07 July 2008


Dear Lisa:

It was with the greatest pleasure that we here at NAGQ-OAE saw your blog entry for Thursday, 3rd July, at http://notagoodqueer.blogspot.com/2008/07/i-am-guilty-of.html, entitled:


Good for Lisa! we thought. Confession being good for the soul, we settled down to read what we thought would be a much-needed mea culpa from you.

Alas, we were saddened to find that, as usual, contrary to your title, you feel no guilt whatsoever for anything you've done. And, as usual, you blame all and sundry, particularly your favourite bete noire, that nebulous “hate mob”, in all its shifting incarnations, rather than the one most responsible for your woes: yourself. Very disappointing.

Hope springs eternal, however, and being charitable sorts at NAGQ-OAE, we offer the following facts in opposition to your most recent fabrications, fantasies, and self-exculpatory farradiddle, in the hope that some Power the giftie gie ye to see yoursel as ithers see ye, an' frae mony a blunder free ye.

Here they are:



LIE #1
(as pertains to the following. As noted previously, a compilation of your lies would fill a book)

I am guitly of:
Being maculine and scaring women according to the DA office in Portland, Oregon.


You may define as “being maculine” your taunting, provoking, bullying, hitting, and racist name-calling, Lisa, but they are no more masculine than your shedding of copious crocodiles tears in court is feminine. What scares people – and not all of them women -- is your aberrant and often violent behaviour. That, too, is not “being maculine”. It's being the playground bully you most nearly resemble.

According to the DA's office, you repeatedly violated a stalking order issued by the court against you. After you achieved several setovers of your trial, you were finally found guilty. And after several setovers of the penalty phase of your trial, you will finally be sentenced on Friday, 11th July, at 2.00 p.m. Multnomah County Courthouse, Fifth Floor, Judge Wilson presiding.

LIE #2

I lost this political battle between the feminst and the gender folks.


Don't hype your peccadilloes out of proportion, Lisa. This “political battle” is nothing more than your repeated violations of one of the stalking orders issued by the court against you, and your upcoming sentencing therefor. Or are you referring to your selfish, self-centered, money-grubbing BOLI complaint against the Bradley-Angle domestic violence shelter, which took you in when you claimed – falsely—that you were a victim, rather than the perp you were?

LIE #3

The feminist say, your transgendered and your a man. This is what Bradley Angle House directer, Kara MacFarland, had to say that their public policies on gender are in fact discriminatory.


What Kara MacFarland actually said is:

"At this time, we are unable to comment on the specific facts of this matter, especially given that the allegations against Bradley-Angle House may impact a larger scope than just our organization--and could affect the county's provision of domestic violence services. However, we again reiterate that there is no merit to Lee/Lisa Iacuzzi's allegations that Bradley-Angle House discriminated against him/her in any way."

Jacob Anderson-Minshall of Trans Nation – another victim of your snow jobs – writes that no one at Bradley Angle “is willing to discuss the situation or the agency's gender policies.”

So, Lisa, who's lying here? MacFarland and Minshall-Anderson? Or you?

Anderson-Minshall further writes that “BOLI has submitted the issue to formal conciliation process, where [attorney Matthew] Ellis says he's hopeful that Bradley-Angle's policies can be examined and revamped.”

That, Lisa, would have been a positive goal for the activist you claim you are. But your BOLI grievances – first, against a non-profit which provides housing for low- and no-income people (over which you crowed you'd get “a million dollars, more than enough for a European vacation!”), then, secondly, against a shelter for domestic violence victims...well, one must wonder exactly what kind of “activist” you really are.

But your “activism” has ever had only one item on its agenda, and that's you.

LIES #4 through #6

The battle the feminst won is still in the Court houses that believe that I am a dangerous person.


You filed two discrimination grievances with the Oregon Bureau of Labor of Industries. You filed through BOLI, rather than retaining a lawyer, because it's free – for you, though not for the Oregon taxpayers who must pick up yet another bill for you. But you don't give a rat's ass for that, despite your claim that you “don't want a free ride”. You further stated that “No suits have been filed.” Of course no suits have been filed: you're too cheap to file one. Hence, no “Court houses” -- other than the one in which you will be sentenced for your violations of the stalking order against you.

As for your being a “dangerous person”, your self-serving BOLI complaints have nothing to do with that – although the victims of your violent antics have differing views.

LIE #7

Yes, i am fairly intelligent,


No, you're cunning and manipulative, but both are of the low variety, and if you were as intelligent as you imagine, you would have learned by now from your past mistakes. And if you were as compassionate as you advertise, you would have helped Bradley Angle House to examine and refine its policies regarding trans- and bi- gendered persons (which, despite your claims, you are not). That would have been the choice of a true activist. Instead, you chose to attack through BOLI, for no better reason than your expectation of a large monetary award -- your chief motivation, as you often stated, in filing the same discrimination charge against REACH CDC.

Surprising acts for an “activist”, Lisa. First, you attack a non-profit whose mission is to provide housing for low- and no-income persons, then you attack the West Coast's oldest domestic violence shelter, which may screw up its future ability to aid domestic violence victims -- and all for money, and because they failed to accord you the Paris Hilton treatment you demand.

