28 January 2008



(NOTE: Per our recent policy change,
we will no longer correct Lisa's customary
substandard English usage and errata.)

On her NAGQ blog, Lisa Iacuzzi issued the following proclamation.

This letter is in regards to a blog dedicated to the hate of NAGQ called notagoodqueer-oae.blogspot.com. This owner and authors of notagoodqueer-oranythingelse blog is going to be charged with a hate crime and the author is a tenant or a group of tenants who reside at the Rose.

So, in Lisa's world view, presenting facts in opposition to slanderous and libelous fabrications constitutes a hate crime. But into what category does this push Lisa Iacuzzi's racist hate attacks on black and gay women? Let us see.

(Regarding “this owner and authors” of the highly acclaimed NAGQ-OAE blog -- try points farther south. Make that a LOT farther south.)

Currently, this blog is being investigated by the Bureau of Labor and Industry and has been sent to the district attorneys office.

We at NAGQ-OAE are thrilled at the acclaim our blog has generated, and can only express our hope that BOLI and the DA's staff will find the facts presented herein informative and amusing, as opposed to the stew of lugubrious fabrications cooked up by Lisa Iacuzzi.

We further extend our congratulations to Lisa for her achievement in learning to spell “bureau” correctly, and our warmest wishes for further success in her continuing English language education.

This kind of behavior will not be tolerated and all those responsible will be held accountable.

Ah well, “this owner and authors” of NAGQ-OAE have faith that the American people prefer fact to fabrication. Most Americans, anyway. Just not those in the highest echelons of our government, who prefer to eschew needy Americans in favour of tonguing the bungholes of racist, misogynistic, antisemitic and dictatorial oil sheikh governments.

Racist....misogynistic....antisemitic.....dictatorial.....Do these words harken to Lisa Iacuzzi's past behaviour? Certainly Lisa hates blacks and women – particularly gay women – and her threats are a tad dictatorial, to-wit: “Join me or suffer!” “Support me or suffer!” “Go to court against me, I'll cut your legs off!” The antisemitic part falls to a couple of Lisa's supporters, one of whom, author of the second of the following two notes, who vets some of Lisa's wambly ramblings; if a Lisa piece is intelligible, you can be sure she ran it by Paul Hamilton. The first note is from blogger LEOPARDI, or Leo, another of those poor souls who have swallowed Lisa's stochastic diatribes, hook, line, and bullcuzzi.

Another response from the gay community is blogger Leopardi who about the mob at the Rose whose blog is mimicking NAGQ blog with HATE!

NAGQ's assertions of being lynched by a homophobic mob seem to demonstrate credence to NAGQ"S claim that the environment is hostile to queer people. While it is clear, based on the incidents you report that you have a cause for frustration, your comments, sadly, validate the core assertions by Lee. Let me remind you that no matter how challenging the individual conflicts you have with a particular person, there is no excuse for resorting to the kind of insensitive language you use in your posts about Lee. The entire tenor of your post revels in a heterosexual norm that confirms Lee's complaint that you create an oppressive climate. Your language may not only be offensive to Lee personally, but when you choose to broadcast these views publicly, you are engaging in hate speech against a large group of gays, lesbians, and trans-gendered people in the Portland area. I am not asserting whether or not your claim is just. However, I am unimpressed by your claim thus far. I don't doubt that institutes such as the justice system support you. They have always been on the side of the powerful. I would submit that Lee has done you a tremendous service. She has given you a way to tell yourself that there's nothing wrong with you. My question to you is this: when Lee is gone, who will you hate? Leo 08 December, 2007 10:44

Let us take a few of these comments for response. First, the obvious:

“...when Lee is gone..”

Gone? When is Lisa planning to leave? Two days after her release from jail, she was back in the vicinity, where she attempted to assault a (Native American) tenant. Since then, she has been haunting the area, stalking tenants, creeping to the building's windows at night and causing disturbances, strolling up and down in front of the building, and otherwise lurking in wait for tenants, to engage them in her usual childish verbal confrontations, age-appropriate to the kindergarten bully Lisa is. All this after a stipulated court order in which Lisa agreed to come no closer than one mile.

“...you are engaging in hate speech against a large group of gays, lesbians, and trans-gendered people in the Portland area. I am not asserting whether or not your claim is just.”

Of course Leo won't assert whether or not “your claim” -- singular, rather than the more accurate plural – is or is not “just.” He just doesn't care. Moreover, it might prove difficult to show how the presentation of facts in opposition to Lisa's fabrications is “engaging in hate speech against a large group of gays, lesbians, and trans-gendered people”. Lisa is one woman, whereas the targets of her hateful antics from the inception of her tenancy were, and remain, gay women and black women.

Nothing has been said of Lisa's hate speech and false charges of criminal behaviour directed against African Americans. Presumably Lisa's calling a disabled black teacher a “nigger” was not “engaging in hate speech,” nor is Lisa telling a black grandmother, in the hearing of her nine-year-old grandchild, “All you nigger bitches do drugs””engaging in hate speech.” Of course, Lisa's false accusations that African American tenants are engaged in perpetrating welfare fraud and drug dealing, with the assistance of Portland Impact, are NOT “engaging in hate speech;” Lisa wrote them, so it's engaging in libel.

“Your language may not only be offensive to Lee personally..there is no excuse for resorting to the kind of insensitive language you use in your posts about Lee.”

How is presenting FACTS in opposition to Lisa's lies “insensitive”? Certainly language used in presenting facts is offensive to Lisa, for it is established fact that she hates facts. It's also a fact that she can't relate the same incident twice without contradicting herself. And is the “insensitive language” used by NAGQ-OAE contributors any more insensitive than Lisa's calling African American women “nigger bitches”? Was Lisa engaging in kind and sensitive language when she threatened gay women to “Join me or suffer!”, or “Support me or suffer!”, or threatened to cut off others' legs if they appeared in court?

Apparently, it's “insensitive” and “engaging in hate speech against a large group of gays, lesbians, and trans-gendered people in the Portland area” to take someone to task for her lies, her libels, her threats of physical harm, and her racist hate speech. But it's NOT “insensitive” or “engaging in hate speech” when Lisa calls African American women “nigger bitches” and falsely accuses them of “selling their welfare cards to get drug money.”

“Your comments, sadly, validate the core assertions by Lee.”

Lisa's “core assertions” have been invalidated by Lisa herself.

“NAGQ's assertions of being lynched by a homophobic mob seem to demonstrate credence to NAGQ"S claim that the environment is hostile to queer people.”

When, exactly, was Lisa Iacuzzi “lynched by a homophobic hate mob”? Or by any mob? And what, exactly, are gay women are doing in the mob? When a building owner is forced to hire security guards to protect tenants against ONE resident, it takes the most flexible of mental contortionists to concoct from it a Kafkaesque phantasmagoria of that one person being “lynched by a homophobic hate mob.”

No need for security guards existed until Lisa's vicious antics created that need. And it was gay women at The Rose who requested them.

Lisa's paranoiac fantasies notwithstanding, the environment is no more hostile to “queerpeople” than it is to blacks or Jews. It was Lisa Iacuzzi herself who bent her efforts to create that hostile environment of which she complains so strenuously – after she filed her BOLI complaint, that is, from which she expects to garner $30,000 or $1,000,000, as she has crowed, and “end up owning 988 Reach units.”

Lisa has also been banned from the Speakeasy Tavern next door; maybe the homophobic hate mob of gay women effected that, too? In fact, Lisa's “homophobic mob” is nothing more the “bible thumping African American gang” of her earlier tales. She quickly abandoned that, as soon as she got wind of the letter sent to the NAACP detailing her racist hate speech and actions

At the risk of being thought “insensitive” and “engaging in hate speech against a large group of gays, lesbians, and trans-gendered people in the Portland area,” NAGQ-OAE feels that Lisa's being "lynched by a homophobic hate mob" (of gay women?) ought to be filed under the same heading as pickled aliens in Area 51, the Face of Elvis on Mars, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and Lisa's self-awarded “MA@PSU”.

From Paul Hamilton:
You are suffering on behalf of those of us who have made a deal with the devil to live (for now) in this dysfunctional system. You have the strength right now to be on the front line of this struggle. I believe in you and I know that your work is supportive of our community. I have been appalled in investigating the situation the level to which those who have expressed hatred to you have resorted in order to demean-- themselves. Their web site mirroring yours is an example the violence of a lynch mob. It is not just an unhealthy situation, but one in which I now understand you had a very real concern for your safety. Lord of the Flies comes to mind. I have never seen a web site created whose sole purpose is the expression of hatred for a person. The only precedent is Nazi Germany or the Columbine massacres. It is a case study in the psychology of evil. The difference between your web site (operated by a single person) documenting, in occasional posts, claims against the apartment complex-- and a mob of people gathered in an orgy of hatred against a single individual -- is a difference between a freedom of speech and a lynch mob going to hang and torture a queer. Again, despite the horror that you face with homelessness looming over you, I feel that you have escaped the truly alarming prospect of escalating cruelty at the hands of people who enjoy telling themselves how normal they are through their combined hatred of one person. Their web site alone is a clear issue of hate speech directed at a single target. Its sole purpose is cruelty. If it was directed towards someone in power like the president of the United States, it would be warranted. But, to create such a web site targeting someone who is powerless is an example of the kind of casual bigotry that created the crematoriums in Nazi Germany. Their characterization of your hair as being "buzzed", is very much like the Germans dehumanizing the Jews in World War II so that they could gas them. As awful as it is, I think you need to just get the hell physically away from that group of people. I am creating a PDF copy of their Blog so that I can archive it. Then, perhaps we can respond, point for point, to the character assassination that they have undertaken towards you. I wish I could tell you to be strong. I still have family left to visit. . . so, despite my financial problems, I will have some kind of holidays. I can say-- hones tly-- that I will defend you the best way I can. Take Care, Paul

As with Leo's post, let's take a few of Paul's comments.

