28 July 2008


Dear, oh dear Lisa, after the excellent beginning you made when you admitted “I am guitly” and “I am an asshole” -- admission of personal error being a step on the road to wisdom -- you had to go and spoil it.

Asking for Evidence

Are you really asking for evidence, Lisa? Let's see.....

portland police arrested me on Nov 11, 2007.

You were arrested Monday morning, 12th November 2007, after the most recent of your repeated violations of one of the temporary protective stalking orders issued by the court against you.

My statement was missing form the police report. Why?

Lisa dear, as you should know, police reports don't usually include lengthy statements from arrestees. This is due, partly, to space limitations on the report form; partly to the volume of reports which police are required to write in the course of a day's work, particularly on minor matters such as your peccadilloes; and partly because no one likes reading lengthy reports, and the police don't like writing them. Moreover, space on the report was taken up by your hitting, kicking, and screeching obscenities at the arresting officers, so that they had to shackle you, and then spitting on them, so that they had to muzzle you.

If the foregoing doesn't satisfy, you can ask one of that “team of five lawyers” you claim to have, or maybe write a letter to your sister Chris, the award-winning paralegal with the huge New Jersey law firm, who has “solved” so many cases.

A false accusation from one the the hate mobs led police to come to a 911 call. This women was hysterical on the phone staing that she was trapped in a corner by her stalker. The truth is that I have a stalking order on this women and she could just walk out the door which could be touched by the phone cord. Thier was a security guard in the lobby, and a night manager and a maintenace guy. But she said that she was bieng trapped.

My goodness, Lisa, it's amazing how you manage to compact so much rubbish into a few sentences. You're a walking (waddling?) verbal trash compactor. If you're asking for evidence, the evidence shows that: Your victim made no false accusation. You were observed racing from floor to floor, and corridor to corridor, in a clear attempt to blockade your victim's egress from the building. You were also heard verbally taunting her. It's immaterial whether any “door could be touched by the phone cord” or not, as was your retaliatory temporary protective stalking order.

There was indeed a security guard on duty that morning, who witnessed most of your childish antics. The “maintenace guy” was not around. There was no night manager, nor has there ever been one.

The evidence shows that your victim was indeed “bieng trapped” by you, in one of your characteristic childish games of provocation, and your motive was nothing more than to harass your emotionally fragile victim.

The series of threats of physical harm you had recently issued to a number of residents should be noted.

In short, Lisa, you violated the order against you.

The police came and they came for one thing, they came to finally arrest me. They had enough calls that made their presence a daily event.

Of course they came to arrest you, Lisa, but their appearance was hardly the “daily event” you claim. Do try not to exaggerate.

The Portland Police were will aware since they were given a document by residents who malaigned me to the point of abuse beyond that any one human being can endure. This document was sent to the portland Police and to two particular officers Andrew Koefed and Offcer Fulitano.

Clearly, you are still in the dark as to the nature of that “document” you keep nattering about; your scattershot references show it, as does your uncertainty as to whether it was eight pages or fourteen pages. We here at NAGQ-OAE have seen it, and it was neither. Suffice to say that you were not “malaigned” in it; your comment that it contained “abuse beyond that any one human being can endure” is nothing more than your usual childish and grotesque hyperbole.

For your future reference, Lisa, the subject of that “document” was your disturbing and destructive behaviour at The Rose since the inception of your residency. It set forth your repeated violations of your lease provisions; your violent and threatening antics; your deliberate, willful, and malicious harassment of tenants, chief among whom were gay women and the African American women whom you made the targets of your abuse and racist hate speech; and your general conduct of yourself in a such manner that disturbed tenants' peaceful enjoyment of the premises. It further set forth details of your erratic and destructive antics, and included dates, times, and places. It was composed by legal professionals, and was attested to by the signatures of approximately two-thirds of the tenants who either witnessed or were the targets of the same.

Those are the facts, Lisa. But, as per your usual, we assume you won't let facts get in your way. You never do.

Officer Fulitano warned me that some judge may beleieve that drug addict and your going to get in trouble. This building is for women only and trans need a place they can be that is safe. I agree with Fulitano, I was not safe,

We pass over your allegations as to Officer Fulitano's comments, as, once again, the sole source is highly dubious. The building is indeed a residence for women only – excluding male personnel – as are some rather exclusive and expensive residences in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and elsewhere.

Immediately prior to your residency, a tenant who was in the process of transgendering opted to move elsewhere. The reason s/he gave was that the process had reached the point where s/he no longer felt s/he could reside in a building for women, as he felt himself more of a man than a woman. That was his option. Contrary to your alleged experiences, at no time did he express any feeling that he felt unsafe, nor did any tenant express concerns for her safety around him. To this day, he remains on close and friendly terms with a number of tenants – including those tenants whom you variously place in your “hate mob.”

Does that tell you something, Lisa?

I carried my camera around and tried my hardest to stay safe.

“Tried your hardest,” did you? You didn't try too hard. You carried around your cell phone and, later, your little camera, for the sole purpose of videoing the defensive reactions from tenants -- which you yourself provoked by jumping out and shoving waving your camera at them, while taunting them with your usual brand of childish insults and malicious harassing antics.

Evidently you've forgotten your antics of 14th October 2007, when you physically assaulted a crippled homeless man, then taunted those who came to his rescue, and videoed their reaction.

The Da told the jury that my stalking order was that I could only come in and out of the building when In fact it was modified to, no intentional contact.

If you're going to reference what the order says, Lisa, it would be best to quote directly from the order. That way it will be intelligible, as well as believable. In any case, your contact with your victim was at all times intentional.

More to come, the cover up of Drugs at the Rose by the DA's office and Portland Police and even the city of Portland?

Do tell, Lisa. We at NAGQ-OAE will be fascinated by your saga of the attempted cover-up of Drugs At The Rose on the part of the District Attorney's office, the Portland Police, and the City of Portland. Please get your buddy Paul Hamilton to vet the saga for you, though. We'd like to be able to read it without the usual inconveniences of your substandard and often-incoherent language.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!
Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!

A more appropriate sig for you, Lisa, would be what you admitted on 5th July, to wit:

I am an asshole.
Posted by Not a Good Queer at 12:14 PM

Now that's more like it, Lisa, you dear old git.

We notice you've omitted that “MA@PSU” from your sig. Have you finally given over the fiction of your master's degree? If so, kudos to you.

Not A Good Queer – or Anything Else
We still rise! (despite our inclinations to sleep in)

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