22 November 2007


As I was going up the stair,
I met Iacuzzee, who wasn't there.
She wasn't there again today.
How I wish, I wish she'd stay away!

Not so secret meeting


Agenda Hidden from Leesa Iacuzzee

Tuesday, 20th November, 3.00 pm -- Rose residents and REACH personnel gathered in the conference room in what appeared to be yet another secret meeting whose agenda was hidden from The Rose's Chief Problem Child, otherwise known as Leesa “Lee” “Not A Good Queer” “NAGQ” “Buzz Cut” Iacuzzee.
Iacuzzee has charged that REACH and Rose tenants held several meetings whose deliberations were deliberately kept secret from her. In her semi-literate scribblings, Iacuzzee dwells richly, and at some length, on these secret meetings. Her usual claims are that the meetings are instigated by the “bible thumping African American gang at The Rose” led by “Gang Leader Marttha, Reach's Star Wittness”, who are out to take over The Rose. It's the Iacuzzi version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Call it The Iacuzzi Protocols of the Learned Bible-Thumping African American Elders of The Rose.
Iacuzzee has been incarcerated in the Multnomah County jail pyschiatric ward since Monday, 12th November, providing Rose residents with a blessed two-week hiatus from her antics.
On Monday the 19th, preparatory to the 3.00 pm Tuesday gathering, Rosanne Marmor made secret deliveries to select Rose residents. Chief recipients of the largesse were Pat, Cheryl, and Valerie. The results were made deliciously clear the following afternoon.
The chief item on the not so hidden agenda was the turkey, cooked to a superb turn by Pat. Other items on the meeting agenda complimented the 16-pounder; they included dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, candied yams, green beans, green beans with corn (organic!), fruit, rolls with homemade blackberry jam, raisin nut bread, sweet potato pie, coffee, apple juice, and several varieties of soda pop.
Pat's turkey was lush, tender and juicy. She put it in the oven at 250 around 8.00 pm the previous night, and turned off the heat at 4.00 am. The slow, low cooking was a trick she learned from her job as a sous-chef years ago, and produced a wonderfully tasty bird. Pat also made the superb dressing for the bird.
Cheryl tackled the task of turning raw potatoes into mashed potatoes, which were warmed immediately before serving by Debbie Lowder. Cheryl said she had never made mashed potatoes until now. Her maiden efforts should be crowned with an A+++. Turkey, dressing, and potatoes were complimented by a giblet gravy with mushrooms which can only be described as near perfection.
Glenda proved it's hard to keep a good woman down. Utilizing her kitchen for the first time in the long months when she was made the chief target of the brand of kindergarten playground bully antics at which Lisa Iacuzzi excels, Glenda produced two wonderful pineapple upside-down cakes. “It was great being able to get back into my kitchen,” she said. “For the first time in months I could put some into my cupboard and not have it stolen.”
Valerie's candied yams with marshmallows were a paradigm of orange sweetmess. Prior to setting her large tray of yams on the table, Valerie issued a warning to all diabetics that it would send their blood sugar level to sky. And how! “I don't eat pumpkin pie,” Valerie said, “and I wanted something sweet.” So did Rose residents, upon viewing the colorful creation, and again, after sampling it—and the rolls, butter, homemade jam, green beans and corn, pickles, olives, chocolate donut holes, raisin bread, gallons of apple juice, and cola, citrus soda, and orange soda.
It may be The Rose's kindergarten playground bully will be greatly disappointed to learn that she was mentioned at the meeting only once: a few residents asked what measures are to be taken pending Iacuzzee's release from the jailhouse psycho ward. Rosanne replied, but, as her answer coincided with the start of the procession of tasty dishes to the table, her answer was lost on all but a few residents. Thereafter, ill thoughts fled, and good cheer – and good food – permeated the room.
“You can tell how good a meal is,” Rosanne observed, “by the silence.” Judging from the silence which prevailed, it was a VERY good meal—and that's an understatement.
A big and a great and a mighty and a huge
to all who provided and prepared this wonderful Thanksgiving meal.

When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger. Leviticus 19,9-10
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh haolam, hamotzi lehem min haaretz.

19 November 2007



Come, ye thankful people, come,
Raise the song of Harvest Home:
All is safely gathered in,
Ere the winter storms begin.
God, our Maker, will provide
For our wants to be supplied;
Come to God's own Temple, come,
Raise the song of Harvest Home.

All the world is God's own field,
Fruit unto his praise to yield;
Wheat and tares together sown,
Unto joy or sorrow grown.
First the blade, and then the ear,
Then the full corn shall appear:
Grant, O harvest Lord that we
Wholesome grain and pure may be.

For the Lord our God shall come
And shall take his harvest home;
From his field shall in that day
All offences purge away;
Give his angels charge at last
In the fire the tares to cast,
But the fruitful ears to store
In his garner ever more.

Even so, Lord, quickly come
To Your final Harvest Home;
Gather now Your people in,
Free from sorrow, free from sin;
There, for ever purified,
In Your presence to abide:
Come, with all Your angels, come,
Raise the glorious Harvest Home!

C3P0's Thanksgiving Praises:
“Thank the Maker...
..... for helping the Empire take over the Galaxy, for destroying the Jedi, for ruining Padme's life,
for forgetting all about me in Attack of the Clones, for building a giant space tennis ball to blow up planets and billions of their inhabitants.....
This oil bath is going to feel so good!”



Stalking Orders Permanent, With
Proviso; Little Change in Status
Quo, says Plaintiff's Counsel
This Thanksgiving, Rose Residents
Pray: “God bless Lisa Iacuzzi and
keep her--far away from us.”

by M. Shochet, Special Reporter for
Not A Good Queer Or Anything Else

PORTLAND, OR – The protective stalking order granted by the Multnomah County Circuit Court to the much-harried resident of The Rose Apartments, who has been one of the chief targets of Lisa (“Lee”, “Not A Good Queer”, “NAGQ”) Iacuzzi, was made permanent at a hearing held on Friday, 16th November 2007, before the Honorable Judge Reardon.