“I know that your work is supportive of our community.”

It would be interesting to learn how Lisa's bullying and racist hate speech are supportive of the gay community. As for “work,” has Lisa engaged in any, beyond her usual freeloading, recently?

“Their web site mirroring yours is an example the violence of a lynch mob.”

It would also be interesting to learn how a blog setting forth facts in opposition to garbled fictions equates with the violence of a lynch mob, as seen here:

“I have never seen a web site created whose sole purpose is the expression of hatred for a person. The only precedent is Nazi Germany”

Only a non-Jew, and a rather ignorant one, could produce such a grotesque exaggeration.

“Their web site alone is a clear issue of hate speech directed at a single target. If it was directed towards someone in power like the president of the United States, it would be warranted.”

In short, Paul Hamilton actually condones “hate speech directed at a single target” -- IF it's someone he doesn't like. But it's “lynch mob” violence, and indefensible, if it's someone he likes (or thinks he likes). This is ethically relativistic and indicates a elasticity rather like the Nazis' Master Aryan Race.

You were Aryan if you were Japanese, especially after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and British bases throughout the Pacific. You were Aryan if you were Farouk of Egypt, Amin al-Husayni and the Palestinian Arab Higher Committee, Rashid Ali of Iraq. You were not Aryan if you were Abdullah of Jordan, a British ally. The British were Aryans, if muddled ones, whereas Americans were “weak and feeble” mongrels, “dominated by Negroes and Jews.” Paul Hamilton's justification of “hate speech” is elastic like that.

“an example of the kind of casual bigotry that created the crematoriums in Nazi Germany.”

Again, a statement that only an ignorant and insensitive non-Jew could concoct.

“Their characterization of your hair as being "buzzed", is very much like the Germans dehumanizing the Jews in World War II so that they could gas them.”

With this profoundly grotesque comparison, Paul Hamilton tips over from the comments of an ignorant and insensitive non-Jew into borderline Holocaust denial.

“Fluids from diseased animals were injected into humans to observe the effect. Prisoners were forced to exist on sea water to see how long castaways might survive. Gynecology was an area of great interest. Various methods of sterilization were practiced—by massive X-ray, by irritants and drugs, by surgery without benefit of anesthetic. As techniques were perfected, it was estimated that a doctor with 10 assistants could sterilize 1,000 women per day. The “experimental people” were also used by Nazi doctors who needed practice performing various operations. One doctor at Auschwitz perfected his amputation technique on live prisoners; after he had finished, his maimed patients were sent off to the gas chamber.” WWII: History of the Second World War; The Death of a People, ed. D.S. Thomas et al., p 152

Equating the piddling little altercations Lisa herself provoked, then embroidered upon, to the brutal extermination of millions is a form of Holocaust denial, and that IS antisemitism.

And who was it who issued the threat – among her many others -- to “cut off your legs”?

“Perhaps we can respond, point for point, to the character assassination that they have undertaken towards you.”

Perhaps they can. We at NAGQ-OAE are not going wait with collectively bated breath, as we doubt Lisa et al will, or can, produce any point-by-point response based on facts. It seems that in the narrow views expressed above, attacks on gays and blacks are legitimate, so long they are directed solely against women, and Lisa Iacuzzi is the perpetrator. Lisa's racism and misogyny, apparently, aren't even blips on the indignation radar.

Now, about those BOLI and DA investigations, which Lisa claims “are underway”, and NAGQ-OAE contributors being “charged with a hate crime” ....


Besides, Lisa loves the attention.

Cad fawr a fu o'r pan ddwyre haul hyd pan gynnu. A gwedi elwch tawelwch fu.

26 January 2008

Donate to Lisa/She's SOL/New "Legal" Address: Sisters of the Road Cafe

Lisa writes:

Donate to Not a Good Queer

You can donate to Not a Good Queer at the The Shop, located on 25th and Belmont in Portland, Oregon. You can also email, Lisaiacuzzi@yahoo.com. I did not receive a penny from REACH CDC who offered 15,000 for me to move out of their hate building. Instead, I was falsely arrested and had to tell the judge that I would move out of my apartment to get out of jail. I use to think that I did not have to fund other activists, that they should get a job, what I did not understand that activist are really working for me.

My legal address is:Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi,Not a Good Queer133 NW 6th Ave,Portland, Oregon 97209

One man, one voice, can make a difference to all!


Funny of the Month - Lisa on her Non-Racism

This, from our companion blog NOT A GOOD QUEER:

No comment necessary. Just a question: How hard was Lisa hitting the bottle before she pecked this out?


NAGQ was never taught Black History month in college, grad school, or high school which were predominately white institutuions of education. This is where I learned about discrimination. I guess I ignored it because I was treated very nobily by my peers who were never homophobic to me . They treated me well. They mostly left me alone when my siter chris graduate class moved on, I was stuck with the super jocks where being a good athlete proctected one from an redicule. One would be protected and I had him his name was Mr. Smith. He told them to leave me alone and told me when you pu tyou head abouve the clouds Lisa, someone is ging to shoot you done. He knew that when Iwas a freshmen , I started on the varisty basketball teams point guard . My nickname was bob cousy where i was very focused on being a top athlete. I was blind to the social stresses of most society , yet as I grew older I realized my mother exerience at her h age is much different tham mine She was shamed in her forties as I am ashamed in y forties. Were booty wetn acorss the graime where were made choice that werer aginst the grain, and criticixed and all called inds amen didction diction abeleive what ou hear for m behind closed doors and be up fornt with me aor I will be at your door and askin g for the explanation why I am not shamed like my mother. I am showing up for the fight which is not asking you for an inveite no I am not a good queer and I am not asking for your permisssion to be loved sa sa sa sa ads a saa s a as squeuer quer you visuall ym e you visually weeemsigo where is joh hummel, former presindt from bro you answer me where are you I want to hear your voice . Reach out and aIIIII am getiing easier to find. As I go to Ted Wheeler and ask him if he has this bed I have slept in and said that he knew the unit that I had stayed in. Help me John Hummel, give me wisdom. I still Rise, I will not apologixe for anything! NAGQ you know that race is defined is what ever the dominacna t culture is what is wupppose to bpdogdfoigofigo

Posted by Not a Good Queer at 10:56 PM


On Saturday, 12th January 2008, the ineffable Lisa Iacuzzi, aka “Lee”, “NAGQ”, “Not A Good Queer”, feuilletoniste extraordinaire, posted the following to our companion blog, NOT A GOOD QUEER.

