07 January 2008

Dept. of Puffed Egos


As if we weren't bowled over by Lisa Iacuzzi's foaming enthusiam for our NAGQ-OAE blog, as she expressed on our companion NAGQ blog, we hear that on January 4th, REACH issued a memo to all Rose tenants, touching on “Internet postings, blogs, etc.”

From the memo:

"REACH Commmunity Development, Inc., its assigns, representatives, officers, and employees do not support, encourage nor condone any internet postings that are perceived, or intended to be derogatory or discriminatory in nature toward tenants, associates, employees, volunteers or any other persons associated in any way with REACH CDC housing."

Et cetera!


You can bet LIsa Iacuzzi's NAGQ log NEVER, in all the time she was using REACH computers to post her hateful, racist, and libellous drivel EVER received such attention! With all due modesty, permit us to suggest that this may be due to the fact that NAGQ-OAE writers are far superior to anything Lisa has produced (which she hasn't pasted from another source, that is, like the recent additions made to her blog in an obvious and futile effort to prove she isn't the racist she is).

Lisa must have indulged herself in quite a storm of weeping and wailing and gnashing of smoke-stained fangs, over our little NAGQ-OAE blog, so hurriedly did REACH fire off that attorney-inspired and most pleasant ego-puff of a memo. The memo enlivened and warmed yet another dreary, cold, and wet day here at NAGQ-OAE Central (and whoever said it doesn't rain in Southern California should spend a winter there tied to a tree in the backyard. So Petaluma isn't SoCal, but so what? It's still dreary, cold, and wet.)

In the interests of avoiding any cyber-nudzhing, one must point to the erroneous use of “nor” in the second line of the notice. “...support, encourage nor condone...” SHOULD have read “...support, encourage OR condone...” Be advised that the foregoing is intended to serve as NAGQ-OAE HQ's Get Out Of Nudzhing Free card for any and all English Usage Cossacks.

NAGQ-OAE will not point to the ramifications of what must be evident to a number of you, gentle readers, regarding the January 4th notice from REACH concerning Internet postings, blogs, etc. Permit NAGQ-OAE, if you will, to note the the following:

In all the months that Lisa Mary Iacuzzi used Rose tenants' computers -- and other personal computers – for the express purpose of publishing, circulating, issuing, and displaying communications, notices, and signs indicating preference, limitation, specification and discrimination based upon race, color, sex, source of income, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, as well as derogatory and discriminatory remarks, fabrications, prevarications, and outright lies, directed against Rose tenants and REACH assigns, representatives, officers, associates, employees, volunteers, and any and all other persons associated with Rose tenants and REACH housing, – NOT ONCE did REACH ever issue a disavowal thereof.

The Latin maxim is qui tacet consentire. One might be forgiven for suspecting that REACH's silence in the matter of Lisa Iacuzzi's false, hateful, and hurtful postings is a possible indication that REACH might have tacitly consented thereto.

But that's another matter, to be addressed with at another time.

For the nonce, we shall recline by our cyberfire, in our cushy wingback chair, enjoy the crackle of cyberflames, and savour a cup of hot cybercocoa along with all the foaming enthusiasm lately showered on NAGQ-OAE.

Wassail, wassail all over the town!
NAGQ-OAE it is good, and our cocoa it is brown.
Our writers have it all over Iacuzzi.
In cyberspace we will wassail thee!



Not a Good Queer said...

NAGQ would like to thank you for being so public about your hate. You can keep writing because everytime you post, you affirm my lawsuit. My lawyer told me that I did not have a half million dollar case, but now he says, I could get a 1,000,000. Thank you so so much by showing your cards. The jury is going to really appreciate your writing and I am sure Reach CDC will eventually shut you down. Reach CDC never gave me a warning of hate mail because my blog is not hateful. It is an artistic piece of work and your blog is dedicated to the hate of a single person. It is to late to erase your work because it has been put on a pdf.

I hope you tenants enjoy being on the local news for a hate crime. I have a question, why would you put your threats of my witnesses in writing. You can not even imagine that you are going to jail? I can. I spend my entire day talking to the press, city council, hate-crimes detective, narcotics, welfare fraud, and BOLI.

Reach CDC will be too embarrassed about your behavior and they will have to settle out of court. I am surprised that they have not started evicting you.


Not a Good

Well, NAGQ believes the bloggers are Bren Athens and Debra. Yes, I believe Annie has participated and others.

Take Care of your gang and make sure thier are no cracks.

Not a Good Queer

Anonymous said...

Glad you appreciate the NAGQ-OAE blog, Lisa! Sorry to see you're not taking your antipsychotic meds, as you should.