At the same time, the retaliatory protective stalking order taken out by Respondent Iacuzzi against her victim two days before the original hearing of 2nd November was also made permanent. Both orders carried the proviso that, upon one or the other parties moving out of the Rose, the orders would be voided.

According to eyewitnesses, no witnesses were allowed in Room 228 of the Multnomah County Courthouse, where the hearing commenced at 10.00 am last Friday. Prior thereto, Respondent had subpoenaed all Rose residents who could attest to facts detrimental to her case, thus excluding those witnesses from the hearing.

Petitioner appeared with her attorney in fact; well-wishers who could not be present, due to prior commitments, or because they were excluded, sent supportive thoughts winging her way. Respondent, currently in custody since last Monday for several criminal charges pending against her -- including violation of the temporary stalking order, harassment and attempted criminal assault of building personnel and Petitioner's counsel, and criminal assault of jail personnel and inmates -- appeared with her court-appointed attorney.

Escorted by a very large female guard, Respondent Iacuzzi entered the courtroom after Petitioner and her counsel were seated. “Buzz Cut was glowing with happiness and grinning from ear to ear,” observed one incredulous observer, shuffling along as if an unseen band heralded her appearance with the Horst Wessel Lied. “Her eyes were like Charlie Manson's.”

When Respondent Iacuzzi attempted to seat herself next to Petitioner and Petitioner's counsel, she was pushed to a far chair by a bailiff. Upon Respondent's request to sit next to Petitioner's counsel, a bailiff responded with a sharp and incredulous, “No!” Despite the rebuff, Respondent made additional attempts to move closer to the petitioner and her counsel.

Witnesses were undecided as to whether Ms. Iacuzzi's attempts to sit next to Petitioner's counsel and Petitioner were due to her belief that she might overwhelm them with her well-attested stench, or because she harbors a sexual attraction for one or both.

Petitioner was tastefully attired in subdued tan and grey, which appeared to be retro Chanel. Respondent appeared in white pants and shirt, which she accessorized with matching footgear, and handcuffs, ankle cuffs, and shackles. Although the white pants suit is requisite jailhouse attire for psychiatric inmates--even after Labor Day--some Rose residents suspected Respondent's attire was a statement of her solidarity with White Power groups and the KKK, given her well-attested racism.

For further details on courtroom wear, see article in Section F, “White After Labor Day? Fashion Police Descend on Justice Center jail.”

The hearing lasted nearly two hours, an unusual length of time to devote to stalking orders. Respondent Iacuzzimade at least four attempts to derail the proceeding into other, irrelevant channels. One attempt involved her belief that she was being discriminated against, because of her demand to be treated as a man, instead of the middle-aged woman she is. When the judge cut short her ramblings, she tried other tack, one regarding her allegedly unhappy childhood, another the “gender discrimination” grievance she filed with the Bureau of Labor & Industries, to stave off her eviction last August.

Judge Reardon reprimanded her each time, and brought the proceeding back on track. He informed her that the issue before the court was not some irrelevant grievance or a rehash of her childhood.

“This is not about what happened in the past,” the judge informed Ms. Iacuzzi. “It is about what is happening now, whether there has been a change in the condition of harassment, and to resolve the dispute.”

At one point, Judge Reardon called 30-minute recess so that Respondent could confer with her court-appointed attorney. Upon Respondent's demand, the courtroom was cleared of all observers. Later, Petitioner joined the judge for an in camera conference. Upon emerging from the judge's chambers, it transpired that Petitioner had agreed, much against her will, to a proposal that the temporary protective stalking orders be made permanent only until one or the other of the parties moved out of the Rose, at which time both orders would be vacated.

Respondent stated she planned to move out in ten days.

The agreement was incorporated into the court's order, and with that, the hearing concluded shortly before noon.

“Nothing has changed,” Petitioner's counsel stated in a post-hearing interview. Both stalking orders – the one granted petitioner against Lisa Iacuzzi for the latter's months of harassment, and Ms. Iacuzzi's retaliatory order against petitioner -- have been made permanent, with the proviso that, upon Ms. Iacuzzi's moving out of The Rose, both will be vacated.

Whether the ten day period alluded to by Respondent Iacuzzi begins upon the date of the hearing, or upon her release from jail, is still unclear.

Ms. Iacuzzi is currently being held in custody for psychiatric observation and evaluation, a period which, it is believed will last two weeks.

Psychiatric non-professionals are divided in their opinions as to the exact nature of the mental dysfunctions which Ms. Iacuzzi has evinced over the course of her seven long months at The Rose. Some are of the opinion that Ms. Iacuzzi is bi-polar
(see: http://www.behavenet.com/capsules/disorders/bipdis.htm).
Others believe she suffers from severe NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)
(see: http://www.behavenet.com/capsules/disorders/narcissisticpd.htm).
Still others blame her excessive use of marijuana and other drugs, coupled with an inherent physiological disorder (see article in Science Supplement Section S, “Congenital Dysfunction: Is Her Head So Far Up Her Ass That She Can Chew Her Food Twice?”)

Lisa (“Lee”, “Not A Good Queer”, “NAGQ”) Iacuzzi is currently slated to appear before the court on several other charges. These include criminal harassment, and a temporary stalking order which she took out against Rose resident Terry Elaine Sharp. As witnesses will attest, Ms. Sharp has done nothing which can even remotely be considered as “stalking” Ms. Iacuzzi. In fact, Ms. Sharp has gone out of her way to avoid Ms. Iacuzzi, even before Ms. Iacuzzi threatened to “cut off your legs” if Ms. Sharp appeared in court.

Ms. Iacuzzi issued similar threats to other Rose residents, including a written threat to one resident, which was shoved under her door prior to the 2nd November hearing. In fact, it was to keep these threats from being heard by the court that Rose residents were subpoened as witnesses. While the subpoenas as issued by Ms. Iacuzzi were grossly incorrect and improper, they were held to be valid.