NOTE: no corrections will be offered to Lisa's usual misspellings, substandard grammatical constructions, and generally poor English usage; there's simply too much of it to contend with.
Metro Watch: You are so busted, I Still Rise.....
URL: notagoodqueer.blogspot.com/2008/01/metro-watch-you-are-busted.html
Looks like ole Lisa has found another target for her .... how did Stephen King phrase it? .... “her single-minded purpose....her unending fury.” Even though Steve was referring to Roland Bay, original owner of Christine the Demon Car, and it's stretching a point to use “single-minded” for Lisa. Come to think of it, though, the ole Iacuze IS something like that Fury. Just not as clever.
After 6 months of Reach CDC management failed to evict Not a Good Queer, they hired Metro Watch also known as Rent a Cop.
Known to Lisa, that is. You'd think after 29 days in jail, she could tell the difference. But she DID spend most of her time in the psycho ward.
Security guard Roy best describes the treatment that I received from security guards. They were paid to obtain information on me and investigate tenants complaints?
They were? And did Lisa obtain this information from Roy before or after she called him a “dick”, among other things, and defaced his car? (Lisa's attacks on the eldery man came after Roy refused to accede to her imperious command that he refer to her in all his conversations about her as the man she is not.)
Of course, this is not in their job description?
Is this in their job description? Roy, per Lisa's cell phone vid of him, said his job was to prevent the escalation of incidents into violence.
They turned off the lobby video cameras off, so now with with the security cameras off,
The security camera in the lobby was on the entire time Lisa engaged in her hatespeech to Roy. It was also on while Lisa threatened the tenant who was standing with Roy to join her “or suffer!”
hate behavior became worst with the gang members' boyfriends joining in on the hate
When, exactly, did these alleged “boyfriends” join in? With what gang? Which gang? So many gangs wander the untenanted interstices of Lisa's head, it's hard to keep track. There's the “small handful” of mostly gay women “who have attacked me and come after me”; the “ruthless gang of African Americans” who “sell their welfare cards” for “getting drug money” and “are bible thumpers”; the “Math” heads at The Rose; a ”lynching hate mob at The Rose;” “twenty-people involved in fraud of food stamps at The Rose”; “a lynch mob of a twenty dedicated to hate at The Rose”; the “homophobic gang at The Rose”; the “hate mob at The Rose”; the “lynching mob at The Rose”; the Portland Police; Portland Impact, and “African American members of the new KKK”. So, which gang is it whose members' boyfriends are “joining in on the hate”?
Come to think of it, “gang members' boyfriends” may refer to a tenant's brother and boyfriend, whose presence thwarted Lisa's attempted attack on that tenant, two days after her release from the pokey. No doubt this cheesed Lisa off as much as the African American teacher's refusal to let Lisa in to her apartment, one night, after Lisa banged on the door and demanded to watch The Sopranos. After the lady refused, Lisa banged on the door again, yelled “Nigger!” several times, then bulled down to the basement and cut her cable. “I took her cable and wore it around my neck like a necklace,” Lisa reported, laughing, to tenants. “ I had fun taunting everyone with it, and I loved watching everyone’s reactions as they ran. I guess I scared them!”
Lisa doesn't take kindly to any thwarting of her attacks. It sends her into a rage – once she has removed herself to a safe distance, of course. Talk about childish temper tantrums. But that's a little temper tantrum, compared to the maniacal, screaming rage Lisa displays whenever her bullying tactics fail to impress her intended target. Oy vevoy.
whiling liv'en easy and free in our all women's' building.
Gee, like Lisa and her 17-year-old little friend – oops! her “mentorship student”, as Lisa described Nicole months later. But Lisa's latest addition to the tale begs the question what sort of “mentorship” program allows a “teacher”, self-described or not, to provide alcohol and drugs to minors, as Lisa provided her little friend “Nicole”? NAMBLA, maybe? As with most Iacuzzi fabrications, Lisa won't offer clarification of any improbabilities to her tale; her imagination takes her only so far, and one can hardly demand, as BOLI did, that Lisa emend her “inaccuracies.”
During this time, Metro Watch security created even more instability and hostility in the environment. They continued the creation of the unstable environment by
The instability and hostility had already been created by Lisa herself; there was never a need for security guards before she moved in. The intensification came from Lisa herself, whenever Metro attempted to thwart Lisa's verbal and physical harassment of tenants. Either way, Lisa was bent on provoking reactions from tenants; she loves such reactions, which she can video on her cell in order to “submit” as her “evidence” that she's the “victim” of a “hostile environment”. Lisa, as she has stated, LOVES being an under dog. The fact Lisa herself created that environment would not enable her to extort the $30,000 or $1,000,000 which she claims she will get from REACH for the European vacation she wants to take.
Roy's own comments who appears to be listening and carried on an investigation of tenants complaints and doing the absent managers job.
What Lisa means is anyone's guess. Roy was one of the security guards hired to protect tenants from Lisa's hostile and hateful aggression. Their presence worked, to a certain extent, which is why Lisa is still sore about it.
I question if Roy is qualified for a managements position or his behavior under the job description for security guards for Metro Watch.?
Is Lisa cognizant of the Metro Watch job description? No. Does Lisa know what qualifies one for a building manager's position – particularly in a building with a psycho on the lose? Probably not. Who cares what Lisa questions? The vision of Lisa's questioning anyone's qualifications -- anyone without a hood and a sheet, that is -- is worth a few ROTFLOLs.
Is it that Metro Watch does not like working with cameras?
Well, Lisa does, everyone knows that. Metro Watch – as Lisa well knows – had no cameras. It's why she was so free with her verbal abuse of them.
They were hired because after verbal and emotional abuse from the hate mob, threaten to sue Reach CDC for having a transgendered/ bigendered person living an all women's building.
The security guards were hired to protect tenants from the antics of Lisa Iacuzzi, a documented perpetrator of domestic violence. As for “transgendered” persons, a previous tenant left The Rose of her own volition, while in the process of transgendering from female to male, because s/he no longer felt s/he could, in honesty, remain in an all-female building. S/he remains friends with a number of tenants, none of whom threaten to sue REACH or anyone for having a transgendered person – which Lisa Iacuzzi is not – in the building.
The key word here is “honesty” - a concept with which Lisa Iacuzzi has barely a nodding acquaintance. The term “bigendered” is another concept of which Lisa is clueless; the only accepted definition, to date, is that there is no accepted definition of 'bigendered”, and that it means, essentially, whatever the speaker wants it to mean. In Lisa's case, it seems to mean a racist female misogynist and wannabe extortionist.
The hate mob wrote an 8 page report to the police and Reach CDC, which was full of false allegations.
What, exactly, is this “8 page report” Lisa keeps nattering about? (In another account, it was a “fourteen page report” or “petition”.) Lisa has yet to identify this 8- or 14-page report or petition clearly, or quote anything from it, or even date it. It would help, of course, if such a report, whether 8 or 14 pages, was ever written to the police by any “hate mob”. But it never was.
When I would send reports to Reach CDC, they required me to document what exactly happened, lists witness, and please give us the exact time of the incident, otherwise, Reach CDC, will not help a tenant.
REACH advises all tenants with complaints, particularly tenants who complained of Lisa Iacuzzi's hostile and threatening behaviour, to do the same. REACH's response to the load of complaints about Lisa Iacuzzi was little more than a bankrupt exercise in irresolution and indecision.
But they did not question a document that was given to them and the police.
Possibly because that 8-page document doesn't exist outside Lisa's fervid imagination.
They took this document as the truth of 25 tenants.
How one takes a non-existent document as the truth of anything is something only Lisa Iacuzzi can explain – and Lisa has so far sidedodged explaining any of it.
Some of the tenants were told it was about getting rid of the bar,
If Lisa is referring to the letter sent to REACH and BOLI, no tenant was informed that it was “about getting rid of the bar.” All tenants were told what it was about, and advised to read it before signing it. Which they did.
If Lisa is referring to the letter which set forth her racist behaviour against African American tenants, her calling them “niggers” and “nigger bitches” to their faces, and her destruction of their property, that letter was sent to the NAACP, not to the police, and it was certainly not eight pages.
I talked to four tenants who thought it was a petitioner to end security.
Clearly, none of Lisa's alleged tenants ever saw either letter, and are therefore as much in the dark as Lisa. Of course, when one's head is firmly lodged up one's ass, one is usually in the dark.
Overall, over half of the tenants were coerced to sign or drugs and hate were also part of the signature dealings.
This is pure bullacuzzi. No tenant was coerced to sign anything. No tenant who witnessed Lisa Iacuzzi's behaviour needed to be coerced into signing anything.
This is Bren Athens, one of the tenants who did everything she could to get he me out of my home.
Actually, Lisa did it all by her li'l ole self.
This video was taken 48 hours before my false arrest. Bren Athens stated, "that it would be the end of me". I had tried to document Bren Athens behavior towards me over a 8 month period of time, where Reach CDC did not listen nor respond to my complaints..
But Lisa did not, because that behaviour consists of more bullacuzzi.
Her girlfriend below is Maria Leall who overdosed at the Rose apartments twice during her short-stay as a tenant. The source of her overdosing drug is called Clonzapen, which is prescribed to Glenda Meyers.
"Clonzapen" was never prescribed to Glenda. “Clonzapen” was never prescribed to anyone else, either. This is because “clonzapen” doesn't exist. Glenda's involvement in the incident likewise doesn't exist in Lisa's previous accounts of it. This is the first time Lisa has mentioned it. Maria did not OD twice. As for her “short-term stay”, she is still a tenant after almost a year, so what does that make Lisa Iacuzzi's seven- month residency?
I went to the hospital and spoke to the nurse and the doctor who performed a urinary analysis.
Lisa should know, based on her alleged experience as some kind of medtech, that nurses and doctors don't normally perform urinalyses. Then she should get some kind of prize for being able to cram more bs into fewer sentences than a Soviet encyclopaedist or a White Power propagandist.
I was constantly drilled by the doctors about the overdose, but I told him that she asked permission to lie down in my room because she said, "she was afraid of Bren Athens temper".
Let the improbabilities pass of doctors grilling a stranger on a patient's condition. In her previous account of the incident – one of them, anyway -- Lisa wrote:
“Maria was so tired; she asked if she could sleep in my room because
so many people were knocking on her door. I had a did not disturb sign on
my door. I wanted a private evening with my friend. When we came back
from eating dinner, I noticed bubbles coming out of Maria's mouth. I tried
to sit her up. She would not gain conscious ness. I saw that her hands were
purple. I thought because of her sleeping position she might have passed
out. She did not respond. I ran and got Bryn who said she was a paramedic.
Bryn came and said call 911. She told me to wait for the ambulance
downstairs. I told her when the come, to leave my room. First the fire
department came, and then I waited for the ambulance. When I arrived in
my room, I found the door wide open and Bryn pacing through my room
saying how much she loved Maria. She was saying that she was drinking
alcohol and had taken vicadin. I told her to leave my room. She would not
leave. I go into her face and told her to get out. Then she stood at my door
watching. I told the I was closing the door and she would not move. I closed
the door on her face.
“She told the ambulance that she was riding with them. I told her that she
was not. They used NARCAN on her that revived her which was consistent
with a drug overdose. When she was being put in the ambulance, I told the
driver not to take anyone but Maria to the hospital. I told her that Maria
requested to hide in my room from Brynn and that her and Bryn were
fighting all week and this was too much stress. The ambulance told Bryn
and I that she was going to Good Sam. I took the bus and expected Brynn to
go to the hospital. I came back up stairs and Bryn called me a Prick. She
said this in the hallway in front of another resident. I told her that she did
not know how to take a no. She called me a prick again.
“I went to the hospital and talked to the doctors. They said that she
overdosed. The doctors suspected that she took drugs while we were
cooking dinner or before she came into the room. When the doctor had her
urinary analyses, she asked me to leave the room. At this point, the doctors
knew that I did not know what was going on. I questioned Maria on what
she did, she said that Kimberly gave her liquid methadone and she took 5
There's that non-existent drug again. In another redaction, Lisa claims it was Kimberly who provided the "clonzapen". In the most recent, it's Glenda the "convicted drug dealer" [NOT] who provides the non-existent drug. Apparently, the liquid methadone from Lisa's earlier accounts flowed out of the tale, maybe through the holes in Lisa's head.
You can see on the video above, Bren Athens has quite a temper.
You can see, from Lisa's previous account, that she can't tell the same story twice in a row.
The three tenants above names in order of appearance are Glenda Meyers, Maria Leall, and Bren Athens. They all lied to police in several reports
None of the three lied in any “report” to police. Had they been so inclined, which they were not, there was no need. In fact, the only one with a need to lie, and the financial incentive to do so, is Lisa Iacuzzi, particularly where it concerns her violent and abusive behaviour, which was witnessed by more than half the tenants at The Rose, as well some guests, who were victims of Lisa's verbal and physical abuse.
which included my arrest 48 hours after I tried to file a police report about Bren's harassment towards trans people.
"Bren" doesn't harass “trans people”; she's quite friendly with several. She doesn't harass or attack gay women, either -- as Lisa Iacuzzi did, from the beginning of her seven-month stay at The Rose.
Maria Leal, is Bren Athens closing thing to a relationship, in five years and would lie to help Bren's vindictive anger which would help Maria look like a hero in the building who hated the Queer.
Hullo? Is there anyone who can translate the above garble into intelligible English?
The women smiling is named Glenda Meyers who told the judge a week later that she was so so fearful of me.
She was and is, for much the same reasons that Lisa's former partner was so fearful that the court granted her a restraining order against Lisa.
I guess you could not see all her fear with her big smile. Every morning,I hear them gathering outside my door for their morning dose Clonzapen and coffee at my neighbors house(Glenda Meyers).
Azoy, the non-existent drug again? And now Lisa has a coffee klatch with it?
How do I know this?
How does Lisa know this? The voices in her head tell her so.
Maria Leall spoke to me many times about what was going on. She said, "that she wanted to quit drugs and she knew that I was working a recovery program".
Maria disagrees.
She came to me for help her stop taking drugs.
Pretty funny rehab effort, asking help from a pothead who dispenses alcohol and drugs to minors. How dumb does Lisa think Maria is?
I saved her life once but she never appreciated this
Probably because the person who actually saved her life wasn't Lisa Iacuzzi, but one of the gay women of that “hate mob” whom Lisa claims are out to get her.
and is the main wittiness of the State regarding
my supposed "stalking violation".
Such "wittiness". Witless else the purveyor of this bullacuzzi.
The witnesses are Maria Leal, Glenda Meyers, and Eddie, a security guard from Metro Watch.
Some security guard. Eddie is a tenant's eleven year old grandson.
He said, "that he did not see me with Ms. Meyers but has witnessed in the past, my camera in "peoples faces"".
Quite a few more people than Eddie witnessed Lisa Iacuzzi's camera in peoples' faces – and had them there, too – along with Lisa's taunts and provocations, for the purpose of obtaining defensive reactions which she would then video with her cell phone, in order to use as “evidence” in her efforts to extort money from REACH.
Glenda and Leal were investigated by the state
They weren't.
who proved that their behavior was transphobic
It wasn't.
with 54 findings that provided substantial evidence for gender discrimination.
Per the voices in Lisa's head, perhaps.
I spent 29 days in jail
Most of which she spent in the psycho ward, following her faked suicide attempt with a shampoo bottle.
through the lying of the hate mob and Reach CDC employee Jamie Barton committing perjury.
“Hate mob” is the new Iacuzzi term for what used to be the drug dealing welfare-frauding African American gang, whose members, Lisa claimed, were receiving free cable TV. And Jamie Barton -- unlike Lisa Iacuzzi -- never committed perjury.
This matter of the imaginary free cable REALLY cheeses Lisa off. It was why she broke into the restricted area of the basement and cut the cables of two African American tenants, one the semi-retired partially-disable teacher mentioned above, who refused to let Lisa into her apartment so that Lisa could watch The Sopranos. When Lisa learned of the letter sent to the NAACP, detailing her racist hate behaviour to African American tenants, she quickly substituted a slew of other “gangs” whom she claims were “after her”. In an obvious attempt to cover her racism, and her ass, and show that she's not the hateful bigot she is, she also blogged a slew of “nice” articles about African-Americans. But nobody is fooled.
Will Justice Be served? I am working day and night for this to happen.
Lisa should be careful what she prays for, she may get it. Maybe she's already getting it. Does she get this? Of course she doesn't. Lisa is working – if producing piles of lies and freeloading can be called “work” -- to extort $1,000,000 from REACH, based on fluff, so she can vacation in Europe.
It is not enough to have the chargers dismissed. I want this hate mob charged.
So file charges against the “hate mob”, already. Those should be quite interesting.
Side Note: I did not start filming their behavior until after a year of abuse.
Lisa never started “filming” anything. Four months ago she started harassing people by jamming her cell in their faces and taking their pictures. This was immediately subsequent to her filing her BOLI “gender discrimination” complaint. A month or so before her arrest, she learned how to video them with her cell.
Once again, here are Lisa's “charges” as excerpted from her amended complaint of 13 December 2007. Naturally, she contradicts her previous statements, and, in any case, piles on the usual bullacuzzi. (For further details, see THE LIES THAT ARE LISA'S COMPLAINT.)
“3. In/about August, 2006 I applied for and was accepted as a tenant at The Rose. Respondent advised me that I was number 13 on its waiting list.
“4. On November 29, 2006 I visited The Rose to inquire about the status of my place on the waiting list. The resident manager, Jamie Barton, told me that I was still number 13. Ms. Barton also told me Respondent did not accept men as tenants in the building and asked me why I had bothered to even apply. Ms. Barton then slammed her door in my face.
“5. When I reported this incident to Respondent director Rachel Huber I was told that I had moved up to number 5 on the waiting list.
“6. On/about March 20, 2007, I signed the rental contract in Ms. Barton's office. When I inquired about their nondiscriminatory policies, Ms. Barton responded, “We do not accept men in the building.”
“7. On March 20, 2007, I moved into The Rose apartments. My assigned room was filthy. The room had a wooden frame bed with a mattress that was not useable. Ms. Barton had just discussed with me how my room had had a bed-bug outbreak and that bed-bugs live in wooden bed frames. All the other tenants are given a metal bed frame and a mattress with a plastic wrap.
“8. Shortly after I moved in, Respondent began treating me differently and subjecting me to a hostile environment based on my gender identity. The incidents included, but were not limited to:
“a) On March 29, 2007, I received a “Notice for Cause of Termination” of my lease because I had a male friend stay beyond visiting hours in order to deliver a mattress, as the one provided for me was not useable. I noticed that other tenants had male guests stay beyond visiting hours, but they did not receive notices.
“b) On April 23, 2007, I drank alcohol with another tenant in the common kitchen area. I
received another Notice for Cause of Termination, but the tenant I drank with did not.
“c) On April 30, 2007, I witnessed a tenant complain to Ms Barton that I identified as a male and Ms Barton responded that I was not allowed to do so.
“d) Respondent allowed the other tenants to subject me to a continuous pattern of name calling, threats of physical harm, intimidation and false accusations. Respondent failed to investigate my complaints or take effective action to stop the conduct. Presently, the conduct continues.
“9. I believe that Respondent discriminated against me on the basis of my gender identity in that I am treated differently and subjected to a hostile environment.
“I swear (or affirm) that I know and understand this complaint and that it is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
“[signed] L Iacuzzi Not a Good Queer”
Now there's a sig to lend an air of gravity to the rest of the fluff.
I still rise, I will not apologize for anything!
Herr Schikelgruber never apologized for anything either.
And still, nary a word about the DA dropping the criminal charges [resisting arrest, et al] against Lisa. And that was supposed to have happened two weeks ago. One would have expected a crow or two on Lisa's blog. But nothing. Hmmmmm.... Lisa's silence is deafening.
Lisa Iacuzzi pète toujours plus haut que sa cul!