You might have learned something from your vengeful OSHA go-around – that phony claim you filed against the alternative school for disadvantaged children which fired you in 2003. Your claim was seen for what it was – that of “self-serving manipulator,” and “disgruntled ex-employee with an axe to grind.” But you refused to learn.

On a positive note: one might have expected you to tack it onto your “I'm intelligent” claim your phony claim to an MA. But you didn't. Congratulations on a step in the right direction, Lisa.

LIE #8

but now your trying to criminalize me for my gender which was not understood and taken away from the jury.


No one is criminalizing you for your gender identification, Lisa, be that as it may. No one cares, and it wasn't the issue at your recent trial. At issue were your repeated violations of the stalking order issued against you.

You were savvy enough not to violate the restraining order issued to another of your victims. Why the slip up? Your taunting antics and toothy grin every time you violated it show that you were well aware of what you were doing -- and enjoyed it. Did you think you'd always get away without paying for what you get?

LIE #9

To say my trial was a modern day whitch hunt carried out by Arusi Loprinzini is an understatement.


To say your trial was a “whitch hunt”, modern or otherwise, is your usual bullfarb, Lisa. You were found guilty of repeatedly violating the stalking order issued by the court to one of your victims -- that, and more.

Note that the retaliatory temporary protective stalking order you obtained against another of your neighbours – one who had very little contact with you, to begin with – was shot down by the court because, your crocodile tears notwithstanding, it was so obviously just another load from your fertilizer factory.

FYI, people from the DA's office have spoken to a few more people than Meyers. Quite a few.

The only thing that Glenda Meyers has abo that is flawless cry and hyperventialtion act which seems to work for police, judges, and juries. Will just be served or will the witch hunt just gat uglier and uglier.

That cry/hyperventilation act sounds close to the subdued, tearful shtick you essayed for police the first time they questioned you regarding your violations of the temporary stalking order. Then there was your sterling and memorable performance for the court, in the matter of the retaliatory stalking orders you obtained last October, when you hung your head, spoke softly and tearfully, and oozed crocodile tears over how that nasty “hate mob” -- it was still a predominantly bible-thumping drug dealing “hate mob” of African American grannies back then -- was out to get you.

Tell us, Lisa, do you include your tearful, Little-Girl-Lost performances in your definition of “being maculine[sic] and scaring women”?

Any witch hunt, outside your imagination, has ever been YOURS, Lisa. That being so, one can only presume that it will get worse—unless you stop it. But you won't, until you learn to face the consequences of your negative actions, take responsibility for them, and work to change your self-destructive behaviour.

LIE #10

Wittness are staying quiet for I acuzzi due to threats to wittnesses.


First, we'll give you the benefit of the doubt your "wittnesses" actually exist. The fact still remains that the only threats uttered against any witnesses are those uttered by YOU.

Your convenient memory seems to have occluded the threatening notes you wrote and shoved under witnesses' doors; your verbal threats made in the presence of other witnesses – notably, “Join me or suffer!” and “If you go to court, I'll cut your legs off!” -- and you've clearly forgotten your threat to “show up or you're going to jail!” when you issued your laughably ridiculous subpoenae duces tecum.

Ask one of your court-appointed lawyers what a “subpoena duces tecum” is, Lisa, before you pencil any more absurdities.

LIES #11 and #12

Arusi loprinzi even came to the Rose residence place and met with Meyers in her home. Meyers is a well known homphobe which was documented by the state of Oregon's BOLI.


It was not documented as fact that “Meyers is a well known homphobe[sic]”, nor can it be documented as such; it's only a claim you frequently make, and your claim is false. It's also tedious. How Meyers can be a “homphobe”[sic], well known or otherwise, is difficult to see, when her friends include gays, lesbians, and a person who undergoing the transgendering process. Moreover, Meyers is quite matter-of-fact about her bisexuality, and has never been as shy about admitting it as you are about your lesbian orientation.

Speaking of the school which fired you, why only now are you claiming you were fired for gender discrimination? Why didn't you make that claim when you were fired?

LIES #13 and #14

Who is going to win this political battle that now i am losing and will continue to be punished for stating up against them that revolve around the building as the DA is seen with Reach CDC lawyers on a daily basis.


There is no “political battle”, Lisa. That's just you, indulging in your usual girlish hysteria and making yourself out to be more important than you are; if you think you're losing, it's only because no one takes you as seriously as you take yourself – except, perhaps, in the matter of your money-grubbing “gender discrimination” action against Bradley-Angle – which may have farther-reaching implications than you can imagine.

As for attorneys from the DA's office and for REACH meeting on a daily basis, that's rubbish only an ignoramus such as yourself could invent. That's another thing to ask your current lawyer.

LIE #15

I have a lawsuit against Reach CDC and


You don't, and said so to Jacob Anderson-Minshall, – or maybe it was the Portland Mercury. No matter. You lied to both, and both swallowed your lies, hook, line, and rotten fishguts.