The criminal harassment charge is scheduled for 26th November in Courtroom #1, on Judge Evans' afternoon docket. The newest stalking order is slated to be heard 30th November in Courtroom #4, also on the afternoon docket. Both are in the Justice Center, located at 1120 SW Third.

The Justice Center, a Portland landmark, was designed by the late Norm Zimmer z”l, founder of Zimmer Gunsel Frasca and the Oregon School of Architecture & Design. (See related articles in Section D Design, “Iacuzzi Antics Continue in ZGF's Justice Center” and “Downtown Portland: When Did It Stop Being Frasca-land?”)

The docket regarding Ms. Iacuzzi's violation of the original stalking order; resisting arrest; assaults of, and spitting on, jail personnel and inmates, was not available at this time.
Despite the lack of real change in the stalking order status quo, as Petitioner's counsel commented in her post-hearing interview, Rose residents are hopeful. “If it accomplished nothing else,” said one, “we have two Iacuzzi-free weeks to look forward to. That's good enough for me.”

Said another: “A Thanksgiving without Lee is reason enough to give thanks.”

17 November 2007


The spell is broke, and we are free
We'll see no more of Iacuzzi!
Come, tenants, all and dance in a ring!
Join hands together and let us sing.......

As residents of The Rose
In the county of the land of O
We proclaim a day of independence
for all the tenants
And their descendants

Yes, let the joyous news abound
The evil dumb bitch at last is gone!

Ding-dong the bitch is gone
Which old bitch?
The evil bitch
Ding-dong the evil bitch is gone
She's gone where the goblins go
Below - below - below
Yo-ho, let's open up and sing
and ring the bells out
Ding Dong the merry-O,
Sing it high, sing it low
Let them know that Iacuzzee's is gone!

We represent the Sewing Club
The Sewing Club, the Sewing Club
And in the name of the Sewing Club.......
We'll raise a cheer, for Leesa's gone!

We represent the Gardening Guild
The Gardening Guild, the Gardening Guild
And in the name of the Gardening Guild
We blossom forth, for Leesa's gone!

We blossom forth, for Leesa's gone!
Tra la la la la la la la la la la la

From now on she'll be history
She'll be hist...
She'll be hist...
She'll be history
And we will glorify this day
She will be a bust...
Be a bust...
Be a bust...
In the hall of shame!

Tra la la la la la la la la la la
Tra la la la la la la
Tra la la la la la la la la la la
Tra la la la la la la!

15 November 2007


Commentaria Contra Iacuzziana – “Poor Leesa!”

On Tuesday, 6th November 2007, the incomparable Lisa Iacuzzi posted another rant on her “Not A Good Queer” blog, entitled “Damages from Reach CDC”. Following is a copy of that whinge, interspersed with comments, corrections, and facts in opposition to Lisa's usual fabrications and prevarications.

Tuesday, November 6
Damages from Reach CDC
Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi 631 South East Taylor Portland, Oregon 97214 (503)756-9734 November 6, 2007

This is, perhaps, the one valid statement in the entire whinge.

To Whom It May Concern, Damages •Developed heart condition, currently on a beta blocker for tachycardia and high blood pressure! •Checked into hospital in November for suicide when Jamie Barton told Lee, why did you bother to sign up for housing at the Rose, when you are a man?

When, exactly, was this November hospital “check in” for “suicide”? Not on 1st November – police kept Lisa busy in the morning interviewing her over her latest violation of the stalking order against her; in the afternoon, Lisa was at the courthouse, writing and filing stalking order petitions against Glenda Myers and Terry Sharp. Not on 2nd November--Lisa was busy preparing for, then appearing at, the hearing on the original stalking order against her, then organizing a rally at The Rose in her support. (Lisa cancelled the rally because, she claimed, she had a nasty respiratory infection. Actually, nobody showed up.) Not that weekend or Monday--Lisa acquired a dog; harassed tenants, particularly those in #203 and #204, and played on the computer. The hospital stay certainly didn't occur the date of this whinge--Lisa was in and out of the computer room and the office all day. Moreover, hospitals tend to keep suicidal patients longer than part of a day for a “check in”.

So, when, exactly, was Lisa's November hospital visit for “suicide”? Who knows? It's also difficult to see how a remark from Jamie Barton could have occasioned Lisa's suicidal “check in”, as Jamie resigned before the end of October -- as Lisa well knows, since she crowed about it on her blog.

Defamation of character •I have worked in the nonprofit industry for many years

“Non-profit industry” here must be a synonym for “unemployed” (saving and excepting Lisa's brief employment as a teacher's aide, from which she was fired in 2004 for “inappropriate behaviour” toward students).

Moreover, it's difficult to see how one could possibly defame Lisa's character; she does it so well herself.

and will be black balled by: Reach CDC, Portland Impact, Bradley Angle House, Transition Projects •All these agencies were told by management that they were frightened by me

These agencies have their own records as to Lisa's violent and threatening behaviour, and need no imaginary information from Rose “management.”

even though I have never threatened anyone here at the Rose.

Evidently Lisa believes that her statements to Rose tenants -- “Join me or suffer!” and “Support me or suffer!” and “If you go to court, you'll be sorry!” and “I'll cut off your legs if you go to court!” -- fall under the category of gentle discourse.

The management falsely accused me and when I asked for video tapes that the used to make write-ups, they said that they loosed tapes.

What false accusations? What “loosed tapes”? On whom did “management” loose them?

•Harassment of 17 year old mentorship student.

So, Lisa's little friend Nicole is now her “mentorship student”. Pity any “student” of a teacher's aide fired for inappropriate conduct. Heretofore, Nicole was Lisa's “friend”, “guest”, “my 17-year-old kid”. In fact, Nicole was the 17-year old who spent several nights with Lisa, and whom residents observed drinking vodka with Lisa in the 2nd floor west kitchen, and later smoking marijuana with Lisa. (The inappropriate conduct which occasioned Lisa's firing in 2004 may be hinted at by Lisa's her providing booze and pot to her minor “student” in exchange for sex, as well as Lisa's vists to teen porn sites.)