24 January 2008


Make that Lisa's Amended Complaint. The investigator handling the case required Lisa to amend her complaint, in order to “correct inaccuracies”. So, Lisa “corrected” her previous inaccuracies as follows:

Dan Gardner, Commissioner
Civil Rights Division Complaint of Unlawful Practice


COMPLAINANT: Case #: PTHOSO070702-10998

Lee/Lisa Iacuzzi
631 S.E. Taylor
Portland, OR 97214
Phone #: 503-756-9734

Attorney: David Lawrence
Phone #: 503-577-7260

[NOTE: Lisa lined out the attorney name
and phone number, and replaced them
with “Pro Se”]

Reach CDDC
1136 S.E. Salmon St.
Portland, OR 97214
Phone #: 503-455-4304

County: MLT # of Employees: 50+ Phone #:

Attorney: Mark McGranaghan

Portland Ordinances 23.01.060(B), 23.01.070 (B) and Multnomah County Ordinances 15.344(B), 15.345 (B)

I, Lee/Lisa Iacuzzi, being first duly sworn, do depose and say as follows:

1. Respondent is a Non-Profit organization which runs a housing complex called “The Rose” which is an apartment complex that provides homes to female victims of domestic violence.


The Rose is an apartment building for low income women, some of whom pay rent, others who pay partial rent, and others, like Lisa Iacuzzi, who are provided with free housing paid for through HAP. Some, but not all, residents have been victims of domestic violence. At least one, Lisa Iacuzzi, is on record as a perpetrator of domestic violence.

2. I am transgendered in that I am a biological female with a male gender identity. I identify as bi-gendered.


The definition of “bigendered” is bogus. There is no current accepted definition. Nearly everyone who met Lisa at The Rose were subjected almost immediately to her opinion of herself as “a man in a woman's body”, and, further, how the “heterosexocracy” dominates America and discriminates against men in women's bodies.

A former resident also identified herself as male. That resident is taking the necessary steps to change into a biological male. Moreover, another residents is a close relative of an actual “transgendered” person – one whom Lisa pretends she knows, but does not. – Neither were subjected by Rose residents to the “gender discrimination” and “hostile environment” which Lisa claims affected her.

