closed doors and eavesdropping on personal conversations which are none of her business. Many residents can verify NAGQ's behaviour.

During this time Reach CDC was under investigation for a gender discrimination complaint.

This sounds far more dramatic than it actually is. NAGQ filed a complaint with the Bureau of Labor and Industries for the purpose of obtaining a large monetary settlement from REACH CDC. That complaint is based on Lisa's belief that REACH “discriminated against me on the basis of my gender identity in that I am treated differently and subjected to a hostile environment,” as set forth, in part, in her amended complaint of 13th December 2007, as follows:

“7. On March 20, 2007, I moved into The Rose apartments. My assigned room was filthy. The room had a wooden frame bed with a mattress that was not useable. Ms. Barton had just discussed with me how my room had had a bed-bug outbreak and that bed-bugs live in wooden bed frames. All the other tenants are given a metal bed frame and a mattress with a plastic wrap.
“8. Shortly after I moved in, Respondent began treating me differently and subjecting me to a hostile environment based on my gender identity. The incidents included, but were not limited to:
“a) On March 29, 2007, I received a “Notice for Cause of Termination” of my lease because I had a male friend stay beyond visiting hours in order to deliver a mattress, as the one provided for me was not useable. I noticed that other tenants had male guests stay beyond visiting hours, but they did not receive notices.
“b) On April 23, 2007, I drank alcohol with another tenant in the common kitchen area. I
received another Notice for Cause of Termination, but the tenant I drank with did not.
“c) On April 30, 2007, I witnessed a tenant complain to Ms Barton that I identified as a male and Ms Barton responded that I was not allowed to do so.
“d) Respondent allowed the other tenants to subject me to a continuous pattern of name calling, threats of physical harm, intimidation and false accusations. Respondent failed to investigate my complaints or take effective action to stop the conduct. Presently, the conduct continues.

Back to the stalking order, and Lisa's violations thereof:

Jamie Barton offered the only shred of evidence to this stalking complaint which consisted of a letter she wrote stating that the video camera placed me outside her door. She stated that she asked me to leave her door and to wait in the lobby for her to finish her gossiping about me to another resident. The fact that the fire alarm went off and she was called in from home for this alarm, she was in fact ignoring a fire alarm.

The fact is that Jamie's “shred of evidence” was a note supporting the victim's statement that NAGQ was eavesdropping. How Jamie could ask Lisa to leave her door, and then be called in from home regarding the fire alarm, is a feat of bilocation that only Lisa Iacuzzi can explain.

The truth is that she was obsessed about ganging evidence about me because NAGQ recently made a complaint about several residents that Jamie Barton had an unprofessional relationship.

The truth is that Jamie's husband demanded that she resign from her position for her health's sake, as a result of Lisa's continuous antics, as well as Lisa's harassment of Jamie, for nothing more than attempting to get Lisa to follow the building rules. Lisa's “complaint” that Jamie was involved in a relationship with an emotionally disturbed tenant, is bogus, libelous, and no one believes it.

This led to a criminal investigation of Jamie Barton by Portlands' Housing Authority.

No such “criminal investigation” occurred.

After BOLI, a civil rights organization that is ran by the state, investigates the camera.

NAGQ doesn't even know what the Bureau of Labor and Industries is (or, as Lisa has previously put it, “the Beware of Labor & Industries”, “the Bower of Labor and Industries”, “the Beaure of Labor” etc), even though Lisa is making use of them, at taxpayers' expense, to extort money from several nonprofit organizations which have helped Lisa in the past.

FWIW, BOLI's mission statement is:

“The Bureau of Labor and Industries promotes the development of a highly-skilled, competitive workforce in Oregon through partnerships with government, labor, business, and educational institutions. It protects the rights of workers and citizens to equal, non-discriminatory treatment; encourages and enforces compliance with state laws relating to wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment; and advocates policies that balance the demands of the workplace and employers with the protections of workers and their families.”

That “equal, non-discriminatory” phrase is apparently the crack through which two-legged cockroaches can scuttle.

The cameras is in the lobby not pointed at Jamie Baton's door which her letter to the judge described.

Jamie wrote no letter to a judge. She typed a brief note which served as an attachment to the victim's petition for a stalking order. It verified Lisa's habit of eavesdropping on private, personal conversations which have nothing to do with her. And the cameras is not pointed at Jamie's door.

When he questions the letter, he is told that the camera timed me when I passed through it again. Well their are two exits leaving Jamie Barton's door and NAGQ quite frequently walks up the back stairs which would not have been video taped.

There are no cameras in the back corridor. Lisa, in her muddled way, refers to the “cameras” which “is in the lobby”.

But this explanation was not given to the judge

Azoy? After the judge “questions the [non-existent] letter?

and a whole lot of information was missing for the letters that was called evidence.

How many letters “was called evidence”? Lisa is in quite her usual muddle. In any case, the judge had all the “evidence” he needed to grant a temporary stalking order – not that much is needed, as Lisa discovered when she retaliated with temporary stalking orders herself.

So Reach CDC you are not that slick. I am scared of your tactics that is being supported by your friends also known as tenants of the Rose.

REACH's tactics, so far, have been to cave in to the Iacuzzi extortion, and, in the matter of Lisa's abuse of tenants, take the YOYO position. (YOYO: You're On Your Own).

My friend Paul wrote:
Maybe I am enabling them by asking them to reflect on what they are doing . . . Giving them too much power. But, the fact is that I am genuinely concerned about your safety based on the kind of situation that is being stirred up. They are creating a situation in which any kind of violence towards you seems rational.