Lee brings clients to the Rose to show public housing, Jamie Barton humiliates Lee in front of client.

If the reference is to Lee Greer, she never brought clients to The Rose to show them public housing. If the reference is to the inestimable Ms. Leesa Iacuzzi, she has no clients.

•Jamie Barton is under criminal investigation from Hap. She did not follow administrative rules for my housing and deliberately tried to keep me out of the building.

This “criminal investigation” is more of Lisa's wishful thinking. There is no “criminal investigation.”

•Lee Greer, Portland Impact, had a secret meeting with residents where she taught them how to do write-ups after she wrote me a document that she does not deal with behavior.

This is Lisa's third or fourth redaction of her “secret meeting” tale. In previous versions, Lisa alluded to:
1) “secret meetings behind close doors with residents who are involved in the discrimination case”;
2) “a meeting ... not posted on any calendar which was used to teach tenants how to document incidences which resulted in Kim Matick from TPI being fired and a 14 page document that is being circulated around the building to get NAGQ evicted”;
3) “a learned helpless class taught by Lee Greer from Portland Impact [to] create fraud with some of the [bible-thumping African American] gang members food stamp benefits. Lee Greer helps get them free food so that they can sell their welfare cards for cash is the main vehicle into getting ones’ drug money.”

The “secret meeting” Lisa loves to dwell on was the 13th September 2007 STARTS orientation class. Notices were posted all over the building. Before class, Lisa was busy in the computer room next door, pecking out another of her ill-spelt, ungrammatical rants. During class, Lisa peeked in the door (instead of skulking outside the door and eavesdropping, as she usually does). Lee Greer invited Lisa to participate, Lisa declined and scuttled off. So much for “secret meetings”.

She refuses me client services for 4 months, quits, and then tells the gang in the building that she is afraid of me. This creates more hostility form gang members.

Lisa herself admitted that Lee provided her with several men's suits, while numerous residents saw Lisa obtain bus tickets, toiletries, and other client services. Lee Greer's supervisors removed her from the building for “security reasons” having to do with Lisa's ongoing antics. Shortly thereafter, Lee Greer resigned. She did not give reasons to Lisa's fantasy “bible-thumping drug-dealing African American gang” members, or to anyone else. Any dark looks directed toward Lisa by Rose residents are due solely to Lisa's vocation of making a nuisance of herself.

Legal Abuse •Jamie Barton provides a document for tenant to get a contact order on me. The document is a lie that is easily proven by the location of the video cameras.

Jamie Barton typed a note attesting to Lisa's frequently-observed habit of eavesdropping on private conversations, per the request of a tenant for attachment to a petition for a temporary protective stalking order. Video cameras can hardly prove the statement a lie: no video cameras are located where Lisa conducts her clandestine surveillance; moreover, many Rose tenants can attest to Lisa's habit of eavesdropping on private conversations which are none of her business.

This allowed tenant Glenda Meyers to continue to harass Lee by calling the police 7 times in a one week period to get him/her arrested. Glenda Meyers tells the police, that Lee has a stench that makes her sick.

Petitioner Glenda Myers called police when Lisa violated the temporary stalking order granted by the court on several occasions. Other tenants can attest to Lisa's halitosis and frequent b.o.

•Metro watch security lies to the police which results in a charge of harassment from another tenant. Video will show his lies and his homophobic behavior.

Lisa's personal video of the security guard shows nothing that could be construed as “homophobic” outside Lisa's imagination. Lisa called the security guard a “dick” and other epithets, in front of a tenant whom Lisa threatened twice to “Join me or suffer!” and “Support me or suffer!” Lisa's tantrum was occasioned by the security guard's refusal to accede to Lisa's fascistic demand that he refer to her in the masculine gender. It was due to Lisa's threats and aberrant behaviour that the witnessing tenant feared for her safety and that of her partner.

•Lee came into the building as domestic violence survivor but received harassment within the first hours entering the building.

According to Lisa's first version, she was written up for allowing a guest to stay longer than the allotted time, and it occurred “within 36 hours” of her residency. So much for “harassment”. Lisa's violent and destructive behaviour since April 2007, as well as petitions for stalking orders and restraining orders against her, and on file with the court, show Lisa less a victim of domestic violence than a perpetrator.

• Reach created a hostile homoiphobic environment and blamed Lee for a residents overdose.

It's difficult to see how, or why, REACH would create a “hostile homoiphobic[sic] environment”, when a number of REACH personnel are themselves gay. In her previous versions, Lisa failed to mention that REACH blamed her for the incident, despite Lisa having provided the tenant with drugs, possibly because the lie hadn't yet occurred to her.

• Jamie Barton would not write up individuals who attacked Lee nor would follow up on any reports of my complaints.

Tenants have been written up for deprecatory comments about Lisa, including one tenant who called her "a prick boi twice”, another tenant who called Lisa a “dildo”, and yet another tenant who said that Lisa's “head is so far up her ass that she can chew her food twice.” If other individuals have not been written up in response to “reports of my complaints”, it's possibly because it's usually Lisa who is on the attack, rather than any tenant -- also because the majority of Lisa's complaints are as bogus as her alleged MA in Education.

• Security was hired at the Rose after 5 months of tenant’s harassment of Lee and when tenants and management failed to evict Lee, they said they were scared.

Security guards were hired at The Rose, for the first time in the building's long history, solely on the basis of Lisa Iacuzzi's violent, destructive, and abusive antics.

As of Thursday, 15th November, Lisa Iacuzzi is in jail, in 24-hour lockdown for her violent behaviour.

• Reach ignored all written complaints of fear of safety of Lee Iacuzzi who has written documentation from other residents who have witnessed their threats on Lee’s life.