3. In/about August, 2006 I applied for and was accepted as a tenant at The Rose. Respondent advised me that I was number 13 on its waiting list.
4. On November 29, 2006 I visited The Rose to inquire about the status of my place on the waiting list. The resident manager, Jamie Barton, told me that I was still number 13. Ms. Barton also told me Respondent did not accept men as tenants in the building and asked me why I had bothered to even apply. Ms. Barton then slammed her door in my face.
5. When I reported this incident to Respondent director Rachel Huber I was told that I had moved up to number 5 on the waiting list.
6. On/about March 20, 2007, I signed the rental contract in Ms. Barton's office. When I inquired about their nondiscriminatory policies, Ms. Barton responded, “We do not accept men in the building.”


Lisa has given several differing versions of the foregoing, adding mysterious claims of “paper trails” and phone calls to the YWCA and other agencies. The statement of Jamie Barton, The Rose's former manager, whom Lisa drove from her job, that “We do not accept men in the building,” is true. The Rose is a residence for women only. If Lisa, “a biological female”, was uncomfortable with this, she should have declined her free tenancy. The former mentioned above, who is in the process of effecting a real transgendering -- as opposed to an imaginary one – moved out of the building on her own volition. S/he remains friends with a number of tenants.

7. On March 20, 2007, I moved into The Rose apartments. My assigned room was filthy. The room had a wooden frame bed with a mattress that was not useable. Ms. Barton had just discussed with me how
my room had had a bed-bug outbreak and that bed-bugs live in wooden bed frames. All the other tenants are given a metal bed frame and a mattress with a plastic wrap.


According to Lisa's previous accounts, she signed the lease on 26th March and moved in subsequently thereto. Rooms are thoroughly cleaned prior to tenant occupancy, some of them recarpeted and repainted, as mandated by Oregon law. The “bed-bug outbreak” occurred on the other side of the building long before Lisa moved in. Lisa's statement that “all the other tenants” are given metal bed frames and plastic-wrapped mattresses is false.

8. Shortly after I moved in, Respondent began treating me differently and subjecting me to a hostile environment based on my gender identity.


Immediately Lisa moved in, she demanded different treatment based upon her alleged “gender identity”. The “hostile environment” she created herself with her demands for special treatment, her self-aggrandizing falsehoods, and her hostile and aggressive behaviour. In fact, tenants were cooking meals for Lisa, and providing her with money and cigarettes whenever she came round begging for them.

The incidents included, but were not limited to:
a) On March 29, 2007, I received a “Notice for Cause of Termination” of my lease because I had a male friend stay beyond visiting hours in order to deliver a mattress, as the one provided for me was not useable. I noticed that other tenants had male guests stay beyond visiting hours, but they did not receive notices.


Tenants caught violating the rule against overnight guests, as Lisa did before her first week was out, all receive Notices for Cause of Termination. Because Lisa didn't notice tenants receiving such notices does not, of course, mean that they received no notices. When the violation occurs repeatedly, the tenant is evicted, as happened in the recent past.

b) On April 23, 2007, I drank alcohol with another tenant in the common kitchen area. I
received another Notice for Cause of Termination, but the tenant I drank with did not.


The above date was a Wednesday. Lisa's vodka drinking occurred the previous weekend. The tenant who was one of her drinking partners did, in fact, receive a Notice for Cause of Termination. Lisa's other drinking partner was her 17-year-old female friend, Nicole, whom Lisa allowed to stay over for several nights, in violation of the rule against overnight guests – as well as in violation of building rules against consuming alcohol on the premises, and of State and Federal laws against providing alcohol to minors. Lisa later dubbed her friend as her “mentorship student”. What mentorship program allows the provision of alcohol and controlled substances to minors is anyone's guess.

c) On April 30, 2007, I witnessed a tenant complain to Ms Barton that I identified as a male and Ms Barton responded that I was not allowed to do so.


If Lisa were honest, which she isn't, “I witnessed” would have read “I eavesdropped while a tenant complained”. Lisa omits the facts that several tenants complained to the manager about Lisa's incessant harping on her “gender identity” and the “heterosexocracy” running America and discriminating against her. It's doubtful that Jamie responded that Lisa “was not allowed to do so”. To tenants who mentioned Lisa's views as to her “gender”, Jamie responded that Lisa was perfectly free to express her opinions.

d) Respondent allowed the other tenants to subject me to a continuous pattern of name calling, threats of physical harm, intimidation and false accusations. Respondent failed to investigate my complaints or take effective action to stop the conduct. Presently, the conduct continues.


It was, in fact, Lisa Iacuzzi who subjected tenants to “name calling” -- particularly African American tenants – threats of physical harm, as well as physical assault, and false accusations. Over several months, Lisa repeatedly accused African American tenants of welfare fraud, aided and abetted by Lee Greer of Portland Impact. Ms. Greer was forced to resign her position, due to Lisa's ongoing harassment, as was Jamie Barton. Lisa further accused African American tenants of buying and selling illegal drugs – the purposes of the alleged welfare fraud -- including a handicapped African American teacher, who does not receive food stamps—as well as of receiving free cable TV. Lisa sabotaged the same African American teacher's cable, and later boasted of her sabotage. Lisa's stated reason was that the said tenant was receiving “free cable TV”, as was another African American tenant, who does not receive cable TV, free or otherwise. In fact, Ms. Iacuzzi's sabotage – which cost the tenant $60 to repair – was due to the fact that Ms. Iacuzzi appeared at her door one night and demanded to watch “The Sopranos.” The tenant, to whom Ms. Iacuzzi was a stranger, quite naturally refused to let her in. Ms. Iacuzzi subsequently banged on the tenant's door, called her racist epithets, then later sabotaged her cable TV, as well as her plants in the common garden area.

Lisa freely admitted her sabotage to other tenants, stating that she had “taken the panel off of the cable box while the security guard was downstairs in the lobby, and I cut their cable cords with a knife.” Lisa also bragged that she took the “cable and wore it around my neck like a necklace when I went into the computer room. I had fun taunting everyone with it, and I loved watching everyone’s reactions as they ran out of the computer room. I guess I scared them!”

Lisa also admitted to “messing with the lock on the community kitchen door.” She stated she did this because “several tenants in the building threatened to beat me up.” When pressed for the identities of those tenants, she failed to mention names. “I put some stuff in the lock because nobody would let me in the kitchen.” She then claimed that: “After I put the stuff in the lock, I took it back out afterwards.”

Lisa stated to tenants that someone at REACH “offered me $10,000 if I said I wouldn’t sue them.” She then laughed and said: “That isn’t enough for a European vacation. I want $1,000,000 from them.” This meshes with Ms. Iacuzzi's defacement of the front steps of The Rose, where she wrote: “$1,000,000 Reach CDC.” Ms Iacuzzi urged tenants to contact Kerry Johnson at BOLI and tell him they would back her complaint that she was “being harassed by and threatened” by “Reach employees and some of the tenants in the building due to being transgendered.” She stated “There would be more than enough money for a European vacation if we all sued and won.”

Around the same time in mid-October, Ms. Iacuzzi harassed and threatened a tenant and that tenant's guest, then physically assaulted the guest several times. Later, she threatened to push that guest down the staairs and “break his neck.” She also called the security guard, Roy of Metro Watch, several filthy names. Later she boasted of having gotten Roy fired.

Lisa's statement that REACH managed “failed to investigate my complaints or take effective action to stop the conduct”is patently false. Most of her “complaints” were based merely on her unique and extremely subjective perceptions, and eventually boiled down to Lisa's word against those of tenants and other witnesses.

Lisa's statement that “the conduct continues” is valid only when applied to her conduct. Two days after her release from jail, attempted to assault a tenant whom she believed a signatory to accounts detailing her actions. Lisa's attempted assault was forestalled due to the presence of that tenant's brother and former husband.

9. I believe that Respondent discriminated against me on the basis of my gender identity in that I am treated differently and subjected to a hostile environment.


If Lisa was, as she claims, “treated differently” and “subjected to a hostile environment,” it was not due to any “gender identity”claims, but rather that, from the inception of her tenancy, Lisa demanded to be treated differently, and in the course of her tenancy, she herself created that “hostile environment” from which she is now attempting to profit.

It's difficult to see why Lisa was never charged with for providing alcohol and marijuana to a minor – her so-called “mentorship student” -- or for her racist hate speech and attacks on African American and gay women. Lisa's violent behavior is attested by her record while incarcerated in the Multnomah County jail psychiatric ward.

I swear (or affirm) that I know and understand this complaint and that it is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
L Iacuzzi Not a Good Queer


Now there's a sig to inspire trust and confidence.

As many have been made aware, “the best” of Lisa's “knowledge and information” is woefully less than adequate. As for her beliefs, those are best left to the shrinks at the jail psycho ward where she spent the better part of a month for her violent behaviour toward jail personnel and inmates.

Lisa Iacuzzi pète toujours plus haut que sa cul.

Lisa Rants and Moans on Her Arrest - Again

On Thursday, January 10, Lisa wrote:
BOLI's Case Number: PTHOSO070702
NAGQ documents discrimination in the "Progressive" City Of Portland, Oregon

Translation: Lisa gives a highly selective version of her 12th November arrest and incarceration.

Good Cop Officer west Helfrich #29194 and Bad Cop Officer Andrew Kofoed #40928.
The bad cop with Officer Tim Lowry targeted and physically assaulted me in my arrest who tried to cite, "resisting arrest" on my police report where I spent 29 days in Mult. County jail

Translation: Lisa was arrested last November for violating a stalking order granted by the court to a resident whom Lisa had targeted for abuse. In the course of her arrest, Lisa hit, kicked, and spit on the arresting officers. Halfway down the block from the arrest site, the car pulled over so that Lisa could be muzzled, in order to keep her from spitting on the officers. Not a smart thing to do.

