15 November 2007




Anonymous said...

Hey Rose Tenats,

I just to thank you for showing how cruel and mean-spirited you are. Like I have tried to tell you, the more you harass me, the more money I will get!

I have to really thank Julie Acres and Karen, a married lesbian couple, who gave me the evidence that Not a Good Queer needed. That letter was a sure help, especially the part when you talk about Glenda' homophobia.

I also glad that you like my blog so much that you would try to mimic it. This is such a complement.

Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
Not a Good Queer

Anonymous said...

A picture is worth a thousand words - your words, especially, ma'am - which this photo depicts quite accurately.

And don't you think it's high time you stopped signing yourself "MA @ PSU"? You're fooling only yourself. But that's what you do, and, no doubt, what you will continue to do. It's your raison d'etre, and the chief one why you're such a loser.