You filed a grievance with BOLI – a lawsuit would have cost you money -- and crowed that you would get “one million dollars” and “own 988 REACH units.” In fact, you told the judge on 2nd November 2007 that you rejected a settlement offer because you were holding out for more money. More dollar signs are dancing in your wee little head over the grievance you filed with BOLI against Bradley-Angle House afterward.

Ditto the “lawsuit” you told Anderson-Minshall you filed against PSU, which you haven't. PSU's “discrimination” against you consists of the $5,000 student loan you reneged on repaying.

The time line of your BOLI grievances is interesting. First, you file against REACH CDC, claiming “gender discrimination” in the free housing given you. (That you began violating building rules from day one, and escalated your antics until your arrest, seems not to matter.) Months later, you file the same discrimination claim against the domestic violence shelter– even though you lived at Bradley Angle before moving to the Rose. One would expect your claims to have been filed in the order you experienced the alleged discrimination. Did your expectation of getting a million dollars out of REACH begin dwindling, so you decided to file against the domestic violence shelter when you learned of the million dollar grant they received?

Your repeated emphasis on money underscores what kind of “activist” you are.

LIES #16 and #17

I wonder if Lopronzini will meet with me and talk about a hate crime of a mob* at the Rose.
the DA Arusi Loprinzini does not have a problem with helping out the local businesses.


Take care here, Lisa. The DA's office isn't comprised of the sort of helpless, low income women you're used to bullying.

The only hate crimes of any “mob at the Rose” were -- like your “domestic violence” shtick -- perpetrated by YOU. Are calling African American tenants “niggers”, telling little black girls “All you nigger bitches do drugs,” and destroying the cable of a disabled, retired African American college teacher not consider racist hate actions when perpetrated by you?

LIE #18

This hate mob* is fooling you when they say they are threatened.


Unless you count yourself as a “hate mob” Lisa – and you could well do it -- there is no “mob” at the Rose, and never was.

Your violent and aberrant actions were sufficiently disturbing to all and sundry as to require the presence of round-the-clock security guards, even before you physically assaulted several tenants, and a crippled, homeless man in front of the building. As you noted previously, a number of the tenants are actual domestic violence survivors (as opposed to phony ones like yourself); your staged temper tantrums, screaming rages up and down the hall, physical assaults, racist hate speech and antics were, to say the least, disturbing – and that, dear Lisa, is an understatement.

Speaking of your hate mob, you may thank them that you weren't charged with providing drugs and alcohol to a minor.

Remember your “mentorship student”, Nicole? You initially introduced her as “my seventeen year old girlfriend,” when you had her over for several days and nights of boozing and drugging. The “hate mob” witnessed it all, but kept quiet about it. That was a year ago last April, months before you turned on them.

Tell us, Lisa, what mentorship program permitted you, a mentor, to provide alcohol and drugs to a minor in exchange for sex? Was it part of your “attempt” to “organize former students” against the alternative school which fired you in 2003? Who's your fellow mentor, Mary Kay Letourneau?

LIES #19 and #20

Their lying, they were never afraid, it was a pay back from winning the BOLI case.


Nobody lied, Lisa, except you. Nobody has need to lie, except you. Too many people witnessed your violent and aberrant antics -- and not all of them the neighbours you victimized.

You have won nothing. Get your lawyer to explain the difference between a determination, a ruling, and a verdict. Your false accusations, like your claim to have “won”, are merely two more of the myriad lies that are your life. Saddest of all are the victims of your lies. Look in a mirror: there's one of them.

But there may be more.

Domestic violence claims the lives of over 16,000 women every year. The number of male domestic violence victims is, by comparison, minute. If your insensate money-grubbing is a factor in forcing DV shelters to curtail services currently available for female victims, thus increasing the chances they may be murdered, you will be guilty of far more than you imagine.

But of course, if you win, there will be a few who will want to shake hands with you. And never notice the blood on them.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!
Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!

“We are what we repeatedly do.” Aristotle on Ethics


N.B.: * Lisa's Hate Mob

a) A gang of gay women “who have attacked me and come after me”
b) A gang of “predominantly African American women who are bible thumpers” led by a “convicted felon”
c) A “ruthless gang” of bible-thumping, drug-dealing African American grannies, whom Portland Impact personnel teach how to “sell their welfare cards for cash” for the purpose of “getting drug money” to buy and sell drugs
d) A gang of “twenty-people involved in a fraud of food stamps”
e) A “lynching hate mob”, a “lynch mob of a twenty dedicated to hate”
f) “A homphobic gang”, a “hate mob”, a “lynching mob”
g) “Math” heads
h) The Sheriff of Multnomah County, the Portland Police, and the DA's office, all of whom have “a reputation for hating trans people like me.”

Not A Good Queer – Or Anything Else
Still we rise! (despite our inclinations to sleep in)


Anonymous said...

Right on, NAGQ-OAE! You have got it all right on. Lisa Iacuzzi is a menace to low-income Portlanders, and I only hope she gets a longer vacation in the Multnomah County jail than the 30 days she got.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint, but Lisa did one of her sob story thingies and didn't go to jail. Or maybe the jail doesnt have room for petty criminals like Lisa. Dont worry though. She will get her in the end. One day she will piss off the wrong people with her lies and little temper tantrums, and that will be the end of Lisa.