Another not so smart thing was to scream at her victim, “When I get out of jail, I'm going to kill you!”

and I still face criminal charges which should be dropped by Friday, January 11, 08 by District Attorney Fred Lansing.

Well, yes. About those charges – were they dropped? Hmmmm....Lisa doesn't say.

Officers Lowry and Kofoed only took testimonies from two tenants who had been targeting hate at Not a Good Queer.

Translation: the officers spoke to all who witnessed Lisa's arrest and her resistance thereto. There were considerably more than two present.

They did not interview staff who were present in the lobby, where a "supposed" threat by NAGQ was made against a hate mob tenant, these staff witnesses would have reported that the two haters statements were lies.

Actually, they reported hearing Lisa say to the target of her abuse: “When I get out, I'm going to kill you!”

Instead, NAGQ spent 29 days in jail

In the jail psychiatric ward, no less.

and had to tell the judge that NAGQ would move out of my apartment to get out of jail which made NAGQ homeless.

That was Lisa's own decision. REACH has stated that she is free to ingress and egress the building. Lisa is a bit smarter than she was during her arrest, however, and has wisely chosen to obey the court order that she stay away. Sort of.

Reach CDC also gave NAGQ a cause of eviction notice for false accusations for almost every month of NAGQ's apartment at the Rose.

Accusations of Lisa's racist hate language, her providing alcohol to a minor, her sabotage of tenant's property, her threats of physical harm to tenants, were none of them “false”.

The only one who has paid severely for the hate crimes is NAGQ and the witnesses of NAGQ who still are living in the "hate" building.

Apparently Lisa has changed her mind about “Payback is a good thing!”-- at least when she's on the receiving end.

These witnesses have been physically and emotionally threatened.

By Lisa. She certainly did threaten potential witnesses, physically and emotionally, telling them she would cut off their legs if they appeared in court, leaving threatening notes under their doors, screaming that she would kill them when she got out of the pokey.

Is the police going to do anything about it?

Is they? Apparently the justice system did do something about Lisa: 29 days in the jail psycho ward – pretty stiff for a stalking order violation.

We already know that Reach CDC has proven itself to do: Reach CDC already knows and has done nothing.

REACH certainly did nothing with regard to Lisa's hateful, abusive, and destructive antics directed against tenants.

To do nothing against harassment is not a defense: doing nothing, for fear of being penalized for doing something, has been Reach CDC's progressive management and organizational stance.!

Right about that. REACH's response to tenants who were abused and attacked by Lisa was to do NOTHING.

COMPLAINANT: Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi, known as Not a Good Queer at Blogspot.
VIOLATION of Portland City Ordinance: 23.01.60(B),23.01.070(B). and Multonomah County Ordinances 15.344(B), 15.245(B).
23.01.060 Discrimination in Selling, Renting, or Leasing Real Property Prohibited. - Printable Version
(Amended by Ordinance No. 175158, effective January 15, 2001.)
A. It shall be unlawful to discriminate in selling, renting, or leasing real property on the basis of an individual’s race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital status, familial status, or disability, by committing any of the acts made unlawful under the provisions of ORS 659.033 and 659.430.
B. In addition, it shall be unlawful to discriminate in selling, renting, or leasing real property on the basis of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, source of income, or age if the individual is 18 years of age or older except as is excluded in ORS 659.033 subsection 6 (a) and (b), by committing against any such individual any of the acts already made unlawful under ORS 659.033 when committed against the categories of persons listed therein.
23.01.070 Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation Prohibited - Printable Version

Printing excerpts from the Portland city ordinances means exactly what? Only Lisa knows for sure.

Amended by Ordinance No. 175158, effective January 15, 2001.)

I know activists helped me in the year of 2000 to make ordinances so that trans/bigendered people could be safe in housing. I would like to especially thank, Lori Buckwater who I believed helped pave the way for all trans and bigendered people in the state of Oregon.

Lori – a REAL transgenderd person, as well as a relative of one of the Rose tenants whom Lisa accosted several times -- would be appalled to learn she had helped Lisa do anything. Lori was already appalled to learn of Lisa's behaviour, and offered reassurances that such behaviour is NOT the norm for REAL transgenders.

A. It shall be unlawful to discriminate in public accommodations on the basis of an individual’s race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age if the individual is 18 years of age or older, or disability, by committing any of the acts made unlawful under the provisions of ORS 659.037, 659.425, or ORS 30.670 to 30.685.
B. In addition, it shall be unlawful in public accommodations to discriminate on the basis of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, source of income or familial status, by committing against any such individual any of the acts already made unlawful under ORS 659.037 or ORS 30.670 to 30.685 when committed against the categories of persons listed therein.
23.01.070 Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation Prohibited - Printable Version (Amended by Ordinance No. 175158, effective January 15, 2001.)

Lisa's point of pasting these portions of Portland's city ordinances is......?

A. It shall be unlawful to discriminate in public accommodations on the basis of an individual’s race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age if the individual is 18 years of age or older, or disability, by committing any of the acts made unlawful under the provisions of ORS 659.037, 659.425, or ORS 30.670 to 30.685.
B. In addition, it shall be unlawful in public accommodations to discriminate on the basis of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, source of income or familial status, by committing against any such individual any of the acts already made unlawful under ORS 659.037 or ORS 30.670 to 30.685 when committed against the categories of persons listed therein.


In case your wondering, NAGQ needs a civil rights lawyer and money for legal fees. NAGQ has interviewed several lawyers in Portland, but has not made a decision on who would represent NAGQ in the highest regards.

Translation: Lisa can't find a lawyer who will take her case on spec. Her previous lawyer, David Lawrence, seems to have resigned as counsel well over a month ago. Lisa's habit of welshing on her debts -- the $5,000 she owes PSU comes to mind -- may be a consideration.

Maybe Lisa can get her “sister Chris” to help her? After all, according to Lisa, sister Chris is a paralegal who works for a HUGE law firm, and has won “many awards” for her expertise in “solving cases.” According Lisa. BUT, also according to Lisa, when she tried “to call my family and demand that they make a 50,000 dollar bail” to get her out of jail, “my family said that I was guilty and that I had to do my time.“

So much for the help Lisa says she received from sister Chris.

The city of Portland became a role model for how people identify their gender to be safe. The ordinances are progressive but enforcing these ordinances have not always been successful. NAGQ spent 29 days in jail because the south east precinct decided to arrest the trouble making "tranny" versus doing solid police work.

Translation: the officers received a copy of a letter signed by over half the tenants of the Rose listing Lisa's violent and destructive antics. It gave them the means to act.

Officer Tim Lowry #41142 and AndrewKofoed #40928 took the side of a hate mob and intentionally and deliberately profiled Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi, known as http://notagoodqueer.blogspot.com

They “profiled” Lisa for what she is: a bully and an abuser. Shrinks in the jail psycho ward, where Lisa spent 29 days, provided further details.

It only takes one bad cop to put you in jail.

For Lisa, it took months of her hateful and abusive antics to get her there, and more of the same to keep her there.

The hate mob at the complainant's housing created a website dedicated to NAGQ called http://notagoodqueer-oae.blogspot.com/ who use a look alike name as my name on their website to write into submissions. Their blog is a must read for those who find gang behavior of hate enjoyable.

Awwwwww, Lisa's just jealous because NAGQ-OAE is far more literate and amusing than anything an uneducated boor could produce. What excites Lisa's fury more than jealousy, however, is NAGQ-OAE's provender of facts in opposition to Lisa's fabrications. Some of Lisa's fabrications. It would take a full-time staff of nine, working 24/7 to produce facts in opposition to ALL of Lisa' fabrications. Even then, it would be like trying to plug the effluvia from a fertilizer factory with a q-tip.

It only takes one bad cop to put you in jail.

It took Lisa's customary antics to put herself in jail, and the jail psycho ward, for 29 days.

Currently, I am homeless due to the Bad cops decision,

Lisa is currently vouchered into the Y, in spite of the support of all those friends she claims to have. So, she is hardly in the same category as homeless people on the streets. Not even the poor homeless man whose sleeping spot she “borrowed” -- along with his sleeping bag.

I can't feel my left arm, collar bone injury, and pain all though out my body.

That “collar bone injury” was the one where the cops stood Lisa on her collar bone, with all her weight thereon, right?

The stress has been unbelievable because the lynching mob tried to protray me as a money hungry freak that the "bad" police believed and who decided to protect due to poor information and the business influences of the police department versus the civil rights protections.

So many people out to get Lisa Iacuzzi....Has she ever stopped to wonder WHY they are all after her, but not after, say, a “trans activist” like Lori Buckwater?

The Souteast police precinct were given a copy of BOLI's compalint of civil rights violations but the police ignored the states' charges against Reach CDC.

There was no “BOLI compalint[sic] of civil rights violations”. There were no “states' charges against REACH” either. If Lisa gave the Southeast Precinct anything, besides grief, it was a copy of her complaint against REACH, which BOLI asked her to amend to correct her “inaccuracies”, as the investigator put it delicately:

“It will now go in to the conciliation process and my supervisor will try to settle the case. But before this begins I need to have you or your attorney sign an amended complaint. I HAD TO CORRECT SOME INACCURACIES IN THE COMPLAINT. I need the notarized signature of you or your attorney as soon as possibly. Is David Lawrence still representing you on the Reach matter? If so, I can have him sign the complaint. (I've enclosed a copy of the amended complaint.) Your letter indicated you wanted to settle the the Reach complaint. Do you have a settlement offer in mind? I'm still working on the Bradley Angle-House complaint. I'm not yet ready to make a determination on that complaint.”
“I really would urge you to get an attorney regarding the stalking order situation. . Remember the old saying, 'Anyone who represents himself has a fool for an attorney.'”

