Agenda Hidden from Leesa Iacuzzee
Tuesday, 20th November, 3.00 pm -- Rose residents and REACH personnel gathered in the conference room in what appeared to be yet another secret meeting whose agenda was hidden from The Rose's Chief Problem Child, otherwise known as Leesa “Lee” “Not A Good Queer” “NAGQ” “Buzz Cut” Iacuzzee.
Iacuzzee has charged that REACH and Rose tenants held several meetings whose deliberations were deliberately kept secret from her. In her semi-literate scribblings, Iacuzzee dwells richly, and at some length, on these secret meetings. Her usual claims are that the meetings are instigated by the “bible thumping African American gang at The Rose” led by “Gang Leader Marttha, Reach's Star Wittness”, who are out to take over The Rose. It's the Iacuzzi version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Call it The Iacuzzi Protocols of the Learned Bible-Thumping African American Elders of The Rose.
Iacuzzee has been incarcerated in the Multnomah County jail pyschiatric ward since Monday, 12th November, providing Rose residents with a blessed two-week hiatus from her antics.
On Monday the 19th, preparatory to the 3.00 pm Tuesday gathering, Rosanne Marmor made secret deliveries to select Rose residents. Chief recipients of the largesse were Pat, Cheryl, and Valerie. The results were made deliciously clear the following afternoon.
The chief item on the not so hidden agenda was the turkey, cooked to a superb turn by Pat. Other items on the meeting agenda complimented the 16-pounder; they included dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, candied yams, green beans, green beans with corn (organic!), fruit, rolls with homemade blackberry jam, raisin nut bread, sweet potato pie, coffee, apple juice, and several varieties of soda pop.
Pat's turkey was lush, tender and juicy. She put it in the oven at 250 around 8.00 pm the previous night, and turned off the heat at 4.00 am. The slow, low cooking was a trick she learned from her job as a sous-chef years ago, and produced a wonderfully tasty bird. Pat also made the superb dressing for the bird.
Cheryl tackled the task of turning raw potatoes into mashed potatoes, which were warmed immediately before serving by Debbie Lowder. Cheryl said she had never made mashed potatoes until now. Her maiden efforts should be crowned with an A+++. Turkey, dressing, and potatoes were complimented by a giblet gravy with mushrooms which can only be described as near perfection.
Glenda proved it's hard to keep a good woman down. Utilizing her kitchen for the first time in the long months when she was made the chief target of the brand of kindergarten playground bully antics at which Lisa Iacuzzi excels, Glenda produced two wonderful pineapple upside-down cakes. “It was great being able to get back into my kitchen,” she said. “For the first time in months I could put some into my cupboard and not have it stolen.”
Valerie's candied yams with marshmallows were a paradigm of orange sweetmess. Prior to setting her large tray of yams on the table, Valerie issued a warning to all diabetics that it would send their blood sugar level to sky. And how! “I don't eat pumpkin pie,” Valerie said, “and I wanted something sweet.” So did Rose residents, upon viewing the colorful creation, and again, after sampling it—and the rolls, butter, homemade jam, green beans and corn, pickles, olives, chocolate donut holes, raisin bread, gallons of apple juice, and cola, citrus soda, and orange soda.
It may be The Rose's kindergarten playground bully will be greatly disappointed to learn that she was mentioned at the meeting only once: a few residents asked what measures are to be taken pending Iacuzzee's release from the jailhouse psycho ward. Rosanne replied, but, as her answer coincided with the start of the procession of tasty dishes to the table, her answer was lost on all but a few residents. Thereafter, ill thoughts fled, and good cheer – and good food – permeated the room.
“You can tell how good a meal is,” Rosanne observed, “by the silence.” Judging from the silence which prevailed, it was a VERY good meal—and that's an understatement.
A big and a great and a mighty and a huge
to all who provided and prepared this wonderful Thanksgiving meal.
When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger. Leviticus 19,9-10
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh haolam, hamotzi lehem min haaretz.
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