28 July 2008


Lisa writes:

Hate Mobs Blog
This is the owners signature of the hate blog called Not a Good QUeer or Anything Else.
terai toujours plus haut que mon cul! ought to be Lisa's sig tag
This means something about ones head up their ass but I am not sure.

Wrong, as usual, Lisa dear. What, exactly, was the foreign language you took as part of your alleged MA/Education? English? Whatever it was, you failed it.

....terai toujours plus haut que mon cul makes no sense, like your writings when your buddy Paul doesn't vet them -- or you paste them from other sources and fail to give credit to the real author.-- In the above instance, you fail at pasting. Don't worry, though, we can glean what you're attempting to say.

The hate mob will be emailing me and telling me the correct interpetation.

Your “hate mob” is unlikely to be emailing you anything -- unless you receive email in the interstices between your ears, which is largely where your “hate mob” resides. Come to think of it, though, it's likely you do – and voice mail, too.

The funny thing is that these haters were warned not to publish anymore but recently they have increase their hate activity.

Really, Lisa? When were your imaginary “haters” “warned not to publish anymore”? Publish what, and who warned them? What “hate activity” has increased? Is “hate activity” your pet term for presenting facts in opposition to your rubbish?

I have copied everything on line. As I know their are many writers of this hate blog, I know one Rose tenant that speaks French and German, etc. She is a one of the biggest haters named Deborah Johnson. Hey Deb, keep writing because the more you write the more my damages are, so keep writing, you are making me famous.......

Once again, you prove you know very little, Lisa, and have a curious fondness for displaying it. Our preference here at NAGQ-OAE being for checking facts, as opposed to your penchant for spewing without regard to them, we discovered that Deborah does NOT speak French or German. But don't let facts get in your way.

Alas for your claim to fame, it's mostly negative. Comments on you from the blogosphere include: “One of the biggest nuts on the streets" “A bully that is trying to work the system” “A self-serving manipulator” “Clinically insane" “Obviously nuts” ”Seemingly chemically unbalanced” “Paranoid, violent, and crazy” “Mentally ill and needs treatment” “A crazy, violent, stalking, tire slashing psycho who may turn on anyone at anytime, and she likes to make up bullshit lawsuits” “One of the most abrasive, sick people I have come across” “An extremely abusive person” “A very angry person with no positive outlet” “A serial bully and pathological liar looking for attention” “Not a model citizen of Portland by any reasonable person's definition”

Not exactly the sort of “fame” you'd care to write home about, is it, Lisa?

By the way, Lisa, do the folks back home know what you're up to?

Also, If your so proud of your blog, why are you mispelling my name as the author of your hate! The first thing haters do, is steal your identity than start calling authorities and filling false stalking orders.

How amusing -- a spelling rebuke from one who has trouble spelling “their”, and can't distinguish it from “there”, and misspells “mispelling”, to boot. We refrain from a more thorough consideration of the phrase “my name as the author of your hate”, except to note in passing that this seems quite a Freudian slip.

NAGQ-OAE have almost as great a respect for the English language as we have for fact – two qualities rarely, if ever, seen in you, Lisa. Is your legal name not Lisa Mary Iacuzzi? Is that not how it appears in the pleading headers of State of Oregon v. Lisa Mary Iacuzzi on citation no. Z1621963, as well as on that citation itself? Are you not the Lisa Mary Iacuzzi issued ODL# 7887155 with DOB 7/03/1963, and do the records of your November/December 2007 incarceration in the Multnomah County jail not reflect the spelling of your legal name Lisa Mary Iacuzzi? If so, then we at NAGQ-OAE have certainly never misspelled your legal name.

FYI, the State of Oregon has neither time nor money to waste on one's “filling false stalking orders”. Your games with stalking orders, your trial and incarceration for your violations of the same, your money-grubbing BOLI grievances over imaginary slights, are none of them based on falsehoods, except in your mind. All are the result of your own self-destructive antics, and it's disheartening that you have no intention of putting an end to it.

I am not afraid of dying, but what I am afraid of is having you constantly in my life

Didn't you just write this? Ah, no. You wrote: “I am not afraid of dying, what I am afraid of is LIVIN with your hate in my life. I REBUKE YOU! FUCK YOU!”

Our error.

which is why the MOB will be taken down, and arrested for their hate crimes. It will be just a matter of time....

Do tell us exactly what “hate crimes” your imaginary “hate mob” have committed against you, Lisa. So far as we at NAGQ-OAE have been able to determine, the only “hate crimes” your cherished hate mob has committed is failing and refusing to goosestep whenever you bark “sieg heil!”

Perhaps you considered it a “hate crime” when your African American neighbours filed a complaint with the NAACP over your repeated racist slurs and attacks? Is calling a nine-year old African American girl and her grandmother “nigger bitches” NOT hate speech when the speech is yours, Lisa?

Do tell us about these “hate crimes,” Lisa. Inquiring minds would like to know.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!
Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!

Not apologizing for your hateful antics – as well as your refusal to acknowledge them – is part and parcel of one of your major mental problems, Lisa.

I have 15 responses on my moderation page from the hate mob.

Shtuyot. Those “15 responses” are on the Portland Mercury's blog, not yours, all of them responses to Matt Davis's silly puff piece on you. And half of them are yours. Most of the remainder are from your former fellow employees. How surprising that their opinion of you is even lower that those we have seen from your former neighbors.

Does that tell you anything, Lisa? Alas, it probably won't even register.

We still rise! (despite our inclinations to sleep in)

1 comment:

Not a Good Queer said...

Dear Hate Mob,

It is too bad some of your hate mob members have moved out of the building. I guess that "stick together" approach to sue Reach CDC for having a trans in the building has fallen apart. It is over. It is a just a matter of time. So I heard about the power struggle.

I guess the question is how many of you are going to jail for a hate crime? Do you understand the penalty of a hate crime? Are you all going to go down for a couple of overzealous players like Glenda Meyers who is getting monetary victims assistance. I guess this is some money for Glenda and Glenda has gotten more prescribed clonzapen since her allergy to the drug disapeared and now she is even on a higher dose. Who is the winner?

Hate is the winner. But that is changing. How all of you went to the hearing and cheered Glenda Meyer lies on. Your voices are heard on audio! How do you like a drug dealer running the Rose.

You have put me through hell and I somehow I am still alive!

I just want to say hi to all my friends who are the hate mob. They are listed in order of those who committed the most lies and hate.

Bren Athens, Maria Leal, Glenda Meyers, Terry Sharpe, Jackie Barton, Theresa, Martha Fegan, jamie Barton, and Lee Greer.

Lovin you, is easier in the spring time!