It's obvious that the unfortunate Paul Hamilton has swallowed Lisa's tale of woe hook, line, and bullpuckey.

This is quite frightening to me. I want you to know I am not validating their claim by saying they can go through the proper channels if they have a grievance.

For Paul's information: Tenants have gone through “proper” channels, such as are available to them, by advising both BOLI and REACH of Lisa Iacuzzi's violent and destructive behaviour, and the NAACP as well, concerning the matter of Lisa Iacuzzi's racist hate speech to, and abuse of, African American tenants.

I am just trying to suggest that they realize that there are choices other than projecting hatred as a group towards a single person. These processes are built in to insure that mobs don't get created like this - act irrationally - and hurt people.

The only one acting irrationally here is Lisa Iacuzzi – because she IS irrational.

Actually, the fabrication by members of the building in order to get you placed in jail is an example of the action of this violence. It worries me . . .

Whatever “fabrications” Paul Hamilton has been induced to believe, it's clear that Lisa's abuse of Rose tenants DOESN'T worry Paul.

Anyway, I just wanted to clarify.

It's equally clear that Paul Hamilton does NOT want to clarify anything.

I don't want to support these people in any way,

Lisa's friend apparently has no interest in supporting facts either.

but I am more concerned with your safety than anything else.

Lisa Iacuzzi's safety was never at issue. The issue, or issues, have been the violence she has directed against tenants, along with her threats of further physical violence, even to the point of killing them.

But --as Paul says, in so many words -- he doesn't care a rat's ass about that.

Take Care,
Posted by Not a Good Queer

In another email to Lisa, Paul Hamilton expresses his horror at poor Lisa's treatment – her version, of course --, and offers his unqualified opinion that “homophobic gang at The Rose” treats poor Lisa as Nazis treated Jews, to-wit:

“The only precedent is Nazi Germany or the Columbine massacres. It is a case study in the psychology of evil.....a mob of people gathered in an orgy of hatred against a single individual...the kind of casual bigotry that created the crematoriums in Nazi Germany. Their characterization of [you] is very much like the Germans dehumanizing the Jews in World War II so that they could gas them.”

Oy vevoy! For Paul's edification, as well as others', a few brief quotes:

“On that very first day, the victims were the Jewish children, and I shall never forget the harrowing scenes and blood-curdling incidents when the SS men most cruelly attacked the children--children roaming in the streets...Even today the cries and shrieking of those children are clear in my mind.” From Adolf Berman's testimony, Jerusalem 1961

“People are being hunted down in the streets like animals of the forest.The children in particular rend the heavens with their cries. The old people and the middle-aged deportees accept the judgment in silent submission.But there is no limit to the sorrow and tears of the young women.” From Chaim Kaplan's diary, Warsaw, July 1942

“238,000 were burned in the crematorium. I saw the ovens, the gas chambers, the kennels, the gallows, the prisoners' quarters, and the SS quarters [at Dachau]. Until April 15 this year 48,000 Jews were here [in Belsen]. Since then 31,000 have died (of typhus, tuberculosis).” From David Ben-Gurion's diary, October 1945

Anyone think that the “only precedent” for Lisa Iacuzzi's experiences at The Rose is Nazi Germany? That Lisa experienced “the kind of casual bigotry that created the crematoriums in Nazi Germany”? That Rose tenants' substantiated FACTS in opposition to Lisa Iacuzzi's paskudneh version are “very much like the Germans dehumanizing the Jews in World War II so that they could gas them”? Yasher koyach – NOT. Paul drayt zich vi a forst in shtchav, and Lisa even more so.


Elsewhere, Lisa writes:
“I still face criminal charges [for resisting arrest] which should be dropped by Friday, January 11, 08 by District Attorney Fred Lansing.”

Well, what do you know, here it is, two weeks after Lisa's dropped charges date, and what has Lisa to comment about it? Given Lisa's tendency to self-puffery, one would expect a crow or two, at least. But not a peep from Lisa about the dropped charges. On her blog, the only comment is .....

********sound of crickets*******

Looks like Lisa has another kretch on her plate. But don't hold your breath waiting for another Iacuzzi tale of woe regarding the apparently UNdismissed criminal charges.



Anonymous said...

Perhaps I should recommend Junior High School reading as more appropriate? NEAL SHUSTERMAN'S "SHADOW CLUB" ring any bells? It is written for 6th graders so even YOU MIGHT GET THE POINT.

THAT POINT, to spell it out BLUNTLY is this: people who organize a web site in which another human being is equated with a BUG to be disinfected are using the same EVIL dehumanizing tactics that, yes, Nazis in Germany used against the Jews.

If you are so wrapped up in your own issues that you don't realize that your web site is actually irrational and hate-based, you need an eye transplant!

What would you do if your child created a web site with her friends dedicated to the hatred of a child she didn't get along with at school?

You would bring the parents in and STOP THE BEHAVIOR.


Because creating a hate-based site targeting one person is considered by most people to be not just unacceptable, but disgusting.

Anonymous said...

It seems "anonymous" above believes Lee Iacuzzi has every right to harass and abuse African American and gay women -- and that African American and gay women have the right to shut up and take it all, and nothing more.

Talk about double standards.

Apparently, this youngster hasn't bothered to trouble his little mind with any thought other than his belief in the doctrine of Lee Iacuzzi's infallibility.

How sad

Anonymous said...



If you need someone like me to point this out, you have, indeed PROVED MY POINT: YOU ARE DANGEROUS.

Anonymous said...

Someone who can't tell the difference between room spray and bug spray is not someone to spend time with.