Lisa Iacuzzi expressed her undying admiration for NAGQ-OAE as follows:
Not a Good Queer (aka Lisa Mary Iacuzzi) said...
NAGQ would like to thank you for being so public about your hate. You can keep writing because everytime you post, you affirm my lawsuit. My lawyer told me that I did not have a half million dollar case, but now he says, I could get a 1,000,000. Thank you so so much by showing your cards. The jury is going to really appreciate your writing and I am sure Reach CDC will eventually shut you down. Reach CDC never gave me a warning of hate mail because my blog is not hateful. It is an artistic piece of work and your blog is dedicated to the hate of a single person. It is to late to erase your work because it has been put on a pdf.
I hope you tenants enjoy being on the local news for a hate crime. I have a question, why would you put your threats of my witnesses in writing. You can not even imagine that you are going to jail? I can. I spend my entire day talking to the press, city council, hate-crimes detective, narcotics, welfare fraud, and BOLI.
Reach CDC will be too embarrassed about your behavior and they will have to settle out of court. I am surprised that they have not started evicting you.
Not a Good
Well, NAGQ believes the bloggers are Bren Athens and Debra. Yes, I believe Annie has participated and others.
Take Care of your gang and make sure thier are no cracks.
Not a Good Queer"
Put on PDF, huh? So, Paul ( ran it off on pdf for Lee, and hes going to go through it with her "point by point"? And Lee's going to get ANOTHER million dollars? Didn't the psycho ward give Lee some meds? She needs to take them.
To Chilly Willy:
The purpose of this web site is repugnant. It rationalizes the systematic dehumanization of a single person by a mob through humor.
The reason why your web site is a threat to gays, lesbians, and trans-gendered people in Portland has nothing whatsoever to do with whether any members of these groups in your building happen to approve of it.
You have become a mob.
Mobs are dangerous to all people, but especially to vulnerable groups such as gays, lesbians, and trans-gendered people.
It is known that acts of violence against gays, lesbians, and trans-gendered people are perpetrated by mobs who dehumanize their targets by using exactly the means you use in this web site: humor whose purpose is to strip individuals of their humanity.
When your group gets together and finds its target (will it be NAGQ or just someone with a "buzz cut" who looks like NAGQ?), the only thing that will remain is a person stripped of their humanity and a large group of thugs who have been given a moral license for evil.
This is a direct threat to any homosexual who walks within several blocks of your apartment complex.
It doesn't matter what happened to start this.
Why don't you choose to end this by being adults?
Thanks for writing this.
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