In fact, Lisa is no longer represented by attorney Lawrence on her BOLI complaint, as she herself signed it pro se. So, Lisa now has a fool for an attorney.

Reach CDC, I would like you to donate a house to the transgendered and bigendered community who have limited options for safety in the "progressive city of Portland".

Lisa Iacuzzi, REACH tenants would like you to get a heart transplant, so you'll have one—and “heart” doesn't mean the organ in your thorax.

Would you please be a solution to the problem?

Lisa is the problem. Would she be a solution to it? Not bloody likely. She enjoys causing trouble. A real nudnik.

Reach CDC has lots of properties and is well known in the city and state government as a leader in helping Building a Better Community and an organization who operates as a nonprofit to help the homeless. How about you help the gender community?

What, exactly, is a “gender community”? Is it the opposite of a “genderless community”?

How about REACH helping Lisa Iacuzzi by giving her a one-way ticket to Riyadh? Lisa can conduct a fact-finding mission on gender discrimination, take one of her little polls on gender equality and “bigendered/trigendered” persons, then write a dissertation on it all. This might be a great help to who has a marked tendency to bite all the hands that have fed her.

I do not apologize for anything! NAGQ

Neither did Herr Schikelgruber. He, too, shared with Lisa a certain tendency to make scapegoats of others – or, as Lisa puts is, “escape goat.”

Lisa Pinballs on her 12th November Arrest (and other rants)

On Wednesday, January 9, Lisa wrote

Warning to NAGQ: Do not go back!
NAGQ is currently couch surfing. NAGQ had to say to the Judge, that NAGQ would move to get out of jail. Also, NAGQ is innocent of charges of violation of a stalking order.

In Lisa's unique version of events, anyway.

But, cannot get too detailed about the upcoming events where justice may be served.

Of course Lisa “cannot get too detailed”. Details, as we have seen, tend to get Lisa in a muddle, particularly when details are factual and accurate, as opposed to the sort Lisa deals out. Moreover, she may change her story down the road, as she invariably does, and the details of her various redactions may come back to haunt her at her trial next month. In that case, “justice”, as Lisa notes “may be served.”

The stalking order cost NAGQ 29 days in jail.

Another spew of muddled details – in a single sentence, yet.

The stalking order granted by the court against Lisa Iacuzzi cost her nothing. It was by her repeated violations of that order that she cost herself some jail time. Normally, such a violator would have been jailed, briefly, then released on his/her own recognition. In Lisa's case, however, it was her resisting arrest, hitting, kicking, and spitting on the arresting officers, her attempted assault of jail personnel and inmates, added to her usual mouthing off – in short, a repeat performance of her antics at The Rose – which, added together, “cost NAGQ 29 days in jail”.

Regarding those “29 days in jail,” Lisa writes elsewhere:

--“I was fighting with other inmates about my sexuality. I then heckled guards Maxwell.”

--Lisa told Maxwell “that he was fat all his life and the kids in the school yard must have really picked on him for him to be so mean".

--“I said fuck you to Guardsmen Maxewell .”

--Most of Lisa's jail time was spent in the psycho ward, following a faked suicide attempt with a plastic shampoo bottle: “I bite off my shampoo bottle and started to cut my wrists North to South. I took a chance that my life would not end. I cut from 10pm until 9am.”

--Lisa also notes “My lawyer did not take collect calls.” This is not normal procedure for criminal lawyers; if he refused her collect calls, she gave him very good reason. Lisa's family may have entertained similar reasons, as Lisa wrote:

--“I asked Lefty to call my family and demand that they make a 50,000 dollar bail to get me out of this hell. Lefty told me that my family said that I was guilty and that I had to do my time.”

--“The nurses asked me what was the first thing I was going to do out of jail, I told them that I was going to sue them.”

--“The guards asked me what I was going to do when I got out? I told them that I am going to sue the Sheriff, Police, and Reach CDC! Please keep laughing, I am enjoying being the underdog!”

--“I plan on filing a retaliation claim against Reach CDC, who provided false evidence for Glenda Meyers "stalking order" which resulted in 29 days in jail.”

We return now to the currently-scheduled Iacuzzi rant.

The stalking order was assisted by Reach CDC former manager Jamie Barton.

Jamie, whom NAGQ's harassment forced out of a job, wrote a two sentence verification the victim's statement of NAGQ's unlovely habit of lurking outside closed doors and eavesdropping on personal conversations which are none of her business. Many residents can verify NAGQ's behaviour.

During this time Reach CDC was under investigation for a gender discrimination complaint.

This sounds far more dramatic than it actually is. NAGQ filed a complaint with the Bureau of Labor and Industries for the purpose of obtaining a large monetary settlement from REACH CDC. That complaint is based on Lisa's belief that REACH “discriminated against me on the basis of my gender identity in that I am treated differently and subjected to a hostile environment,” as set forth, in part, in her amended complaint of 13th December 2007, as follows:

“7. On March 20, 2007, I moved into The Rose apartments. My assigned room was filthy. The room had a wooden frame bed with a mattress that was not useable. Ms. Barton had just discussed with me how my room had had a bed-bug outbreak and that bed-bugs live in wooden bed frames. All the other tenants are given a metal bed frame and a mattress with a plastic wrap.
“8. Shortly after I moved in, Respondent began treating me differently and subjecting me to a hostile environment based on my gender identity. The incidents included, but were not limited to:
“a) On March 29, 2007, I received a “Notice for Cause of Termination” of my lease because I had a male friend stay beyond visiting hours in order to deliver a mattress, as the one provided for me was not useable. I noticed that other tenants had male guests stay beyond visiting hours, but they did not receive notices.
“b) On April 23, 2007, I drank alcohol with another tenant in the common kitchen area. I
received another Notice for Cause of Termination, but the tenant I drank with did not.
“c) On April 30, 2007, I witnessed a tenant complain to Ms Barton that I identified as a male and Ms Barton responded that I was not allowed to do so.
“d) Respondent allowed the other tenants to subject me to a continuous pattern of name calling, threats of physical harm, intimidation and false accusations. Respondent failed to investigate my complaints or take effective action to stop the conduct. Presently, the conduct continues.

Back to the stalking order, and Lisa's violations thereof:

Jamie Barton offered the only shred of evidence to this stalking complaint which consisted of a letter she wrote stating that the video camera placed me outside her door. She stated that she asked me to leave her door and to wait in the lobby for her to finish her gossiping about me to another resident. The fact that the fire alarm went off and she was called in from home for this alarm, she was in fact ignoring a fire alarm.

The fact is that Jamie's “shred of evidence” was a note supporting the victim's statement that NAGQ was eavesdropping. How Jamie could ask Lisa to leave her door, and then be called in from home regarding the fire alarm, is a feat of bilocation that only Lisa Iacuzzi can explain.

The truth is that she was obsessed about ganging evidence about me because NAGQ recently made a complaint about several residents that Jamie Barton had an unprofessional relationship.

The truth is that Jamie's husband demanded that she resign from her position for her health's sake, as a result of Lisa's continuous antics, as well as Lisa's harassment of Jamie, for nothing more than attempting to get Lisa to follow the building rules. Lisa's “complaint” that Jamie was involved in a relationship with an emotionally disturbed tenant, is bogus, libelous, and no one believes it.

This led to a criminal investigation of Jamie Barton by Portlands' Housing Authority.

No such “criminal investigation” occurred.

After BOLI, a civil rights organization that is ran by the state, investigates the camera.

NAGQ doesn't even know what the Bureau of Labor and Industries is (or, as Lisa has previously put it, “the Beware of Labor & Industries”, “the Bower of Labor and Industries”, “the Beaure of Labor” etc), even though Lisa is making use of them, at taxpayers' expense, to extort money from several nonprofit organizations which have helped Lisa in the past.

FWIW, BOLI's mission statement is:

“The Bureau of Labor and Industries promotes the development of a highly-skilled, competitive workforce in Oregon through partnerships with government, labor, business, and educational institutions. It protects the rights of workers and citizens to equal, non-discriminatory treatment; encourages and enforces compliance with state laws relating to wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment; and advocates policies that balance the demands of the workplace and employers with the protections of workers and their families.”

That “equal, non-discriminatory” phrase is apparently the crack through which two-legged cockroaches can scuttle.

The cameras is in the lobby not pointed at Jamie Baton's door which her letter to the judge described.

Jamie wrote no letter to a judge. She typed a brief note which served as an attachment to the victim's petition for a stalking order. It verified Lisa's habit of eavesdropping on private, personal conversations which have nothing to do with her. And the cameras is not pointed at Jamie's door.

When he questions the letter, he is told that the camera timed me when I passed through it again. Well their are two exits leaving Jamie Barton's door and NAGQ quite frequently walks up the back stairs which would not have been video taped.

There are no cameras in the back corridor. Lisa, in her muddled way, refers to the “cameras” which “is in the lobby”.

But this explanation was not given to the judge

Azoy? After the judge “questions the [non-existent] letter?

and a whole lot of information was missing for the letters that was called evidence.

How many letters “was called evidence”? Lisa is in quite her usual muddle. In any case, the judge had all the “evidence” he needed to grant a temporary stalking order – not that much is needed, as Lisa discovered when she retaliated with temporary stalking orders herself.

So Reach CDC you are not that slick. I am scared of your tactics that is being supported by your friends also known as tenants of the Rose.

REACH's tactics, so far, have been to cave in to the Iacuzzi extortion, and, in the matter of Lisa's abuse of tenants, take the YOYO position. (YOYO: You're On Your Own).