That alleged “written documentation” is on a par with Lisa's complaint that a tenant (in Lisa's later version, two tenants) “peeped” into Lisa's second-floor window, in front of which is a large piece of furniture and a dead tree branch, and watched Lisa masturbate – without puking at the sight.

Emotional Abuse • When my companion animal was put down for bone cancer, Reach CDC gave Lee a cause of eviction notice two weeks later for bogus charges. The grieving loss process was interupted by cruelty!

While the death of one's pet is certainly cause for grief, it is not generally held to be sufficient cause for voiding evictions based on non-payment of rent, destruction of building property, racist hate speech, and vicious harassment of neighbours and other residents.

As ye sow, so shall ye reap. From the generally desperate tone of Lisa's latest whinge, it may be that she has begun to reap what she has sown, and the fruit is nowhere as sweet as she had deceived herself into believing. Karma, neh?

I do not apologize for anything! Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi Not a good Queer MA @ PSU

Herr Schicklgruber didn't apologize for anything, either.



COMMENTARY To Lisa Iacuzzi's “Gender Discrimination Charges Go South for Reach CDC”

On Saturday, 29th September 2007, Rose resident Lisa Iacuzzi posted the above-entitled rant on her “Not A Good Queer” blogsite. Following is a copy of that rant, with comments and corrections to her customary English usage errata interspersed.


Gender Discrimination Charges Go South for Reach CDC
[Photo of Jamie Barton, published without her permission, excised]

Photo caption:
Picture above states, stop Jamie Barton from harassment and gender discrimination at the Rose.

Reach community development is likely to be caught in what people may call an untruth. They told Chief Investigator of the Bureau of Labor and Industry(BOLI), Kerry Johnson a detail that can be found in the paper trail.

The players are Reach’s Rachel Huber and Jamie Barton. Reach has claimed the reason why my waiting list number changed was due to eight people being rejected through the housing appeals process within a two week period. This paper trail can be traced by Portland's Housing Authority(HAP) who would have appeals records. These eight appeals pending cases all happened within a two week period. Phone records would show, the YWCA making several calls to Jamie Barton and Rachel Huber on my behalf.

What the foregoing garble means is anyone's guess. For the record, Kerry Johnson is a Senior Civil Rights Investigator of the Civil Rights Division of the Bureau of Labor & Industries. Apparently, when faced with eviction for her repeated violations of her lease provisions, Lisa Iacuzzi lodged some sort of complaint with BOLI, based either on her fantasy that, contrary to physiological evidence, she is a) a male; or b) a transgendered female who is now a male; or that the presence of security cameras in the security building where she is now housed violates one or another of her self-described “civil rights”.

At one point, Jamie Barton's

sp – incorrect usage of possessive.

said that she no longer worked for Reach.

This, clearly, is another fantasy.

The trace and investigation is on by HAPS

[sic] There is no S on the acronym for the Housing Authority of Portland

director Jill Peterson. A question comes to mind regarding the penalties for lying to a BOLI investigator.

The question of prevarication does indeed come to mind relative to those produced by Lisa Iacuzzi.

Some background information:
Charges were flied against Reach CDC in July 2007 for gender discrimination.

Said charge was “flied” by Lisa Iacuzzi, possibly, as noted above, as referencing her desire to be known as a male/transgendered female, rather than the female she is. Said charge may have been “flied” in reaction to citations for the first of her many lease violations, which began the day she moved in, when by her own admission she entertained a male guest past visiting hours, thereby violating provisions 15.(b)1.3 and 15.(b)3.3.

Reach is a nonprofit with over 988 units.

988 units of what? Sausages? According to whom?

They oversea


a building called the Rose apartments who

[sic] WHICH

is managed by Rachel Huber and Jamie Barton.

REACH Community Development, Inc. CDC owns The Rose Apartments; it does not “oversea” it. Rachel Huber is Property Management Supervisor for REACH. Jamie Barton is Building Manager for The Rose (and a good one).

The people who live at the Rose are referred by Bradley Angle House and Genes’ Place.

sp – JEAN's Place. Rose tenants come from other places besides Bradley-Angle and JEAN'S Place.

Gene’s Place

sp - JEAN'S Place

is a homeless shelter for people who suffered domestic violence and people who are homeless.

Redundancy, as a homeless shelter is, usually, for homeless people. Jean's Place is neither a homeless nor a DV shelter; it is transitional housing for women, some of whom have matriculated through DV shelters such as Bradley-Angle House, which maintains offices at The Rose, or through other programs, such as Northwest Pilot Project.

Bradley Angle’s services reach out to strictly to people who have experienced domestic violence.

Ergo, Bradley-Angle, through which Lisa Iacuzzi claims to have matriculated, is the DV shelter which Jean's Place is not.

So in the building, there is a combination of people suffering from domestic violence and homeless with both groups fighting poverty. The building is supposed to be drug and alcohol free but most residents use hard drugs.

This last is a blatant falsehood. The majority of residents do not use, and many have never used, hard drugs. Obviously Lisa Iacuzzi, who by her own admission was drunk on vodka with her underage female companion “Nicole” within weeks of her arrival, is not among their number.

A fellow resident almost died in my room from a Clonzapen overdose

In the long, semi-literate rant entitled FRAUD AT THE ROSE, which she composed shortly after that event, Lisa Iacuzzi stated that said resident overdosed on Clonzpen after she had “just finished committing suicide over another woman.” How one commits suicide, then revives to almost die from an overdose, must remain a medical mystery.

She asked to stay in my room alone so she could hide from another women

sp - WOMAN

in the building who was making overt gestures to be her new girlfriend. So being a good queer, NAGQ

NAGQ – i.e., Not A Good Queer = Lisa Iacuzzi.

let her stay in my room alone while I was in the building cooking dinner. When NAGQ came back into my room, she was foaming from the mouth and unconscious. NAGQ made the mistake of getting the paramedic in the building who also was her stalker.

There has never been a “paramedic in the building” at The Rose, and the resident so described had not worked as paramedic for many years, at the time the other resident almost died from the Clonzapen following her suicide.

Her life was saved but the drama over the incident was not appreciated by Not a Good Queer. The stalker would not leave my room and demaded


to go into the ambulance of this barely conscious women. NAGQ said no to her ambulance drive request and told her to take the bus like NAGQ was going to do to the hospital. The stalker called me a prick boi twice during this interaction then went to management the next morning who signed a get well card. This stalker told Jamie Barton about her overdose and it's details. She was irrate

sp - IRATE (or, perhaps, IRRITATED)

at me for not allowing her to go into the ambulance

Why a former paramedic would believe Lisa Iacuzzi controlled the occupancy of “the ambulance of this barely conscious woman” is another unexplained mystery.

so she needed vegence


which she recieved


with the help of Jamie Barton.

How, exactly, The Rose's building manager helped the “paramedic in the building” get “VEGENCE” is never clearly explained.

Eventhough the prick boi

sp – BOY

comment was reported, the stalker was never written up for verbal harassment.

In fact, said tenant was “written up” by management for name-calling.

Of course, the overdose was accidental like her first overdose. Of course this tenant has never been written up for a single episode even though the paramedics and fire department had to reinstate her life with a dose of NARCAN.

This must count for the second time said tenant had her life “reinstated” -- after she finished committing suicide.

But, this was not an overdose?

Is it material to the within issues?

She claims it was a seizure but NAGQ went to the hospital and was told by the tenants nurse that she had every barbiturate known to man in her system.

It is highly unlikely that a nurse would violate patient confidentiality by volunteering information of this nature to one who simply showed up at the hospital and inquired.

NAGQ reported her drug use to try to help save this womens

sp - WOMAN'S

life who is still currently using narcotics illegally.

There is no evidence for this beyond Lisa Iacuzzi's clearly dubious word.

No, NAGQ cannot make someone stop hurting themselves, but NAGQ does not have to watch or get blamed for the unwanted "show".

NAGQ, as evidenced by her antics, would far rather hurt others herself. As it is, Lisa Iacuzzi has an unlovely habit of engineering situations in which she can then star as the victim, or, as she puts it, an “escape goat”.

When NAGQ came back from the overdose hospital run trying to save and protect this “innocent” women’s life

sp - WOMAN'S. “Trying to save and protect” a life is a rather grandiose exaggeration for taking a bus to Good Sam and talking to a nurse.

only to find rumors around the building that NAGQ would be cited for drinking alcohol in the kitchen on a previous Monday.

Should Lisa Iacuzzi have NOT been cited for drinking vodka in the communal kitchen --or administering it to a minor? And this violation after having the said minor “Nicole” as an overnight guest several times, in addition to entertaining an older male guest past visiting hours, in violation of the terms of the lease agreement. Be that as it may, the one has nothing to do with the other, except in Lisa Iacuzzi's obviously confused and turgid imagination.

The alcohol was the overdosing tenant’s vodka that was used to make ice teas.

Apart from there being no evidence for this other than Lisa Iacuzzi's claim, it is not germane to the fact that Iacuzzi was drinking alcohol on the premises in violation of lease agreement provision 15.1.5, and administering alcohol to a minor in violation of Oregon law.

We were both in the kitchen making dinner with the overdosing tenant walking around the building noticeably in a drunkard state.


Said resident's alleged state was not mentioned in the earlier Iacuzzi semi-literate rambling rant entitled FRAUD AT THE ROSE. Nor is it clarified whether said resident was ambulatory in this state before or after she “finished committing suicide.”

The bottle of vodka was finished on that Monday.

Whether the vodka was finished “that Monday”, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, or any other day of the week, is irrelevant to the fact that drinking on the premises is a violation of the provisions of the lease agreement, and administering alcohol to a minor is a violation of Oregon law.


sp - THERE

was no noise in the kitchen but only NAGQ was written up for alcohol in the building.

Possibly because Lisa Iacuzzi and her underage companion “Nicole” were consuming alcohol in the kitchen - but quietly!

The bottle of alcohol was finished on Monday night

Irrelevant, as noted above. Under previous, less forgiving building managers, consuming alcohol on the premises would have resulted in immediate eviction. (And here one must register a heavy sigh for all good things past.) It may also have resulted in criminal charges for giving alcohol to a minor. (Another sigh.)

but the haters in the building had to blame it on the boi for this women's

sp - WOMAN'S

overdose. The most easy and convenient escape goat,


who did not pack with any tenant gang, and who wrote a document to protest the write-up called Fraud at the Rose.

“Document” is a glorification of the rambling, semi-coherent, semi-literate four-page self-exculpatory garble which Iacuzzi hacked out, following the aforesaid drinking episode, then shoved under residents' doors at approximately 1.00 o’clock a.m., placed on toilet tanks.

Yes, there is a gang in the building here at the Rose. The gang is predominately African American women

How lovely to see Iacuzzi using “African-American”, rather than the usual prejudicial and derogatory epithet she has previously directed toward African American ladies living at The Rose.

who are also bible thumpers and who believe that they are the one’s entitled to make judgments about other peoples lives.
One would think that these women would be perfect in their standing in the building and how they carry themselves. They are the first ones that call foul and yet they have been attacking others in the building and calling them racist for simply being white and having a black boyfriend.

Lisa Iacuzzi is, apparently, the only resident who has observed that African American ladies at The Rose “have been attacking others” and “calling them racist” for “having a black boyfriend” -- or for any other reason.

Their ridiculous behavior is non-stop.

Ridiculous behavior is an Iacuzzi forte, albeit a gross understatement when describing her unremitting antics, which comprise the chief reason REACH now employs a security guard at The Rose – to the relief of most residents, particularly those whom Lisa Iacuzzi have made the targets of harassment.