My friend Paul wrote:
Maybe I am enabling them by asking them to reflect on what they are doing . . . Giving them too much power. But, the fact is that I am genuinely concerned about your safety based on the kind of situation that is being stirred up. They are creating a situation in which any kind of violence towards you seems rational.

It's obvious that the unfortunate Paul Hamilton has swallowed Lisa's tale of woe hook, line, and bullpuckey.

This is quite frightening to me. I want you to know I am not validating their claim by saying they can go through the proper channels if they have a grievance.

For Paul's information: Tenants have gone through “proper” channels, such as are available to them, by advising both BOLI and REACH of Lisa Iacuzzi's violent and destructive behaviour, and the NAACP as well, concerning the matter of Lisa Iacuzzi's racist hate speech to, and abuse of, African American tenants.

I am just trying to suggest that they realize that there are choices other than projecting hatred as a group towards a single person. These processes are built in to insure that mobs don't get created like this - act irrationally - and hurt people.

The only one acting irrationally here is Lisa Iacuzzi – because she IS irrational.

Actually, the fabrication by members of the building in order to get you placed in jail is an example of the action of this violence. It worries me . . .

Whatever “fabrications” Paul Hamilton has been induced to believe, it's clear that Lisa's abuse of Rose tenants DOESN'T worry Paul.

Anyway, I just wanted to clarify.

It's equally clear that Paul Hamilton does NOT want to clarify anything.

I don't want to support these people in any way,

Lisa's friend apparently has no interest in supporting facts either.

but I am more concerned with your safety than anything else.

Lisa Iacuzzi's safety was never at issue. The issue, or issues, have been the violence she has directed against tenants, along with her threats of further physical violence, even to the point of killing them.

But --as Paul says, in so many words -- he doesn't care a rat's ass about that.

Take Care,
Posted by Not a Good Queer

In another email to Lisa, Paul Hamilton expresses his horror at poor Lisa's treatment – her version, of course --, and offers his unqualified opinion that “homophobic gang at The Rose” treats poor Lisa as Nazis treated Jews, to-wit:

“The only precedent is Nazi Germany or the Columbine massacres. It is a case study in the psychology of evil.....a mob of people gathered in an orgy of hatred against a single individual...the kind of casual bigotry that created the crematoriums in Nazi Germany. Their characterization of [you] is very much like the Germans dehumanizing the Jews in World War II so that they could gas them.”

Oy vevoy! For Paul's edification, as well as others', a few brief quotes:

“On that very first day, the victims were the Jewish children, and I shall never forget the harrowing scenes and blood-curdling incidents when the SS men most cruelly attacked the children--children roaming in the streets...Even today the cries and shrieking of those children are clear in my mind.” From Adolf Berman's testimony, Jerusalem 1961

“People are being hunted down in the streets like animals of the forest.The children in particular rend the heavens with their cries. The old people and the middle-aged deportees accept the judgment in silent submission.But there is no limit to the sorrow and tears of the young women.” From Chaim Kaplan's diary, Warsaw, July 1942

“238,000 were burned in the crematorium. I saw the ovens, the gas chambers, the kennels, the gallows, the prisoners' quarters, and the SS quarters [at Dachau]. Until April 15 this year 48,000 Jews were here [in Belsen]. Since then 31,000 have died (of typhus, tuberculosis).” From David Ben-Gurion's diary, October 1945

Anyone think that the “only precedent” for Lisa Iacuzzi's experiences at The Rose is Nazi Germany? That Lisa experienced “the kind of casual bigotry that created the crematoriums in Nazi Germany”? That Rose tenants' substantiated FACTS in opposition to Lisa Iacuzzi's paskudneh version are “very much like the Germans dehumanizing the Jews in World War II so that they could gas them”? Yasher koyach – NOT. Paul drayt zich vi a forst in shtchav, and Lisa even more so.


Elsewhere, Lisa writes:
“I still face criminal charges [for resisting arrest] which should be dropped by Friday, January 11, 08 by District Attorney Fred Lansing.”

Well, what do you know, here it is, two weeks after Lisa's dropped charges date, and what has Lisa to comment about it? Given Lisa's tendency to self-puffery, one would expect a crow or two, at least. But not a peep from Lisa about the dropped charges. On her blog, the only comment is .....

********sound of crickets*******

Looks like Lisa has another kretch on her plate. But don't hold your breath waiting for another Iacuzzi tale of woe regarding the apparently UNdismissed criminal charges.


09 January 2008

A poem which has nothing to do with Lisa

Alone in the night

On a dark hill
With pines around me
Spicy and still,

And a heaven full of stars
Over my head,
White and topaz
And misty red;

Myriads with beating
Hearts of fire
That aeons
Cannot vex or tire;

Up the dome of heaven
Like a great hill,
I watch them marching
Stately and still,

And I know that I
Am honored to be
Of so much majesty.

Sara Teasdale (1884-1933)

More Praise for NAGQ!


Lisa Iacuzzi expressed her undying admiration for NAGQ-OAE as follows:

Not a Good Queer (aka Lisa Mary Iacuzzi) said...

NAGQ would like to thank you for being so public about your hate. You can keep writing because everytime you post, you affirm my lawsuit. My lawyer told me that I did not have a half million dollar case, but now he says, I could get a 1,000,000. Thank you so so much by showing your cards. The jury is going to really appreciate your writing and I am sure Reach CDC will eventually shut you down. Reach CDC never gave me a warning of hate mail because my blog is not hateful. It is an artistic piece of work and your blog is dedicated to the hate of a single person. It is to late to erase your work because it has been put on a pdf.

I hope you tenants enjoy being on the local news for a hate crime. I have a question, why would you put your threats of my witnesses in writing. You can not even imagine that you are going to jail? I can. I spend my entire day talking to the press, city council, hate-crimes detective, narcotics, welfare fraud, and BOLI.

Reach CDC will be too embarrassed about your behavior and they will have to settle out of court. I am surprised that they have not started evicting you.


Not a Good

Well, NAGQ believes the bloggers are Bren Athens and Debra. Yes, I believe Annie has participated and others.

Take Care of your gang and make sure thier are no cracks.

Not a Good Queer"

09 January, 2008 05:43

For Lisa

When you are gone there will be no memory
Of you and no regret.
For you do not share t
he Pierian roses,
but unseen in the house of Hades
ou will stray,
breathed out,
among the ghostly dead.

The Muses have filled my life
with delight. And when I die,
I shall not be forgotten.
- Sappho

07 January 2008

Dept. of Puffed Egos


As if we weren't bowled over by Lisa Iacuzzi's foaming enthusiam for our NAGQ-OAE blog, as she expressed on our companion NAGQ blog, we hear that on January 4th, REACH issued a memo to all Rose tenants, touching on “Internet postings, blogs, etc.”

From the memo:

"REACH Commmunity Development, Inc., its assigns, representatives, officers, and employees do not support, encourage nor condone any internet postings that are perceived, or intended to be derogatory or discriminatory in nature toward tenants, associates, employees, volunteers or any other persons associated in any way with REACH CDC housing."

Et cetera!


You can bet LIsa Iacuzzi's NAGQ log NEVER, in all the time she was using REACH computers to post her hateful, racist, and libellous drivel EVER received such attention! With all due modesty, permit us to suggest that this may be due to the fact that NAGQ-OAE writers are far superior to anything Lisa has produced (which she hasn't pasted from another source, that is, like the recent additions made to her blog in an obvious and futile effort to prove she isn't the racist she is).

Lisa must have indulged herself in quite a storm of weeping and wailing and gnashing of smoke-stained fangs, over our little NAGQ-OAE blog, so hurriedly did REACH fire off that attorney-inspired and most pleasant ego-puff of a memo. The memo enlivened and warmed yet another dreary, cold, and wet day here at NAGQ-OAE Central (and whoever said it doesn't rain in Southern California should spend a winter there tied to a tree in the backyard. So Petaluma isn't SoCal, but so what? It's still dreary, cold, and wet.)

In the interests of avoiding any cyber-nudzhing, one must point to the erroneous use of “nor” in the second line of the notice. “...support, encourage nor condone...” SHOULD have read “...support, encourage OR condone...” Be advised that the foregoing is intended to serve as NAGQ-OAE HQ's Get Out Of Nudzhing Free card for any and all English Usage Cossacks.

NAGQ-OAE will not point to the ramifications of what must be evident to a number of you, gentle readers, regarding the January 4th notice from REACH concerning Internet postings, blogs, etc. Permit NAGQ-OAE, if you will, to note the the following:

In all the months that Lisa Mary Iacuzzi used Rose tenants' computers -- and other personal computers – for the express purpose of publishing, circulating, issuing, and displaying communications, notices, and signs indicating preference, limitation, specification and discrimination based upon race, color, sex, source of income, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, as well as derogatory and discriminatory remarks, fabrications, prevarications, and outright lies, directed against Rose tenants and REACH assigns, representatives, officers, associates, employees, volunteers, and any and all other persons associated with Rose tenants and REACH housing, – NOT ONCE did REACH ever issue a disavowal thereof.

The Latin maxim is qui tacet consentire. One might be forgiven for suspecting that REACH's silence in the matter of Lisa Iacuzzi's false, hateful, and hurtful postings is a possible indication that REACH might have tacitly consented thereto.

But that's another matter, to be addressed with at another time.

For the nonce, we shall recline by our cyberfire, in our cushy wingback chair, enjoy the crackle of cyberflames, and savour a cup of hot cybercocoa along with all the foaming enthusiasm lately showered on NAGQ-OAE.

Wassail, wassail all over the town!
NAGQ-OAE it is good, and our cocoa it is brown.
Our writers have it all over Iacuzzi.
In cyberspace we will wassail thee!