NAGQ has been called all kinds of slang that include dildo, prick, butch, and boi are thrown around when the gets angry at NAGQ.

Who, exactly, are the “the” who “gets angry at NAQG”? Are they, perhaps, the African American ladies to whom Lisa Iacuzzi has directed offensive hate speech, or are the “who” the many residents who are tired of the non-stop Iacuzzi antics?

Or if NAGQ simply takes any space in the building like using the computer room or singing down the hallway.

Or singing and whistling and throwing little temper tantrums when people are trying to work in the computer room.

It is not only African American ladies at The Rose who have taken exception to Lisa Iacuzzi's failure to abide by the rules, such as not signing in when using the computer room, taking up more than her allotted hour, chatting on her cell phone, singing and talking to herself, visiting porno sites, infecting the computers with a virus through improper usage thereof, and directing hostile and obscene language at other tenants.

A few of the other tenants get called racist who just stand up for themselves

Have they been so called? This is news.

but most of the building live in fear of these people who believe that they are allowed to “run the show”.

In fact, most residents of are currently living in a state of agitation over Lisa Iacuzzi's antics, such as rampaging up and down the hallways screaming imprecations at other residents, using racist hate language, inflicting her semi-coherent pseudo-political views on others, prowling the corridors at all hours of the night, eavesdropping at doors, and entering tenants' rooms without their permission while the tenants are temporarily absent.

This complied with a Jamie Barton confidant who has her direct phone line to Jamies' home and calls Jamie when she deems inappropriate behavior is going on. This women has schizophrenia and NAGQ sees her early in the morning’s maybe to refill her methadone dose? Who knows what happened to her teeth.

The tenant in question, who clearly recognized herself in the unflattering description above, is neither schizophrenic, nor on methodone, nor does she have Jamie Barton's home number.

This gang is ruthless and gets benefits of free cable television that the management at the Rose allows.

No imaginary “bible thumping African American gang” at The Rose “gets benefits of free cable television.” No one else at The Rose “gets benefits of free cable television” either. If this were not another fantasy, it would be an insufficient excuse for Lisa Iacuzzi's breaking into the restricted area of the basement and attempting to disconnect the cable TV box of one (African American) resident.

So for many of these residents, do not have to leave the building because their whole life is a learned helpless class taught by Lee Greer from Portland Impact.

If Lee Greer has taught any “learned helpless class”, it's another well-kept secret known only to Lisa Iacuzzi.

Who provides them with basic needs, birthday parties and gifts, large garden,

Missed the July birthday/bbq at which she would have received a birthday gift, did she?

first takes on donated food, etc. Within all this abundant food that Lee is bringing in, creates fraud with some of the gang members food stamp benefits. Lee Greer helps get them free food so that they can sell their welfare cards for cash is the main vehicle into getting ones’ drug money. This is how they get their drug money.

This racist canard says nothing about “bible thumping African American gang” members who don't get “drug money” via Lee Greer, or anyone else, or don't possess “welfare cards”, or, for that matter, don't do drugs.

Some of the gang members get their drugs brought into the drug-free building versus buying it on the outside of the building and keeping the hard drug element from people who are trying to maintain ones’ sobriety.

sp - ONE'S

Another predictable racist slur on African Americans from one, who, considering her previous alcoholic antics, as well as the smell of pot emanating from her room, as noted by her near neighbours, is clearly NOT among those residents trying“to maintain ones' [sic] sobriety.”

Yes, there are a minority of residents who are trying to heal and fight for their lives back. They are working 12 step programs and are actively looking for work. These people are trying to better themselves and have goals that do not include public housing in their future.

This minority does not appear to include the one who seems to be actively looking for new ways to menace and harass Rose residents.

It’s a combination of people that are not healing in a building that is advertised as a domestic violence shelter according to Reach’s own description of the Rose.

REACH neither describes The Rose, nor operates it, as a domestic violence shelter.

Portland impact Leer Greer

Leer Greer?

handles client services but her job description, according to Lee Greer does not dealing with behavior. How Special! (Chuckle)

How incomprehensible and semi-literate – and typical of the source! (Chuckle)

Lee Greer was caught having a “special food and beverage drinks" only to a particular group of residents. All of these women happen to “hate” NAGQ but this program was not advertised like all the programs are advertised in the building.

More incomprehensible twaddle from the resident exemplar of incomprehensible twaddle.

How special that Lee Greer does not deal with behavior but will coach people on how to document behavior. NAGQ is sure that she will justify this position.

Dealing with abnormal behavior such as that demonstrated by Lisa Iacuzzi is not part of a Portland Impact Community Coordinator's job.

How about, stay out of the investigation. How about ending your secret meetings behind close doors with residents who are involved in the discrimination case.

How cheering to note that “Leer” has clearly touched a nerve.

How about letting me in the clothes closet to get some clothes like the other residents!

How about asking? Even though unjustly smeared by the usual Iacuzzi prevarications, Lee Greer has a big enough heart to oblige. Better yet, how about behaving like a forty-four-year-old semi-sentient entity, instead of a four-year-old in a state of perpetual tantrum?

A beautiful feminist momentThe reason the building is not a healing environment is that the management uses people in the building to do help them due their positions.

“To DO help them DUE their positions” is untranslatable.

This includes bringing up groceries and errands around the building.

This may refer to residents voluntarily helping either the Gleaners' bring in their donated produce, or “Leer” Greer with the free bread the latter brings from Franz.

This includes dividing people so management can weed out people that they do not like.

Clearly, Lisa Iacuzzi slipped through the cracks in this weeding-out process. Alas.

They hate NAGQ because before my arrival NAGQ asked for their mission statement and complained about Jamie Barton’s inappropriate behavior of constantly telling NAGQ : my wait list number was lucky 13.

Now, finally, at long last, a clue may surface as to the reason for Lisa Iacuzzi's latest semi-literate whinge. Maybe.

During my arrival, NAGQ received the mission statement, which did not include gender.

REACH owns other buildings in the Portland area, which provide affordable housing for males as well as females. The REACH mission statement reads: “Our Mission is to develop and maintain a permanent resource of affordable housing, promote healthy neighborhoods, and provide opportunities for low-income people through partnerships and community involvement.” The Rose is for women-only – as all residents know before they move in.

Jamie Barton’s response to the gender policy when questioned, was, “men are not accepted in the building”.

Don't like it? Move.

It was a beautiful feminist moment... Which resulted in a wooden bed susceptible to bed bugs and a carpet full of 20 or more cigarette burns?

Beggars can't be choosers. Clean your room instead of harassing residents.

After my two hour introduction to the Building where they told me that their gender policy meant that their was


no men in the building. Then NAGQ gets written up in my first 36 hours in the building when my friend dropped off an air mattress and left at 10:30. Folks, it was an air mattress in a box. No harm was done and no noise was made.

Folks, it was a violation of lease provision 15.(b)1.3.

Countless times others in the building have been inappropriate and NAGQ has received an eviction almost every month.

None seem to have been effective, yet – alas.

One eviction included nonpayment of rent in which NAGQ paid the rent three days before they even filed the eviction.

So, add nonpayment of rent to the list of Lisa Iacuzzi's other lease violations, including, but not limited to: consuming alcohol and illegal drugs on the premises; allowing an underage female guest and an older male guest to stay overnight; deliberately, wilfully, and maliciously disturbing other tenants with excessive noise; repeated harassment of other tenants; using racist hate speech; destroying residents' personal property and disconnecting a resident's cable; and entering a resident's apartment without permission.

Of course they had to dismiss it

It was dismissed, as many are, due to procedural error.

but if I did not show up then NAGQ would have been evicted.


It goes on and on with all kinds of follies that Jamie Barton keeps performing over and over again.

Such as NOT evicting NAGQ?

NAGQ has had written on my door that NAGQ is not literate. This is somewhat true,

Based upon the “Gender Discrimination Charges” and the so-called “document” FRAUD AT THE ROSE, it is quite true.

but you can kill the messenger but you cannot kill my message.
This would indeed prove difficult, since what that “message” might be is almost as mysterious as how one can overdose after one has “finished committing suicide.”
Jamie Barton reminds me of the keystone cops: people who end up creatinga mess that should never have happened.

Lisa Iacuzzi is apparently as ignorant of Keystone Kops classics as she is in a number of other areas.

Her position requires boundaries and professionalism where Jamie Barton has already been cited for an inappropriate relationship with a lesbian in the building.

This is a blatant lie, pure and gratuitous insult, not even meant to deceive.

Kerry Johnson (BOLI)is being told half-truths regarding many of the claims of NAGQ from Reach.

Most of “NAGQ”'s claims are, in fact, half truths, excepting those which are bogus.

On November 27, NAGQ, taking two witnesses. went to see Jamie Barton about my waiting list number. Jamie slammed the door in my shoe

What, no civil rights claim was lodged over such a dastardly deed?

as NAGQ tried to keep it open to finish the conversation. She said that NAGQ was number 13; yeah we all know what number 13 means.

Actually, most don't.

NAGQ went to the YMCA to get documentation.

Why the Y_M_CA? Is the Y_W_CA another part of the Worldwide Conspiracy Against Lisa Iacuzzi®?

The evening shift person who also works with Bradley Angle House relief called Rachel Huber and she said that NAGQ was number 5 on the list.

How did the “evening shift person” reach Rachel Huber, presumably in the evening?

This number is significantly higher that

sp – THAN

the number 13 that NAGQ was quoted on the same day. Here comes the lie,

At last!

Rachel Huber tells Kerry Johnson that eight people were on an appeals list and in a two week period of time, all people were reviewed and seen as unqualified by the Housing Authority. Are you kidding me! NAGQ bought the Brooklyn Bridge too.

This may be probable, but Lisa Iacuzzi is more likely to be caught trying to sell it.

The Housing Authority does this screening which is done by the state and requires a criminal background check.

The Housing Authority of Portland performs the screening, the State of Oregon does not.

The housing authority would not have eight names that they checked out and failed during this short time period.

It is entirely likely that in the two-week period stated above the Housing Authority would indeed have performed checks on and found those eight lacking the requirements for free housing such as Lisa Iacuzzi now enjoys. In fact, it would be altogether surprising if the Housing Authority had performed only eight checks in that two-week period.

NAGQ believes that Reach has been caught in another lie.

As many have been made aware, NAGQ appears to believe a lot of things, and would dearly love for others to believe them, too.

Do you want to know something better?

Bigfoot was sighted at The Rose?

NAGQ went over Sherry Sacheo, the Rose’s too friendly contact for resident services for HAP. NAGQ went to the top shelf of HAP and found two ethical people who are not afraid to find the truth.

What is – or, rather, who are – the “top shelf of HAP”?

What is the penalty for lying to a BOLI investigator? NAGQ hopes the punishment is a felony………

Governmental bodies such as the Bureau of Labor & Industries are all too aware of the numerous claims on file originating from certifiable loons. As we see here.

I will not apologize for anything!

Neither did Herr Schicklegruber.

Lisa/Lee IacuzziNot A Good QueerMA @ PSU

Lisa Iacuzzi's claim that she managed, somehow, to earn an MA – in anything – would be more believable to college-educated residents and those who actually hold university degrees, if her friend Paul Hamilton had made his usual corrections and revisions to her semi-literate twaddle before she posted it to her blog. As it is, she leaves the reader's imagination rather strained in speculating how she ever managed to fulfill the degree's requirement of demonstrable proficiency in a foreign language, let alone English.

Posted by Not a Good Queer

An apter sig would have been “Not Really a Nice Human Being”. Add to it:

“Nobody loves me, everybody hates me
Guess I'll eat some wer-er-erms.
Big fat juicy ones, small little cute ones,
Boy, do they taste good!”
